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金融科技(校企合作教材)(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787512147140
  • 条形码:9787512147140 ; 978-7-5121-4714-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

金融科技(校企合作教材)(英文) 内容简介

Finan Technology 是互联网金融重量教学资源库中金融科技双语课程的英文版教材。 近年来,人工智能、区块链、云计算和大数据(学界简称A、B、C、D)等技术创新成果全面应用于金融行业,形成一个全新的领域——金融科技,这一名词是由“Finan Technology(FinTech)”合成而来的。FinTech推动金融形态演进日新月异,FinTech知识和技能储备成为时代发展对金融从业者素养提出的新要求。当前中国适逢万众创新的新时代,是优选FinTech*有活力的区域之一。科技创新成为国家发展战略的核心,从顶层政策设计对创新的激励,到各界对A、B、C、D等FinTech技术在金融行业落地的高度共识,都使得金融产品迭代、行业重构、生态演进,乃至环境改变成为大概率事件。在此背景下,我们联合国内多家高职院校金融专业骨干教师以及上海逸景网络科技有限公司的企业专家共同开发本教材,力求校企专家通力合作,开发出产教融合、校企合作的实用新型教材。

金融科技(校企合作教材)(英文) 目录

Project One Cloud Finance
Task 1 Know the Concept, Characteristics, Services Modes of Cloud Computing and Basic Structure of Cloud Platform
Task 2 Understand the Application of Cloud Computing in the Financial Field
Task 3 Master the Financial Changes and Development Tendency Brought by Could Computing
Project Two Big Data Finance
Task 1 Learn about the Basic Concepts of Big Data
Task 2 Know the Processing of Big Data
Task 3 Understand the Application of Big Data Technology in Financial Business
Task 4 Learn about the Development Trends and Prospect of the Big Data Technology
Project Three Blockchain Finance
Task 1 Understand the Definition, Origin and Characteristics of Blockchain
Task 2 Understand Blockchain Basic Technology
Task 3 Master the Impact of Blockchain Technology on Financial Innovation
Project Four Artificial Intelligence Finance
Task 1 Understand the Concept, Development History and Technical Basis of Artificial Intelligence
Task 2 Understand the Innovative Mode of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services
Task 3 Understand the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Financial Field
Project Five Financial Technology and Securities
Task 1 Understand Basic Knowledge of Securities Market
Task 2 Get to Know Internet Securities Companies
Task 3 Understand the Basic Principles of Intelligent Financial Management Services
Task 4 Master the Principle and Application of Program Trading
Task 5 Master the New Development of Fund Sales
Project Six Financial Technology and Insurance
Task 1 Understand the different connotations of insurance technology and internet insurance
Task 2 Understand the Influence of Insurance Technology on Insurance Products
Task 3 Understand the Impact of Technology on the Operation Mode of Insurance Companies
Task 4 Grasp the Supervision and Development Trend of Insurance Technology
Project Seven Financial Technology (Fintech) and Banks
Task 1 Know about the Concept of E-banking and Its Services
Task 2 Understand the Concept of Intemet Banking
Task 3 Master the Application of Fintech in Banking
Project Eight Fintech and Risk Management
Task 1 Understand the Risk Characteristics of Financial Technology
Task 2 Understand the Application of Financial Technology in Financial Risk Management
Task 3 Understand the Intemational Experience of Financial Technology Risk Management
Task 4 Grasp the Development Trend of China's Financial Technology Risk Management
Appendix Vocabulary


金融科技(校企合作教材)(英文) 作者简介

