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Spinning Technology 纺纱学

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Spinning Technology 纺纱学 版权信息

Spinning Technology 纺纱学 内容简介

内容提要本书系统讲述纺纱加工中的原料准备和选配、梳理、精梳、并条、粗纱、细纱、后加工等各道工序,以及各种新型纺纱方法和纺纱技术的有关纺纱原理与机构,包括典型的花式纱线的相关纺纱原理。按照纺纱加工流程,在纺纱原理的基础上,对各道工序中的设备、机构和工艺设置与计算等进行讲解,对比了各种纺纱方法及成纱品质的特点。为使读者更好地掌握纺纱知识并具有实际应用能力,本书专门设置了一章,对棉纺加工中典型纱线产品的原料选配、工艺流程选择和工艺参数设计做详细介绍。本书可以作为高等院校纺织专业学生的纺纱课程教材,也可以作为从事纺织专业,尤其是从事纺纱相关工作人员的参考书籍。AbstractThis book describes the principles of spinning processing, such as preparation and assortment  of raw fiber materials, carding, combing, drawing, roving, spinning and post-spinning, etc., in addition, the new development on the spinning technology, the characteristics and production of some typical fancy yarns, are also included. On the base of spinning principle, in the order of yarn  forming, the processing technology is further introduced, and the characteristics of different spinning process and the resultant yarn are compared and analyzed. To the purpose of better understand, a chapter is devoted, in which, the raw materials assorting and spinning process  design for typical yarns are involved.  This book can be used as the textbook for the students majoring in Textiles. It can also be a  reference book for the textile engineers and those who are engaging the related works of yarn or textiles.

Spinning Technology 纺纱学 目录


Chapter 1 Introduction to Yarn and Spinning

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Historical development of spinning technology

1.3 Definition and classification of yarn

1.4 Principle and process of spinning

1.5 Spinning systems for different fibers

1.6 Summary and prospect

Chapter 2 Fibers Assortment and Blending

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Properties of textile fibers and their influence on spinning

2.3 Raw material assortments

2.4 Mixing of raw materials

Chapter 3 Opening, Cleaning and Carding

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Opening, cleaning and blending

3.3 Carding

Chapter 4 Combing

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Preparation for combing

4.3 Process and mechanism of combing

4.4 Technical parameters design and their influence on the quality of combing

4.5 Quality index of combed sliver

Chapter 5 Drawing

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Principles of drafting

5.3 Fibers straightened by drafting

5.4 Evening out mass variation on draw frame

5.5 Processing parameters setting and sliver quality control

Chapter 6 Roving

6.1 Operation of roving frame

6.2 Draft of roving

6.3 Twist

6.4 Twisting of roving

6.5 Winding of roving

6.6 Processing parameters and quality control of roving for cotton-type fibers

Chapter 7 Spinning

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Feeding device

7.3 Draft system in ring frame

7.4 Twisting and winding of spun yarn

7.5 Main technological parameters and yarn quality indexes

7.6 New spinning technology

Chapter 8 Post-spinning Process

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Winding

8.3 Doubling

8.4 Twisting

8.5 Steaming

8.6 Singeing

8.7 Reeling

Chapter 9 Design of Staple Yarn Spinning Process

9.1 Contents and steps of the design of yarn spinning technology

9.2 Examples of spinning technology design

Chapter 10 Fancy Yarn Production

10.1 Basic concept of fancy yarns

10.2 Production of fancy yarn on ring frame

10.3 Production of fancy yarn on fancy twister machine

10.4 Production of fancy yarns on other machines


Spinning Technology 纺纱学 作者简介

郁崇文,博士, 教学名师,美国North Carolina State University访问学者。现任东华大学纺织学院教授、博士生导师。担任 纺织类专业教学指导委员会主任、中国纺织工程学会麻纺织专业委员会主任委员等社会职务。主要研究领域为纤维集合体成型的有关理论与技术、新型纺纱技术及相关理论的研究、天然纤维资源开发利用的研究等。主编《纺纱学》《纺纱工艺学》《纺纱工艺设计与质量控制》《纺织试验设计及 化》等本科及研究生教材多部,其中 “十一五”普通高等教育本科 规划教材《纺纱学》被评为2009年全国精品教材和2011年上海市 教材一等奖,2021年被评为首届全国教材建设 个人。主持 技术创新项目、 自然科学基金项目、 年轻教师项目、上海市“曙光”人才计划、上海市领军人才计划、上海市基础研究重点项目、 麻类产业技术体系的岗位科学家等课题。获得上海市和中国纺织工业联合会科技进步一等奖,以及省部级科技进步二等奖等10余项;获得 教学改革成果一等奖,以及上海市和中国纺织工业联合会教学成果一、二等奖10余项。领衔 教学团队,负责的“纺纱学”是 精品课程和 精品课程资源共享课程,被评为首批 ( )课程。指导的博士研究生论文获评“全国百篇 博士论文”一篇。在 外刊物上发表论文200余篇,其中SCI收录论文100余篇。获得授权发明专利60余项。
