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美术英语(第三版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302618065
  • 条形码:9787302618065 ; 978-7-302-61806-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>>

美术英语(第三版) 本书特色


美术英语(第三版) 内容简介

本教材主要选取有关美术及艺术设计的经典英文文章。全书共有18 个单元,涉及一些有名艺术家介绍,重要设计理念、艺术风格和元素,设计与其他学科的关系以及艺术设计目前的重大事件。每单元以中文导读开篇,并配有清华大学美术学院的学生创作的插图作品或 一些与课文内容相关的图片。各单元的两篇课文后均附有生词和练习,Part A 课文后面还讲解了相关的语法问题。本书配套的教学资源(电子课件、相关图片、音频和视频等),可通过以下方式索要:shenym@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn ;010-62781189。 本书适用于美术及艺术专业的学生,同时也适用于美术及艺术设计爱好者。

美术英语(第三版) 目录

Unit 1 Vincent van Gogh 文森特?凡?高 1

Part A The Southern Sun of Arles2

Part B Van Gogh & The Starry Night 8

Unit 2 Pictorial Elements 画面元素 12

Part A Line, Shape, and Color13

Part B Value, Texture, and Space19

Unit 3 Chinese Landscape Painting 中国山水画23

Part A Chinese Landscape Painting24

Part B Chinese Painting30

Unit 4 Graphic Design 平面设计 34

Part A What Is Graphic Design?35

Part B Better Graphic Design42

Unit 5 The Influence of Japanese Art 日本艺术的影响46

Part A Japonisme47

Part B Edgar Degas54

Unit 6 Taste and Style 品位与格调59

Part A Good Taste and Style in Design60

Part B On Beauty66

Unit 7 Cézanne 塞尚 70

Part A Biography of Cézanne71

Part B The Post-impressionism of Paul Cézanne78

Unit 8 Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法 82

Part A The Brushwork of Chinese Calligraphy83

Part B The Yin and Yang of Chinese Calligraphy90

Unit 9 Traditional Chinese Painting in Modern China 近代中国的传统中国绘画 94

Part A The Inheritance and Revival of Traditional Chinese Painting 95

Part B Wu Changshuo and His Students102

Unit 10 Design Movements 设计运动 106

Part A The Great Exhibition, Arts and Crafts Movement,and Art Nouvea107

Part B The Bauhaus114

Unit 11 Mary Cassatt 玛丽?卡萨特 119

Part A Nice Girls Don’t Become Artists120

Part B Mary Cassatt126

Unit 12 Greek Art 古希腊艺术 130

Part A Greek Culture in General131

Part B Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture137

Unit 13 Auguste Rodin 奥古斯特?罗丹 141

Part A The Aesthetic of Rodin142

Part B Other Works of Rodin148

Unit 14 Pictorial Principles 画面原理 153

Part A Pictorial Principles154

Part B Specific Design Guidelines160

Unit 15 Drawing 素描 164

Part A Shading165

Part B Perspective and Building Blocks171

Unit 16 Norman Rockwell 诺曼?罗克威尔 175

Part A Norman Rockwell and Four Freedoms176

Part B Other Works of Rockwell182

Unit 17 Design After Modernism 现代主义之后的设计186

Part A Design After Modernism187

Part B Postmodernism194

Unit 18 Poetry and Painting 诗与画 199

Part A Winslow Homer, a Master of Watercolor 200

Part B Wang Wei207

漫话单词 211

Key to Exercises 255

Glossary 289


美术英语(第三版) 作者简介

