新东方 背单词,记住这200个词根词缀就够了
学术英语论文写作与发表 版权信息
- ISBN:9787302615804
- 条形码:9787302615804 ; 978-7-302-61580-4
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
学术英语论文写作与发表 本书特色
本教材旨在提升研究生的学术写作能力,通过教授文本写作理论与练习培养学生的写作技能,细致呈现学术英语 论文写作的体裁特征、语言特点和语篇建构技巧,体现学术共性与学科差异,支撑学校主流学科人才培养,切实贴近研究生的实际英语学术写作需求。
学术英语论文写作与发表 内容简介
本教材共12个单元,系统涵盖了学术英语论文的主要组成部分,即学术英语论文各个部分的功能、基本逻辑发展、语言修辞特征和语言使用模板。此外,本教材还介绍了国际会议往来书信的写作与海报的制作以及论文发表的相关问题。同时,本教材还聚焦学生写作中常见的错误以及错误产生的原因。各单元的具体内容为:学术英语论文写作中的引言;文献综述;研究方法;研究结果;结果讨论;研究结论;摘要与标题;参考文献;学生写作常见错误分析;中式英语与标准英语对比;国际会议海报及数据展示;论文发表。教材配备PPT课件和练习答案,读者可登录ftp://ftp.tup.tsinghua.edu.cn下载使用。 本教材适用于非英语专业的硕士和博士研究生、本科高年级学生以及科技和人文学科的学者和教师。
学术英语论文写作与发表 目录
Unit 1 Introduction. 1
1.1 Overview2
1.1.1 Purpose of the Introduction Section2
1.1.2 Information Elements of the Introduction Section2
1.1.3 Main Focus of Writing the Introduction Section.2
1.2 Sample Analysis4
1.3 Linguistic Features of the Introduction Section.8
1.3.1 Lexical Features8
1.3.2 Syntactical Features10
1.4 Useful Expressions for the Introduction Section13
1.5 Reflections and Practice15
Unit 2 Literature Review 27
2.1 Overview28
2.1.1 Purposes of the Literature Review Section28
2.1.2 Information Elements of the Literature Review Section28
2.1.3 Principles of Writing the Literature Review Section30
2.1.4 Citation Methods in the Literature Review30
2.1.5 Organizational Patterns of the Literature Review Section.32
2.1.6 Common Problems of Writing the Literature Review Section34
2.2 Sample Analysis.34
2.3 Linguistic Features of the Literature Review Section37
2.3.1 Lexical Features37
2.3.2 Syntactical Features39
2.4 Plagiarism and Paraphrase41
2.4.1 Plagiarism41
2.4.2 Paraphrase43
2.5 Useful Expressions for the Literature Review Section43
2.6 Reflections and Practice45
Unit 3 Methods. 55
3.1 Overview 56
3.1.1 Purpose of the Methods Section56
3.1.2 Information Elements of the Methods Section56
3.1.3 Principles of Writing the Methods Section58
3.2 Sample Analysis58
3.3 Linguistic Features of the Methods Section62
3.3.1 Lexical Features.62
3.3.2 Syntactical Features.63
3.4 Useful Expressions for the Methods Section.68
3.5 Reflections and Practice.70
Unit 4 Results. 77
4.1 Overview78
4.1.1 Purpose of the Results Section78
4.1.2 Information Elements of the Results Section78
4.1.3 Sequential Structure of the Results Section.79
4.1.4 Principles of Results Presentation80
4.1.5 Common Mistakes in Writing a Results Section81
4.1.6 Criteria for Judging a Results Section81
4.2 Sample Analysis82
4.3 Linguistic Features of the Results Section94
4.3.1 Lexical Features.94
4.3.2 Syntactical Features.95
4.4 Useful Expressions for the Results Section97
4.5 Reflections and Practice98
Unit 5 Discussion 107
5.1 Overview.108
5.1.1 Purpose of the Discussion Section.108
5.1.2 Information Elements of the Discussion Section108
5.1.3 Principles of Writing the Discussion Section110
5.1.4 Organizational Pattern of the Discussion Section 111
5.2 Sample Analysis111
5.3 Linguistic Features of the Discussion Section.118
5.3.1 Lexical Features118
5.3.2 Syntactical Features121
5.4 Useful Expressions for the Discussion Section122
5.5 Reflections and Practice124
Unit 6 Conclusion. 133
6.1 Overview134
6.1.1 Purpose of the Conclusion Section134
6.1.2 Information Elements of the Conclusion Section.134
6.1.3 Principles of Writing the Conclusion Section.136
6.1.4 Common Problems of Writing a Conclusion Section136
6.2 Sample Analysis137
6.3 Linguistic Features of the Conclusion Section141
6.3.1 Lexical Features141
6.3.2 Syntactical Features144
6.4 Useful Expressions for the Conclusion Section.147
6.5 Reflections and Practice.150
Unit 7 Title and Abstract 157
7.1 Overview158
7.1.1 Purposes of the Title158
7.1.2 Principles of Writing a Title158
7.1.3 Types of Titles159
7.1.4 Capitalization of the Title.160
7.1.5 Purposes of the Abstract.161
7.1.6 Information Elements of the Abstract161
7.1.7 Types of Abstracts.162
7.1.8 Common Problems of Writing the Abstract.163
7.2 Sample Analysis164
7.2.1 Title Analysis.164
7.2.2 Different Types of Abstracts165
7.2.3 Textual Analysis of the Abstract168
7.3 Linguistic Features of the Title and the Abstract171
7.3.1 Lexical Features171
7.3.2 Syntactical Features.174
7.4 Useful Expressions for the Abstract177
7.5 Reflections and Practice.179
Unit 8 Referencing 187
8.1 Overview 188
8.1.1 Purpose of Referencing 188
8.1.2 Information Elements of Referencing 188
8.1.3 Referencing Styles190
8.2 Sample Analysis202
8.3 Reflections and Practice205
Unit 9 Common Mistakes in Students’ Writings 211
9.1 Common Mistakes 212
9.1.1 Lexical Level.212
9.1.2 Syntactical Level214
9.1.3 Textual Level.217
9.1.4 Academic Conventions 224
9.2 Reflections and Practice226
Unit 10 Chinglish vs. English. 231
10.1 Overview232
10.1.1 Interlingual Errors of Chinglish.232
10.1.2 Positive and Negative Transfer Between Two Languages232
10.2 Sample Analysis of Representational Chinglish Structures.233
10.2.1 Interferences of Chinese Culture233
10.2.2 Interferences of Chinese Thinking Pattern234
10.2.3 Inappropriate Expressions238
10.2.4 Confusion Between Coordination and Subordination.239
10.3 Some Salient Differences Between English and Chinese.240
10.3.1 Reversed Word Order.241
10.3.2 Postpositive Attributive in English241
10.3.3 Static English and Dynamic Chinese242
10.3.4 Multifunction of English Attributive Clauses242
10.3.5 Compact English and Relatively Loose Chinese243
10.3.6 Chinese Four-Character Sentences and English Words and Phrases244
10.3.7 English Passive Sentences and Chinese Sentences with No Subjects244
10.3.8 Inanimate Subjects in English and Chinese Sentences245
10.4 Reflections and Practice246
Unit 11 Posters for International Conferences and Data Presentation 251
11.1 Overview.252
11.2 Pre-Conference Correspondence 252
11.3 Making a Research Poster.255
11.3.1 What Is a Research Poster?.255
11.3.2 Instructions on Making a Poster for an International Conference256
11.3.3 Design Suggestions for Scientific Posters258
11.4 Information Elements of Posters.259
11.5 Poster Samples259
11.6 Linguistic Features of Posters.262
11.7 Data Presentation265
11.8 Reflections and Practice268
Unit 12 Manuscript Publication 271
12.1 Overview272
12.1.1 Aims and Scope of the Target Journal272
12.1.2 Guide for Authors273
12.1.3 Cover Letter 275
12.2 Response to Editors and Reviewers .276
12.2.1 Peer-Review Process276
12.2.2 Three Golden Rules of Responding to Reviewers’ Comments277
12.3 Reflections and Practice280
References. 285
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