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C与C++ 编程

开本: 23cm 页数: 168页
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C与C++ 编程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560664118
  • 条形码:9787560664118 ; 978-7-5606-6411-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

C与C++ 编程 本书特色

C&C++ Programming,作为一本面向英文教学留学生的教材。有以下特点: 1.C语言和C++语言前后关联一起进行介绍,消除作为两门课分别教学时的重复与冗余,C语言是C++部分的基础,C++介绍进一步的面向对象内容。 2.内容精炼,目的明确,只讲基础精华和具有实用性的部分,避开晦涩且实用性不大的内容,适合学生掌握核心,并保障基础去自学更高阶内容。 3.课程中的例子和习题围绕内容知识点设立,循序渐进,牢固掌握知识点和编程技巧。 4.非英文教学学生也可以此教材作为参考,学习相应软件类专业英语。

C与C++ 编程 内容简介

C&C++ Programming provides a traditional introduction to program development and effective use of C and C++ Programming Language. The content of this book covers basic components of C and C++, data types and structures, Object-Oriented Programming, and its applications. The first basic part of the book tells the essential of C Programming by introducing the basics and structured programming techniques for programming development. It also demonstrates the use of pointers, arrays, functions, and C++ standard libraries which facilitate your programming learning. The following part introduces the notions of input and output, overloading, and one of the most important characteristics of C++, inheritance. The book also talks about Software Engineering with C++. This book includes many examples in each chapter. Some of the examples are short (maybe few lines) yet very important, while some examples are more complicated ones to solve real-life problems. It is suitable for beginners as well as students with prior programming experience. Students who use this book are suggested to read and reproduce these programs in their own C++ environment. The exercises at the end of each chapter focus on the key points of the chapter and some of the exercises are real-life problems which need you to build complete programs from scratch. Hope readers to be more experienced programmers with the help of this book.

C与C++ 编程 目录

Chapter 1?Introduction to C&C++ 1 1.1 History 1 1.2 The first C&C++ Programs 4 1.3 Compilation and Linking 6 1.4 Available IDEs 8 Exercises 14 Chapter 2?Basics 15 2.1 Variable Names 15 2.2 Data Types and Sizes 16 2.3 Constants 16 2.4 Declarations 17 2.5 Arithmetic Operators 17 2.6 Relational and Logical Operators 18 2.7 Type Conversions 19 2.8 Increment and Decrement Operators 20 2.9 Bitwise Operators 20 2.10 Assignment Operators and Expressions 22 2.11 Precedence and Associativity 22 2.12 Compound Data Type – Arrays, Structures, Enums and Unions 23 2.13 Bit-fields 23 Exercises 24 Chapter 3?Control Flow 25 3.1 Statements and Blocks 25 3.2 If-else 25 3.3 Switch 29 3.4 Loops 32 3.5 Break and Continue 35 3.6 Goto and Labels 35 Exercises 35 Chapter 4?Pointers and Arrays 37 4.1 Pointers and Addresses 37 4.2 Pointers and Arrays 39 4.3 Pointers and Functions 39 4.4 Pointer Arrays and Pointers to Pointers 44 4.5 Multi-dimensional Arrays 45 4.6 Pointers and Multi-Dimensional Arrays 46 4.7 Arrays of Structures 47 4.8 Pointers to Structures 49 Exercises 52 Chapter 5?Functions 55 5.1 Basics of Functions 55 5.2 Function Arguments and Return 57 5.3 Pointers and Function Arguments 57 5.4 External Variables 57 5.5 Variable Scope 58 5.6 Static Variables 58 5.7 Register Variables 58 5.8 Block Structure 59 5.9 Initialization 60 5.10 Recursion 60 Exercises 62 Chapter 6?Program Structure 64 6.1 Multiple Files Program 64 6.2 The C Preprocessor 66 6.3 Head Files 66 6.4 File Inclusion 69 6.5 Macro Substitution 70 6.6 Conditional Compilation 73 Exercises 74 Chapter 7?Input and Output 75 7.1 Basic Input and Output 75 7.2 Formatted Output – printf 76 7.3 Formatted Input – scanf 82 7.4 IO Stream 86 7.5 File Access 90 Exercises 95 Chapter 8?C++ Object Oriented Programming 96 8.1 From C to C++ 96 8.2 Classes and Objects 97 8.3 Constructors and Destructors 100 8.4 Initializations 107 8.5 Encapsulation and Polymorphism 108 8.6 Templates 113 Exercises 117 Chapter 9?Overloading 118 9.1 Introduction 118 9.2 Function Overloading 118 9.3 Operator Overloading 120 Exercises 137 Chapter 10?Inheritance 138 10.1 Basics 138 10.2 Derived Classes 139 10.3 Access Control 144 10.4 Constructors and Destructors 146 10.5 Virtual Functions 152 10.6 Class Hierarchies 153 Exercises 157 Chapter 11?Software Engineering with C++ 158 11.1 Software Development 158 11.2 OOP Philosophy 160 11.3 Generic Programming and STL 162 Exercises 167 References 168