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隧道地质三维探测技术(英文版) 版权信息

隧道地质三维探测技术(英文版) 内容简介


隧道地质三维探测技术(英文版) 目录

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of engineering geophysical exploration
1.1.1 Engineering geophysical exploration concept
1.1.2 Engineering geophysical exploration method and application
1.1.3 Engineering geophysical exploration mission
1.1.4 Main features of engineering geophysical exploration
1.1.5 Development history of engineering geophysical exploration in China
1.2 Analysis of current status of engineering geophysical exploration at home and abroad
1.2.1 Status of domestic engineering geophysical exploration and detection technology
1.2.2 Status of engineering geophysical exploration and detection equipment at home and abroad
1.2.3 Development trend of engineering geophysical exploration and detection at home and abroad
1.3 Prospects for the development of tunnel detection technology under complex geological conditions

2 Complex Geological Conditions and Detection Technology of Tunnel
2.1 Tunnel complex geological conditions
2.2 Tunnel geological diseases
2.3 New detection technology for complex geological conditions
2.3.1 Seismic wave method
2.3.2 Electrical method

3 Three-dimensional Advanced Prediction Technology for Tunnel Geological Structure
3.1 Comment on advanced prediction technology of tunnel geological structure at home and abroad
3.2 Three-dimensional wave field theory of underground surrounding rock
3.2.1 Basic theory of seismic wave
3.2.2 Three-dimensional tunnel geological prediction theory of seismic wave method
3.3 Processing and Imaging of signal of three-dimensional tunnel geological advance prediction
3.3.1 Signal processing of 3D tunnel geological advance prediction
3.3.2 Imaging theory of three-dimensional tunnel advance geological prediction
3.4 Three-dimensional tunnel geological advance prediction system
3.4.1 Signal acquisition system of three-dimensional tunnel geological advance prediction
3.4.2 Imaging software of 3D geological advance prediction technology
3.4.3 Analysis software of 3D tunnel geological advance prediction
3.5 Typical case
3.5.1 Case 1 of the application of the three-dimensional tunnel advance prediction system in the tunnel
3.5.2 Case 2 of application of 3D tunnel advance prediction system in tunnel
3.5.3 Case 3 of application of 3D tunnel advance prediction system in tunnel
3.5.4 Case 4 of application of 3D tunnel advance prediction system in tunnel

4 Three-dimensional Detection Technique for Groundwater-Containing Potential of Tunnel Surrounding Rocks
5 Three-Dimensional Detection Technology for the Side Slope of The Tunnel
6 Three-dimensional detection technology of TBM in tunnel
7 Three-dimensional Detection Technology for Tunnel after Sudden Geological Disasters

隧道地质三维探测技术(英文版) 作者简介

曹国侯,博士,陆军研究院工程设计研究所高级工程师,全军知名工程专家,专业技术3级,专业技术少将军衔。十三届全国人大代表,中国科协第九次全国代表大会代表,全国优秀科技工作者,军队高层次科技创新人才工程“科技领军人才”。长期从事战场工程建设及研究,解决了一系列制约战场工程建设的关键技术难题,特别是在高原无植被地区国防工程伪装技术、国防工程地质预测及质量无损检测等方向有深入研究,取得了一系列重大研究成果。 刘浩,高级工程师,云南航天工程物探检测股份有限公司创始人、董事长。曾任云南航天管理局团委书记、云南航天质量无损检测站站长。长期从事桥梁和隧道工程无损检测与地质灾害三维探测研究及管理工作。承担了《国防工程地质预测及质量无损检测系统》《三维成像隧道地质超前预报成套技术研究》等军队、云南省科研项目二十余项。
