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新国际大学英语 视听说 1

新国际大学英语 视听说 1

开本: 大16开 页数: 149
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新国际大学英语 视听说 1 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302438908
  • 条形码:9787302438908 ; 978-7-302-43890-8
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新国际大学英语 视听说 1 内容简介


新国际大学英语 视听说 1 目录

Unit 1 A brand-new start 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 How to be a college student? Video clip 2 A day in the life of a student-athlete 3 Listening Audio clip 1 University life in America Audio clip 2 Traditional schooling and homeschooling 4 Speaking Unit 2 College education: East and West 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 Confessions of a shopaholic Video clip 2 The devil wears Prada 3 Listening Audio clip 1 Words and their stories: Clothes Audio clip 2 Top fashion designers 4 Speaking Unit 3 Fashion 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 How to get A's in college Video clip 2 Sydney's campaign speech 3 Listening Audio clip 1 Which student are you? Audio clip 2 Meeting new roommates 4 Speaking Unit 4 Food is culture 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 Accommodation tour Video clip 2 Ross moves in 3 Listening Audio clip 1 Accommodation office Audio clip 2 Should you live in a dorm for your first year? 4 Speaking Unit 5 East or west, home is best 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 Means of public transportation Video clip 2 Transportation and safety in the US 3 Listening Audio clip 1 A big car or a small car? Audio clip 2 Driving cars 4 Speaking Unit 6 On the road 1 Start-up 2 Viewing Video clip 1 The one dollar meal Video clip 2 Supersize me 3 Listening Audio clip 1 Planting chili peppers Audio clip 2 Chinese food: Four big cuisines 4 Speaking …… Unit 7 Character is destiny Unit 8 Let's get social Glossary