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欧洲血站审核的共同标准和准则 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787506698054
  • 条形码:9787506698054 ; 978-7-5066-9805-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

欧洲血站审核的共同标准和准则 内容简介


欧洲血站审核的共同标准和准则 目录

1 简介(Introduction)
1.1 背景(Background)
1.2 目标(Objectives)
1.3 方法(Methodology)
1.4 背景小结(Background Summary)
2 本指南的目的和范围(Aim and Scope of the Manual)
3 欧盟血站质量体系的法规要求(EU Legislative Requirements for Quality Systems of Blood Establishments)
3.1 指令2005/62/EC(Directive 2005/62/EC)
3.2 相关的血液法规(Related Blood Legislation)
4 血站审核的共同标准和准则(Common Standards and Criteria for the Inspection of Blood Establishments)
4.1 简介(Introduction)
4.2 血站执业活动概况(Activity Profiles of Blood Establishments)
4.3 欧洲理事会(CoE)
4.4 国际药品认证合作组织(PIC/S)
4.5 EU-GMP(EudraLex)
4.6 ISO标准(ISO Standards)
4.7 审核指南和互认标准(Inspection Guide and Cross References)
5 血站内部审核(Self-inspections of Blood Establishments)
5.1 内部审核的一般要求(General Requirements for Self-inspections)
5.2 内部审核要求(Requirements for Integrated Self-inspections)
5.2.1 职责(Responsibilities)
5.2.2 审核员的教育和培训(Education and Training of Inspectors)
5.2.3 偏差及纠正措施的评价标准(Evaluation Criteria for Deviations and Corrective Action)
5.2.4 相关文件(Associated Documents)
5.3 内部审核中的质量风险管理(The Integration of Quality Risk Management into Self-inspection)
5.4 内部审核流程(The Self-inspection Process)
6 主管部门审核(Inspections by Competent Authorities)
6.1 审核员资质(Qualifications of Inspectors)
6.1.1 教育背景(Education)
6.1.2 工作经验(Experience)
6.1.3 培训(Training)
6.1.4 职责(Responsibilities)
6.1.5 保密信息(Confidential Information)
6.2 审核计划和能力评估(Inspection Planning and Capacity Assessment)
6.3 审核分类(Classification of Inspections)
6.3.1 授权审核(Authorisation Inspection)
6.3.2 常规审核(Routine Inspection)
6.3.3 产品/流程相关审核(授权变更控制)[Produet/Process Related Inspection(Change Control of Authorisation)]
6.3.4 不良事件相关审核(Event-related Inspection)
6.3.5 非常规/飞行审核(Non-noutine/Unannounced Inspections)
6.3.6 审核频率(Frequeney of Inspections)
6.4 审核计划和审核评估(Planning for and Assessment of an Inspection)
6.5 无现场审核或现场审核中止的符合性核实(Compliance Verification Pending or in Absence of a Site Visit)
6.6 审核组人员构成(Composition of the lnspection Team)
6.7 审核类型(Type of lnspection)
6.8 审核日程(Inspection Schedule)
7 审核实施(Conduct of Inspection)
7.1 审核前的程序(Inspection Procedures-Before Inspection)
7.2 审核中的程序(Inspection Procedures-During Inspection)
7.2.1 首次会议(Opening Meeting)
7.2.2 审核的关键要素(Key Elements of the Inspection)
7.2.3 审核实施(Practical Implementation)
7.2.4 献血者选择与血液采集(Donor Selection and Blood Collection)
7.2.5 场地和设备审核(Inspection of Premises and Equipment)
7.2.6 实验室检测(Laboratory Testing)
7.2.7 加工和储存(Processing and Storage)
7.2.8 运输和配送(Transport and Distribution)
7.2.9 审核完成(Inspection Completion)
8 审核后的程序(Inspection Procedures-After lnspection)
8.1 正式书面审核报告(Official Written lnspection Report)
8.2 符合性声明(Conformity Statement)
8.3 血站对审核报告的回应(Blood Establishment's Response to Inspection Report)
8.4 安排复审(Scheduling Re-inspection)
9 审核体系评估(Evaluation of the Inspection System)
附录Ⅰ 血站现行的质量体系文件(SMF Modified for Blood Establishments)
附录Ⅱ 主管部门的EuBIS 审核报告(EuBIS Inspection Report by Competent Authority)
附录Ⅲ 指南编制参考文献(Documents Consulted in Manual's Development)
附录Ⅳ 其他参考文献和项目出版物(Additional References and Project Publication)
附录Ⅴ 术语表[Terminology(Glossary)
附录Ⅵ 参与及合作单位和个人(Participating and Collaborating Institutions and Individuals)
附录Ⅶ 相关或观察机构和

欧洲血站审核的共同标准和准则 作者简介

