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开本: 26cm 页数: 261页
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国际服务贸易 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030347459
  • 条形码:9787030347459 ; 978-7-03-034745-9
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国际服务贸易 内容简介


国际服务贸易 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Service Economy(服务经济导论)
1.1 Understanding ofservice(对服务的理解)
1.1.1 Definition ofscrvicc(服务的概念)
1.1.2 Characteristics ofservice(服务的特征)
1.1.3 Classifications ofservices(服务的分类)
1.2 Understanding of service industry(对服务业的理解)
1.2.1 Service industry andthe third industry(服务业与第三产业)
1.2.2 Service industryandmanufacturing industry(服务业与制造业)
1.2.3 Classifications of service industry(服务业的分类)
1.3 Understanding of trade in services(对服务贸易的理解)
1.3.1 Definition of trade in services(服务贸易的界定)
1.3.2 Characteristics of tzade in services(服务贸易的特点)
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Chapter 2 Basic Categories of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易的基本范畴)
2.1 Concept and characteristics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的概念及特征)
2.1.1 Concept of international Wade in services(国际服务贸易的概念)
2.1.2 Similar concepts of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的相近概念)
2.1.3 Characteristics of international trdde in services(国际服务贸易的特点)
2.2 Classifications of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的分类)
2.2.1 Statistical classification ofintemalional Irdde in services(国际服务贸易的统计分类)
2.2.2 Logical classification of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的逻辑分类)
2.3 Statistics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易的统计)
2.3.1 Development of statistics of international trade in services(国际服务贸易统计的发展)
2.3.2 Statistical system of international trade in services(国际服务贸易统计体系)
2.3.3 China's statistics of international tradein services(中国国际服务贸易的统计方法)
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Chapter 3 Theory of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易理论)
3.1 Relative theory of service(服务相关理论)
3.1.1 Theory ofservice value(服务价值理论)
3.1.2 Utility value ofservice(服务效用价值理论)
3.2 Relative theory in service industry(服务业相关理论)
3.2.1 Petty-Clark Theorem(配**克拉克定理)
3.2.2 Path theory on service development(服务业发展路径学说)
3.3 Relative theory on trade in services(服务贸易相关理论)
3.3.1 Research on trade in services by traditional Wade theory(传统贸易理论对服务贸易的研究)
3.3.2 Research on trade in services by modem trade theory(现代贸易理论对服务贸易的研究)
3.3.3 From comparative advantages to competitive advantages of trade in services(从服务贸易的比较优势到竞争优势)
3.3.4 Empirical analysis oftrade in services(服务贸易的实证分析)
3.3.5 Analysis of liberalization in services(服务贸易自由化的分析)
3.3.6 Analytical framework of trade in services(服务贸易分析框架)
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Chapter 4 Policy of International Trade in Services(国际服务贸易政策)
4.1 Evolution of trade policy in services(服务贸易政策演变)
4.2 Policy of trade liberalization in services(自由服务贸易政策) 4.2.1 Trade liberalization and economic efficiency(自由贸易与经济效率)
4.2.2 Welfare analysis of liberalization oftrade in services(服务贸易自由化的福利分析)
4.2.3 Policy selection of liberalization oflrade in services(服务贸易自由化的政策选择)
4.3 Policy of protecting trade in services(保护服务贸易政策)
4.3.1 Trade in services barriers and types(服务贸易壁垒及类型)
4.3.2 Measure of trade in services protection level(服务贸易保护程度的衡量)
4.3.3 Comparison and selection of protective policy of trade in services(服务贸易保护政策的比较与选择)
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Chapter 5 Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)and Transnational Corporations ofService Industry(服务业的对外直接投资与跨国公司)
5.1 Overview of FDI and transnational corporations in servi