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商务英语函电与沟通 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567237605
  • 条形码:9787567237605 ; 978-7-5672-3760-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语函电与沟通 内容简介

本书共由12个单元和附录组成。每单元均由相关知识与写作指南、示范阅读、常用术语和表达、交际园地等部分组成。相关知识和写作指南部分适当介绍了与主题相关的专业知识, 详细阐述了写作原则和要领。示范阅读部分主要选取了具有代表性的范例供读者阅读与赏析, 在阅读中体味与把握写作原则和要领。常用术语和表达部分主要是常见的专业术语和表达方式, 供读者查询与记忆。交际园地部分包括翻译、完形填空和案例分析。其中, 英汉翻译练习旨在在翻译的同时熟记一些常用句型, 汉英翻译练习旨在盘活一些常用词汇和句型 ; 完形填空部分旨在巩固常用词汇结构, 增强商务英语语感 ; 案例分析部分重在通过具体商务情形分析磨炼在商务语境下应用英语解决实际问题的能力。此外, 附录部分主要供教学拓展之用。

商务英语函电与沟通 目录

Unit 1 Intrnduction to Business Communication
1.1 Principles for Business Writing
1.2 Business Letter Style and Format
1.3 Sample Letters
1.4 Useful Terms and Expressions
1.5 Communication Laboratory
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Credit Enqui ries
2.3 Information to Be Contained
2.4 Sample Letters
2.5 Useful Terms and Expressions
2.6 Communication Laboratory
Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies
3.1 GeneraI Introduction to Enqui ries and Replies
3.2 Basic Principles for Sending Enquiries and Replies
3.3 Structures of Enqui ries and Replies
3.4 Sample Letters
3.5 UsefuI Terms and Expressions
3.6 Communication Laboratory
Unit 4 Quotations,Offers and Countprnffers
4.1 General Introduction to Quotations,Offers and Counteroffers
4.2 Difference between quotations and Offers
4.3 Guidelines for Offers
4.4 Guidel ines for Counteroffers
4.5 Sample Letters
4.6 Useful Terms and Expressions
4.7 Communication Laboratory
Unit 5 Orders and Thei r Execution
5.1 Generaf Introduction to Orders
5.2 Basic Contents of Orders
5.3 Replies to Orders
5.4 Sample Letters
5.5 UsefuI Terms and Expressions
5.6 Communication Laboratory
Unit 6 Payment
6.1 Payment Methods for International Trade
6.2 Examples of Terms of Payment in Contracts
6.3 Letter of Credit
6.4 Sample Letters
6.5 Usefu l Terms and Expressions
6.6 Communication Laboratory
Unit 7 Packing
7.1 General Introduction to Packing
7.2 Packing Containers Used in InternationaI Trade
7.3 Marks
7.4 Examples of Terms of Packing in Contracts
7.5 Packing List
7.6 Letters on Packing
7.7 Sample Letters
7.8 Useful Terms and Expressions
7.9 Communication Laboratory
Unit 8 Shipment
8.1 Tramp and Liner
8.2 Transport Documents
8.3 Shipping Advice
8.4 Terms of Shipment in Contracts
8.5 Sample Letters
8.6 Useful Terms and Expressions
8.7 Communication Laboratory
Unit 9 Insurance
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Writing Guide
9.3 Sample Letters
9.4 Useful Terms and Expressions
9.5 Communication Laboratory
Unit 10 Complaints,Claims and Adjustments
10.1 General Introduction to Complaints,Claims and Adjustments
10.2 Principles for Making Complaints,Claims and Adjustments
10.3 Structures of Complaints,Claims and Adjustments
10.4 Sample Letters
10.5 Useful Terms and Expressions
10.6 Communication Laboratory
Unit 11 Contracts
11.1 Drafting Contracts
11.2 Sample Contracts
11.3 Useful Terms and Expressions
11.4 Communication Laboratory
Unit 12 Documentation in International Trade
l2.1 Introduction
12.2 Commercial Documents
12.3 Transportation Documents
12.4 Finance Documents
12.5 Other Documents
12.6 Useful Terms and Expressions
12.7 Communication Laboratory
Appendix 1 Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China
Appendix 2 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,UCP
Appendix 3 UN Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Appendix 4 List of Common Imports and Exports