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大学生英语学习课堂焦虑及其应对策略 版权信息

大学生英语学习课堂焦虑及其应对策略 内容简介

本书重点以少数民族身份的320名大学生为主要研究对象, 对他们在英语学习中存在的课堂焦虑进行问卷调查, 同时从中抽取25名学生进行访谈。根据所获得的数据, 运用SPSS进行分析工具, 结合当今国内外较为权威的学习焦虑理论, 针对受调查学生在英语课堂焦虑的程度、原因及其普遍运用采用的应对策略, 进行分析研究, 得出研究结果。

大学生英语学习课堂焦虑及其应对策略 目录

LIST OF TABLES() LIST OF FIGURES() LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS() CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION(1) 1.1Background of the Study(1) 1.2Statement of the Problem(3) 1.3Purposes of the Study(3) 1.4Research Questions(3) 1.5Limitations of the Study(4) 1.6Definitions of Key Terms(4) 1.7Significance of the Study(5) 1.8Outline of the Thesis(6) CHAPTER 2REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE(7) 2.1Types of Anxiety(7) 2.1.1Trait Anxiety(7) 2.1.2State Anxiety(8) 2.2Components of FL Classroom Anxiety(9) 2.2.1Communication Apprehension(9) 2.2.2Test Anxiety(10) 2.2.3Fear of Negative Evaluation(10) 2.3Research on the Impact of FL Classroom Anxiety on Learners(11) 2.3.1The Negative Effects of FL Classroom Anxiety(12) 2.3.2The Positive Effects of FL Classroom Anxiety(13) 2.4Research on MainCausal Factors of FL Classroom Anxiety(14) 2.4.1Gender of Learners(15) 2.4.2Education Levels of Learners(16) 2.4.3Language Competence of Learners(17) 2.4.4Main Personality Traits of Learners(18) 2.4.5Learners' Beliefs on FL Learning(20) 2.4.6Instructors' Beliefs on FL Learning/Teaching(22) 2.4.7Instructorlearner Interactions(23) 2.4.8Classroom Procedure(24) 2.4.9Language Testing(25) 2.4.10Social Status and Selfidentity(26) 2.5Research on Learners' FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Strategies(27) 2.5.1Learners' “Immature” Type of Coping Strategies(28) 2.5.2Learners' “Mature” Type of Coping Strategies(29) 2.6Summary(31) CHAPTER 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGY(32) 3.1Research Design(32) 3.2Participants(32) 3.3Instruments(34) 3.3.1Closeended Questionnaires(35) 3.3.2Semistructured Individual Interviews(38) 3.4Data Collection(39) 3.4.1Procedure of the Questionnaires(39) 3.4.2Procedure of the Semistructured Individual Interviews(39) 3.5Data Analyses(40) 3.5.1Analyzing the Data of the Closedended Questionnaires(41) 3.5.2Analyzing the Data of the Semistructured Interviews(42) 3.6Summary(44) CHAPTER 4RESULTS(45) 4.1Results of FL Classroom Anxiety Levels, and Levels of Communication Apprehension (CA), Test Anxiety (TA), and Fear of Negative Evaluation(45) 4.1.1Levels of FL Classroom Anxiety(45) 4.1.2Levels of Communication Apprehension (CA), Test Anxiety (TA),and Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE)(46) 4.2The Relationship between the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety and the Four Independent Variables(47) 4.2.1Gender and the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety(47) 4.2.2Field of Study and the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety(48) 4.2.3Level of Academic Year and the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety(50) 4.2.4Level of College and the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety(51) 4.3Causes of the Chinese Bouyei College Students' FL Classroom Anxiety(52) 4.3.1Results from the Factor Analysis of the FLCAS Items(52) 4.3.2Results from the Responses to the Openended Question in the FLCAS(55) 4.3.3Results from the Semistructured Individual Interviews(56) 4.4Results of Level of the Chinese Bouyei College Students' FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(59) 4.5The Bouyei College Students' Anxiety Coping Strategies(60) 4.5.1Results from the Factor Analysis of the ClosedEnded Questionnaire(60) 4.5.2Results from the Responses to the Openended Question in the FLCACSQ(63) 4.5.3Results from the Semistructured Individual Interviews(64) 4.6The Relationship between the Students' FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Strategy Use and the Four Independent Variables(66) 4.6.1Gender and the Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(66) 4.6.2Field of Study and the Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(66) 4.6.3Level of Academic Year and the Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(67) 4.6.4Level of College andthe Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(67) 4.7Summary of the Research Findings(68) CHAPTER 5DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION(70) 5.1Discussion(70) 5.1.1Bouyei College Students' Reported FL Classroom Anxiety(70) 5.1.2Relative Causal Factors Contributing to FL Classroom Anxiety(72) 5.1.3The Bouyei Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(76) 5.1.4Relative FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Strategies(77) 5.1.5Summary(80) 5.2Recommendation(80) 5.2.1Suggestions for FL Teachers(80) 5.2.2Implications for FL Learners(83) 5.3Conclusion(84) REFERENCES(86) APPENDICES(93) Appendix AForeign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale(93) Appendix BForeign Language Classroom Anxiety Coping Styles Questionnaire (FLCACSQ)(98) Appendix CCriteria for Determining Sample Size for a Given Population(103) Appendix DIndividual Interview Questions for College EFL Learners(104) Appendix EA Sample Interview Script (The Translated Version)(106) Appendix FWhat the Interviewees Reported as the Causal Factors Contributing to Their FL Classroom Anxiety(111) Appendix GWhat the Interviewees Reported as the Their FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Styles(121) Appendix HReports on the Levels of the Students' Individual FL Classroom Anxieties Related to CA, TA, and FNE(127) Appendix IResults from the Analysis of Responses to the Open-ended Question in the FLCAS(129) Appendix JReports on Frequency of Individual Level of Students' FL Classroom Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(132) Appendix KResults from the Analysis of Responses to the Open-ended Question in the FLCACSQ(134) LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1Allocation of the Participants(33) Table 3.2Procedure of the FLCAS and the FLCASCSQ(39) Table 3.3Procedure of the Individual Interviews(40) Table 3.4Statements of the Subjects in a Relevant Section (Sample)(43) Table 3.5Coding the Data Obtained (Sample)(43) Table 4.1Level of Bouyei College Students' Overall Anxiety(45) Table 4.2Levels of Bouyei College Students' CA, TA, and FNE(46) Table 4.3Summary of Levels of Individual Anxiety Items in CA,TA, and FNE(46) Table 4.4Summary of Variation in the Students' Anxiety According to Gender(48) Table 4.5Summary of Variation in the Students' Overall Anxiety by Field of Study(48) Table 4.6Summary of Variation in the Students' Anxiety by Level of Academic Year(50) Table 4.7Summary of Variation in the Students' Anxiety by Level of College(51) Table 4.8The Sums of Squared Factor Loadings of the Initial Factors for the FLCAS(52) Table 4.9Results of the Rotated Component Matrix of Factor Analysis for the FLCAS(53) Table 4.10The Six Categories of the Extracted Components for the FLCAS(55) Table 4.11Additional Causal Factors Elicited from the OpenEnded Question in the FLCAS(56) Table 4.12Categories of Causal Factors Reported by Interviewees(57) Table 4.13Frequency of Level of the Students' Anxiety Coping Strategy Use(59) Table 4.14Summary of Levels of Individual Anxiety coping Strategy items(60) Table 4.15The Sums of Squared Factor Loadings of the Initial Factors for FLCACSQ(61) Table 4.16Results of the Rotated Component Matrix of Factor Analysis for the FLCACSQ(62) Table 4.17The Five Categories of the Extracted Components for the FLCACSQ(63) Table 4.18Additional Categories of Coping Strategies Elicited from the Open-ended Question(64) Table 4.19Categories of Anxiety Coping Strategies Reported by Interviewees(64) Table 4.20Summary of Variation in the Students' Anxiety Overall Coping Strategy Use by Gender(66) Table 4.21Summary of Variation in the Students' Overall Anxiety Coping Strategy Use by Field of Study(67) Table 4.22Summary of Variation in Students' Overall Anxiety Coping Strategy Use by Level of Academic Year(67) Table 4.23Summary of Variation in the Students' Overall Anxiety Coping Strategy Use by Level of College(68) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1Components of Trait Anxiety on a Fictitious Scale(8) Figure 3.1The Applied Measures of FL Classroom Anxiety Level(41) Figure 4.1Scree Plot of the Eigenvalue for the FCLAS(53) Figure 4.2Scree Plot of the Eigenvalue for the FCLACSQ(61) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVAAnalysis of Variance CETCollege English Test ELTEnglish Language Teaching ESLEnglish as a Second Language ESPEnglish as Specific Purposes FLForeign Language FLCACSQForeign Language Classroom Anxiety Coping Styles Questionnaire FLCASForeign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale L1First Language L2Second Language RQResearch Question TAITest Anxiety Inventory TEMTest for English Majors

大学生英语学习课堂焦虑及其应对策略 作者简介

韦建华,男,1964年07月生,布依族, 贵州省三都县人,1984年6月30日加入中国共产党。英语语言文学教授。现任广东石油化工学院教授。从教二十多年来,主讲过《笔译》、《综合英语》、《高级英语》、《中西方文化对比》、《英语歌曲欣赏》、《英语教师职业技能》、《英语国家概况》、《英国文学》、《英汉语言文化对比》等课程。主持过黔南民族师院校级精品课程《笔译》。研究方向:翻译理论与实践;二语习得。完成贵州省教育厅社科立项资助课题1项,参加并完成教育部高等学校高职高专英语专业教学指导委员会立项课题1项。在《当代外国文学》、《译林》等国内期刊发表翻译作品(小说)6篇,学术论文22篇,其中作为独著(译)和第一作(译)者共24篇;任编著兼主译出版著作1部,任译者出版画册1部,内部发行3部;任参编、副主编正式出版著作2部。
