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中国广告市场报告(2019英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787313265968
  • 条形码:9787313265968 ; 978-7-313-26596-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国广告市场报告(2019英文版) 内容简介

由中国广告协会副会长、中国广告协会学术委员会副主任陈岩主编的《中国广告市场报告2019》是中国广告市场报告的系列丛书,关注中国广告市场的变化、热点、趋势。 本书分为上、中、下三篇。上篇以广告业运行的宏观环境为切入点,阐述了宏观经济、广告政策法规,并且展示了国内外的广告运行数据。中篇以各类媒体来划分,从各媒体广告的发展环境、广告投放、消费者接触三个维度,分析各媒体广告的发展趋势。下篇重点分析了广告营销技术、消费变化、营销趋势、数字营销等市场趋势。

中国广告市场报告(2019英文版) 目录

1.1The Economic Environment and Consumption00
1.2The Policy Environment 00
1.3The Supervision of the Advertising Market00
1.4Summary of the Work of China Advertising Association in
Chapter 2The Status Quo of Chinas Advertising Industry in 20190
2.1The Main Data on the Development of Chinas Advertising
Industry in 20190
2.2An Overview of Chinas Advertising Development in 20190
Part 2The Advertising Development of Chinas Major Media in 2019
Chapter 3Analysis of TV Advertising Development 0
3.1The Environment of TV Advertising Development 0
3.2The TV Advertising Expenditure 0
3.3The Reach of Television 0
Chapter 4Analysis of Radio Advertising Development 0
4.1The Environment of Radio Advertising Development 0
4.2The Radio Advertising Expenditure 0
4.3The Reach of Radio 0
Chapter 5Analysis of Newspaper Advertising Development 0
5.1The Environment of Newspaper Advertising Development 0
5.2The Newspaper Advertising Expenditure 0
5.3The Reach of Newspapers0
Chapter 6Analysis of Magazine Advertising Development 0
6.1The Environment of Magazine Advertising Development 0
6.2The Magazine Advertising Expenditure 0
6.3The Reach of Magazines 0
Chapter 7Analysis of Traditional Outdoor Advertising Development 0
7.1The Environment of Traditional Outdoor Advertising
7.2The Traditional Outdoor Advertising Expenditure 0
7.3The Reach of Traditional Outdoor Media 0
Chapter 8Analysis of Digital Outdoor Advertising Development 0
8.1The Environment of Digital Outdoor Advertising
Development 0
8.2The Digital Outdoor Advertising Expenditure 0
8.3The Reach of Digital Outdoor Media
Chapter 9Analysis of Cinema Video Advertising Development
9.1The Environment of Cinema Video Advertising Development

9.2The Cinema Video Advertising Expenditure
9.3The Reach of Cinema Video
Chapter 10Analysis of Internet Advertising Development
10.1The Environment of Internet Advertising Development
10.2The Internet Advertising Expenditure
10.3Analysis of Internet Advertising Traffic
10.4The Reach of Internet
Chapter 11Analysis of OTT Advertising Development
11.1The Environment of OTT Advertising Development
11.2The OTT Advertising Expenditure
11.3The Reach of OTT
Part 3The Trend of China Advertising Market
Chapter 12The Trend of Consumption
12.1The Changes of Consumers
12.2The Trend of Consumer Market
Chapter 13The Trend of Marketing
13.1Technology Trends in Advertising and Marketing
13.2The Trend of Brand Communication
13.3The Digital Marketing in Full Swing
13.4The Upgrade of Offline Media Industry


中国广告市场报告(2019英文版) 作者简介

陈岩 中国广告协会副会长兼学术委员会副主任。分众传媒首席战略官、专业合伙人、分众战略研究院院长。品牌战略、市场营销及媒介传播策略资深专家,20多年专注干品牌发展、消费者洞察、媒介洞察、市场洞察的研究。作为最早的国际4A高管,曾服务过宝洁、诺基亚、麦当劳、光明等国际和国内一线品牌,为品牌在中国市场的发展提供品牌建设和市场营销的整体传播思路。曾兼任分众传媒首席信息官,运用物联网及大数据技术,成功开创了以电梯媒体为代表的线下媒体数字化转型的成功模式,为客户提供归因分析、品效协同的全链路营销策略。
