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医学英语综合教程 版权信息

医学英语综合教程 内容简介

  《医学英语综合教程》共包含10个单元,覆盖了中医基础理论、生物学、生理学、中医诊断学、解剖学、病理学、中药学、药理学、针灸学、免疫学等多个中、西临床医学中非常基础和核心的主题。围绕各个主题,每个单元精选一篇来自当前国际医学期刊的文献阅读材料,并设置了医学英语阅读技巧、医学英语词汇构词法、医学英语翻译以及国际论文写作与发表四个板块,同时对应设计了篇章阅读、构词分析、英汉翻译及学术写作等不同形式的练习。各章节内相应板块之间均存在清晰的关联性和延续性,知识体系完整,旨在培养学生医学英语阅读、医学英语翻译以及医学学术论文写作等英语应用能力。  本教程适用于高校医学专业的本科生、研究生,以及想要提高医学英语能力的医务工作者。

医学英语综合教程 目录

Unit One Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1 Part I Reading Skills Cultiv*ing a Good Reading Habit 2 Part II Text Study A Brief Introdu*ion to Traditional Chinese Medicine 4 Part III Lecal Study 英语构词法(Word For*tion) 13 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 中医药*语翻译方法简介(English Transl*ion of TCM Terms)15 Part V Writing Pra*ice 摘要(Abstra*) 18 Unit Two Biology 23 Part I Reading Skills Predi*ing While Reading 24 Part II Text Study Reconceptualizing Ma*or Depressive Disorder as an Infe*ious Disease 26 Part III Lecal Study 词根(一)( Root I) 34 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 增译法(Amplifi c*ion) 36 Part V Writing Pra*ice 引言 (Introdu*ion) 39 CONTENTS 医学英语综合教程 iv Unit Three Physiology 43 Part I Reading Skills Finding Out the Topic Sentence of a Paragraph 44 Part II Text Study An Overview on Homeostasis 46 Part III Lecal Study 词根(二)( Root II) 56 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 省译法(Omission) 58 Part V Writing Pra*ice 研究方法(Methodology) 60 Unit Four Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine 65 Part I Reading Skills Sum*rizing the Main Idea of a Paragraph 66 Part II Text Study The Signifi cance of Traditional Pulse Diagnosis in the Modern Pra*ice of Chinese Medicine 67 Part III Lecal Study 词缀(Affi x) 76 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 词类转换法(Conve*ion of Parts of Speech) 79 Part V Writing Pra*ice 研究结果(Result) 82 CONTENTS v Unit Five An*omy 85 Part I Reading Skills Detailed Reading 86 Part II Text Study Introdu*ory An*omy: Terminology 87 Part III Lecal Study 后缀(Suffi x) 95 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 词序调整法(Ad*ustment of Word Order) 97 Part V Writing Pra*ice 讨论(Discussion) 99 Unit Six P*hology 103 Part I Reading Skills Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context104 Part II Text Study The Utility of Serial Blood Film Testing for the Diagnosis of Malaria 106 Part III Lecal Study 派生法(Deriv*ion) 114 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 语态转换法(Transl*ion of Passive Voice) 115 Part V Writing Pra*ice 投稿(Submission) 118 医学英语综合教程 vi Unit Seven Chinese Herbology 123 Part I Reading Skills Drawing Inferences 124 Part II Text Study An Introdu*ion to Chinese Herbs 128 Part III Lecal Study 转类法(Conve*ion) 137 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 断句译法(Splitting of a Sentence) 139 Part V Writing Pra*ice 修稿(Revision) 142 Unit Eight Phar*cology 149 Part I Reading Skills Skimming 150 Part II Text Study Effe* of Novobiocin on the Viability of Hu*n Gingival Fibroblasts (HGF-1) 152 Part III Lecal Study 合成法(Compounding) 163 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 合句译法(Sentence Combin*ion) 165 Part V Writing Pra*ice 病例报告(Case Report) 168 CONTENTS vii Unit Nine Acupun*ure 175 Part I Reading Skills Scanning 176 Part II Text Study Acupun*ure—A Critical Analysis 177 Part III Lecal Study 缩略法(Abbrevi*ion) 190 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 补全译法(Complement*ion) 191 Part V Writing Pra*ice 简讯和简报(Newsletter and Brief Notice) 194 Unit Ten Im*nology 197 Part I Reading Skills Organiz*ion of the Text198 Part II Text Study Pe*pe*ive: Principles of Ecological Im*nology 200 Part III Lecal Study 逆成法(Back For*tion) 211 Part IV Transl*ion Techniques 正反译法(Positive and Neg*ive Transl*ion) 212 Part V Writing Pra*ice 国际会议(Intern*ional Conference) 215 医学英语综合教程 viii Key to Exercises 217 Glossary 228