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斯文凉州 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787549022984
  • 条形码:9787549022984 ; 978-7-5490-2298-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

斯文凉州 本书特色


斯文凉州 内容简介

  《斯文凉州(英文版)》全书从河西走廊地区在中国历史上的高光时刻——五凉时期出发,根据考古资料、历史记载和民间传说对五凉文化进行了形象描述,兼顾农牧文化、儒家文化和佛教文化,以及五凉文化的历史影响,构成了“五凉文化”的宏大轮廓与深厚体量,让读者感受到文化大散文的宏观叙事与精细雕琢所营造出的五凉文化之辉煌。英译本以“读者接受”为导向,在充分理解和尊重原文的基础上,运用多元的翻译策略和方法、适切的话语方式,进行文本语言和文化信息的准确转换。根据两种语言和文化之间的差异,更好地向英语国家读者推介凉州地方特色文化,实现其深度传播。  在《斯文凉州》中作者意图将凉州的历史以文学的方式去解释,就是以文学的方式,构建一座中国的凉州。中原大地上的传统文化在商业主义的浪潮中受到了严酷的挑战,而凉州则是中国文化重建之路上必须要给予重视的地方。英译本的价值一方面在于对中国传统文化以凉州为中心进行国际化传播:另一方面就在于对两种中心主义观念的反抗与颠覆,在两种文明的交汇中,凉州作为一种方法而存在。

斯文凉州 节选

  《斯文凉州(英文版)》:  A part of the Western Qiang people later went east and merged with the people in Shaanxi. Later, the Yuezhi people came in, and they merged with these people. Some think that the Yuezhi people are the descendants of the Qiang people. Another part of Western Qiang people went to Tibet. The high cheek bones and feet shape of many Tibetans are very similar to those of the Western Qiang. Therefore, the Tibetans should be one of the oldest ethnic groups of China. Now it is said that Tibet was incorporated into the Chinese territory after the Yuan Dynasty signed an agreement in Wuwei. Before that, it seemed to be out of Chinese territory. The ancient Yongzhou should have included Tibet, for the Qiang people had already been absorbed in China. They slowly disappeared after various migrations. It is said that one tribe of the ancient Qiang people followed Queen Mother of the West to the west. Traces of them are found in Gansu, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Tibet, and other places to the west of Chinese border. The Qiang people is one of our ancestors.  The Xiongnu, another ancient nation, also lived in the Hexi Corridor. It is recorded that they were descendants of the Qiang people, so they were also descendants of Sanmiao. As for their origin, critics have different opinions. Some said that they developed from the west, but some believed that they came from the grassland in the north, that is, Mongolia. At that time, Mongolia, including the entire Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia, was within Jiuzhou. After the Xiongnu came from the north, they developed into three parts. One of them was in today's Shandong and northeast China; another part was in the Yellow River basin in today's Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Ningxia; and the third part was in the west. They designated their chiefs in accordance with directions. Facing south, on the west was the Worth Prince of the Right, and on the east was the Worth Prince of the Left. It was the Worth Prince of the Right who ruled the vast Hexi area. The Xiongnu probably rose when First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty was busy unifying China. They controlled the entire Hexi area and prepared to invade the Central Plains. First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty sent General Meng Tian to beat them back, and his army annihilated 100,000 Xiongnu soldiers. The Xiongnu was severely weakened, and did not become strong again until the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. When the Xiong nu was defeated again by Emperor Wu, they retreated all the way to the west, breaking up the entire Eurasian continent, and splitting the ancient Roman Empire into two countries: Eastern Rome and Western Rome. It is said that the Xiongnu later integrated into various European countries and could not be found. There is another saying that today's Hungary is founded by them.  The Xiongnu and the Western Qiang people have very similar customs. The Xiongnu had a very powerful Shanyu named Modu. He wanted to develop his country. When he saw his father was afraid to move forward, he killed his father and took the throne. It was normal for the Xiongnu to kill the father. As long as he surpassed his father, he could replace him. Later, the Xiongnu moved to the west. Some people said that Russia and other countries were also founded by descendants of the Xiongnu. In any case, the Xiongnu are still a group of nomads who grew up on the northern grasslands. They fought their way through continuous integration and continuous renewal. The Xiongnu was also a nation that renewed China. They had lived in the Hexi Corridor for many years, and then were driven away by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and scattered into various places. Anyway, the Xiongnu people are a branch of ancient ancestors that lived in the Hexi corridor.  ……

斯文凉州 作者简介

徐兆寿,甘肃凉州人,复旦大学文学博士。现任西北师范大学传媒学院院长,教授,博士生导师。甘肃省电影家协会主席,甘肃省当代文学研究会会长,全国当代文学研究会常务理事,全国文艺评论家协会理事。中国作家协会会员,甘肃省首批荣誉作家。《当代文艺评论》主编。教育部新世纪人才,甘肃省“四个一批人才”。国家社科基金重大项目首席专家,第十届茅盾文学奖评委。 唐圆鑫,男,陕西咸阳人,文学博士,西北师范大学传媒学院讲师,研究方向为文艺理论与批评。译者长期从事翻译工作,积累了丰富的翻译经验;且熟知中国传统文化及其对外交流,工作以来一直致力于传播丝路文化的丰富内容。 马凌飞,女,河北武清人,英语语言文学硕士,兰州城市学院外国语学院讲师,研究方向为应用语言学。译者曾参与“敦煌文化·译丛”项目第一辑《丝路明珠:敦煌》一书的翻译,致力于丝绸之路文化对外交流与翻译。 詹晓燮,女,甘肃武威人,汉语国际教育博士在读,兰州城市学院外国语学院讲师,研究方向为二语习得。译者具备一定的中华文化和汉语知识积累,致力于跨文化交流与中国特色对外话语研究。
