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中学生英语阅读与词汇进阶.3 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302596837
  • 条形码:9787302596837 ; 978-7-302-59683-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中学生英语阅读与词汇进阶.3 本书特色

《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶3》是从圣智学习集团引进的原版英文分级读物,适合国内初高中学生英语学习使用。全书采用百科类主题式阅读的形式,每个单元呈现一个主题,系统地呈现和复现词汇,有针对性地呈现语法结构,提升学生的阅读能力。该书配有练习册,以供学生练习词汇和阅读使用。扫描阅读材料旁的二维码,可以听原汁原味的原版音频,并配有免费的教学课件和教师教学用书。

中学生英语阅读与词汇进阶.3 内容简介

《中学生英语 阅读与词汇进阶3》是原版Readomg & Vocabulary Development Cause & Effect的全新升级版本,仍然采用优质、经典、高效、实用的百科主题式阅读形式,采用z新的阅读材料和严谨的教学法,新增词语搭配练习和更新的词典使用功能练习,扩大学生词汇量,可用手机扫码听原版朗读。该系列共3册,供不同层次的学生选用。每个级别除了主课文和练习外,还包括练习答案、单元测试题及答案和音频等。 该册为第3本,难度适中,可供初高中学生使用。

中学生英语阅读与词汇进阶.3 目录

RVD SB3 FM.indd 3 2022/3/28 13:35:42 Scope and Sequence Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Reading Strategy Speaking Hint 1 Explorers 1. A Deep Dive with Archana Anand 2 Environment and Exploring . Gerunds . Word Forms Scanning for Dates Summarizing Paragraphs Present Perfect Tense 2. Robert Scott: A Race to the South Pole 12 Survival and Polar Conditions . Verb-Noun Collocations . Two-Word Verbs Scanning for Names Summarizing Paragraphs Schwa [ ] 3. Ocean Exploration 22 Physics and Biology . The with Geographical Locations . Prepositions Skimming for Specific Paragraphs Mind Mapping S and Sh 2 Business and Finance 1. Tulip Mania and Bubble Economies 32 Banking and Finance . Describing Changes through Time . Word Forms Skimming to Locate a Section and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Describing Prices 2. Prices Must Go Up! 42 Societies and Trade . Both, Either, and Neither . Verb Forms Scanning for Key Information Sequencing Ph /f/ 3. Fast Fashion 50 Fashion and Business . Most vs. Most of . Prepositions Skimming for Specific Paragraphs Mind Mapping Disagreeing Politely Review Units 1&2 60 Crossword; Discussion: Plane Crash; Review Quiz RVD SB3 FM.indd 4 2022/3/28 13:35:43 Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Reading Strategy Speaking Hint 3 Society 1. World Population Growth 64 People and Resources . Articles . Word Forms Scanning for Numbers and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Stress on Different Word Forms 2. The Golden Age 74 Families and Society . Past Simple vs. Present Perfect . Word Forms Scanning for Names and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Contraction 3. How Does Social Media Affect the Way We Communicate? 84 Social Media and Communication . Infinitives . Word Forms Skimming to Locate a Section and Read for Details Taking Notes in a Chart Expressing Opinions 4 The Environment 1. Disappearing Polar Ice Caps 96 Climates and the Atmosphere . Caused by . Pronouns Scanning for Names of Places and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Keyword: Global 2. Rainforests 104 Forests and Conservation . Word Forms . Articles Skimming for Specific Paragraphs Summarizing Paragraphs Discussing Solutions 3. Save the Bugs! 114 Insects and Environment . For, During, and While . Pronouns Scanning for Names of Places Taking Notes in a Chart Ch /k/ Review Units 3&4 124 Crossword; Discussion: Study Tour; Review Quiz Scope and Sequence V RVD SB3 FM.indd 5 2022/3/28 13:35:43 Scope and Sequence Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Reading Strategy Speaking Hint 5 Human Beings 1. Languages and Language Diversity 128 Languages and Learning . Pronouns . Word Forms Scanning for Names Summarizing Paragraphs Words from Other Languages 2. A Good Sign 136 Sign Language . The Passive Voice . Conjunctive Adverbs Scanning for Numbers and Reading for Details Taking Notes in a Chart Explaining 3. Left- Handedness 146 Learning and the Brain . Connecting Words . Word Forms Scanning for Key Information Mind Mapping Sentence Stress 6 Urban Planning 1. Green Buildings for a Better Future 158 Green Buildings . Relative Clauses . Affect vs. Effect Scanning for Numbers and Reading for Details Taking Notes in a Chart Giving Advice 2. Cities in the Clouds 168 Architecture and Design . Past Continuous Tense . Word Forms Scanning for Dates and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Dropped Sound t 3. Sustainable Cities 178 Urban Planning and Energy Consumption . Different Future Forms . Word Forms Skimming for Specific Paragraphs Mind Mapping Reduced Forms Review Units 5&6 188 Collocations; Word Forms; Abbreviations Unit Lesson Page Vocabulary Area Grammar Activities Reading Skills Reading Strategy Speaking Hint 7 Science 1. Surviving Earthquakes 192 Geology and Disasters . Unreal Conditionals . Sequencing Scanning for Key Information Taking Notes in a Chart Contractions: Would / Had 2. You're One in a Million 202 Technology . Reported and Direct Speech . Compound Words Skimming to Locate a Section and Read for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Predictions and Certainties 3. Photovoltaic Cells: Energy Source of the Future 212 Science and the Environment . Comparing Data . Word Forms Scanning for Key Information Mind Mapping Contractions: Do You 8 Medicine and Health 1. Sleep and Dreams 224 Sleeping and Health . Connecting Words . Word Forms Scanning for Key Information and Reading for Details Summarizing Paragraphs Confessing Personal Information 2. Antibiotic Resistance 234 Diseases and Medicine . Relative Pronouns . Word Forms Scanning for Keywords Mind Mapping The Schwa [ ] in Sentences 3. Is Milk Good for Us? 244 Milk and Health . Present Perfect Continuous . Pronouns Skimming for Specific Paragraphs Summarizing Paragraphs Expressing Change in Habit Review Units 7&8 254 Crossword; Discussion: Tell Us about It; Review Quiz Vocabulary List 256 Irregular Verbs 260

中学生英语阅读与词汇进阶.3 作者简介

