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考古学研究(13上下)/北京大学考古学丛书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030720030
  • 条形码:9787030720030 ; 978-7-03-072003-0
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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考古学研究(13上下)/北京大学考古学丛书 内容简介

本书系庆祝北京大学考古百年新中国考古专业教育七十年而编辑的学术论文集。全书共收录学术论文43篇,内容涵盖旧石器、新石器、夏商周和历史时期考古,也涉及佛教考古、科技考古、文物保护、文化遗产、建筑考古、博物馆学和考古学史等领域,整体上反映了当前中国考古学的学科体系和不同领域关注的前沿问题。 本书可供考古学、人类学、历史学等领域的研究人员及高等院校相关专业的师生参考、阅读。

考古学研究(13上下)/北京大学考古学丛书 目录

目录上册多维视角下的中国旧石器时代 王幼平( 1 )考古学“透物见人”的概念构建——以旧石器考古为例 陈胜前( 18 )聚焦大秦岭地区的古人类与旧石器考古——历史、现状及问题 王社江( 28 )金牛山人的尺骨化石 何嘉宁( 40 )海岱地区史前时期的瓮棺和陶棺墓 栾丰实( 54 )海岱地区早期国家演进略说 孙波 朱超( 68 )再论中国史前玉器考古学研究 方向明(112)石峁皇城台城门复原和早期城建技术 国庆华 孙周勇 邵晶 邸楠(132)再论中国早期文明起源的阶段性 张海(156)粟黍的起源与早期传播 邓振华(172)天山北路墓地的发展与甘青地区文化交流 马健 佟建一(215)二里头遗址的初步认识 孙华(234)安阳的制范与饰模 贝格利(Robert Bagley) 著 王海城 译(269)渤海南岸盐业考古收获、研究风向与省思 燕生东 张小嫚(307)商周时期的廬 曹大志 张剑葳(323)西周殷遗民族属判断标准简论 雷兴山 王洋 种建荣(359)特殊角形兽面和牺首装饰的青铜器探论——兼论提梁华丽型的青铜卣 苏荣誉(369)古代中国物质文化研究中的“物”与“人”——以西周时期柳叶形青铜短剑为例 孙岩(417)下册秦王陵的形制要素及其特点 焦南峰(435)汉魏洛阳城的高台建筑复原二例 钱国祥(460)金刚座 佛足迹 菩提树像——唐代玄奘遗宝的考古发现与研究 霍巍(472)“黑石号”江心镜为唐伪作镜考 贺逸云 沈睿文(489)石窟寺窟前建筑的初步考察 彭明浩(503)瓷窑遗址的组成与地层学 秦大树(534)空间的收缩?——元代景德镇陶瓷研究札记 丁雨(559)北大科技考古一百年 吴小红(571)科技考古的思考和研究 袁靖(579)应用与融合——植物考古遗传学的前沿与展望 秦岭(592)木材考古学概述——写在北大考古100周年之际 王树芝(620)东北亚地区早期铁器及铁器化进程研究 陈建立 张元阳(656)从烧烤到炖煮——兴隆沟遗址出土不同时代陶器的制作工艺与使用方式比较研究 崔剑锋 肖红艳 刘国祥(683)关中地区战国晚期至秦代铁器生产技术初探 陈坤龙 刘亚雄(695)彩绘蛋白质类胶料来源的ZooMS鉴定——以阿斯塔那墓地泥塑为例 刘理 饶慧芸 王博 韩宾 杨益民(707)考古出土秦兵马俑彩绘加固材料研究 容波 周铁 张志军 卡特琳娜 布楞斯朵夫(Catharina Blanesdorf) 英郭 罗格纳(Ingo Rogner)(717)书画修复中可替代明矾的中性铝盐施胶沉淀剂研发与应用 何秋菊 王丽琴(727)银朱与海上丝绸之路 王恺(738)徐楼青铜器制作型腔控制与铸造艺术 胡钢(747)考古与世界遗产 郭旃(758)历史文化空间传统中的大遗址 张剑葳 赵雅婧(778)建筑考古视野下建筑遗址复原研究的目的、意义与方法 徐怡涛(791)浅论考古遗址博物馆(公园)的功能与发展方向 黎婉欣(801)再议博物馆外向化 王思渝 阮可欣(809)大九州——中国考古学的世界性 李新伟(818)编后记 (826)ContentsⅠChinese Paleolithic from A Multidimensional Perspective Wang Youping(1)Conceptual Issues in Archaeological Inference—A Case Study from Paleolithic Archaeology Chen Shengqian(18)A Review of Paleoanthropology and Paleolithic Archaeology in the Great Qinling Mountains Region: Its History, Status, and Problems Wang Shejiang(28)Fossil Hominin Ulna from Jinniushan He Jianing(40)Prehistoric Urn Burial and Pottery Sherds Coffin Burials in the Haidai Region Luan Fengshi(54)A Brief History on the Evolution of Early States in the Haidai Region Sun Bo Zhu Chao(68)Rethinking the Archaeological Research of Prehistoric Jade in China Fang Xiangming(112)Reconstruction of Huangchengtai Gate and Building Traditions Guo Qinghua Sun Zhouyong Shao Jing Di Nan(132)Reinvestigating the Phases in the Rise of Early Chinese Civilizations Zhang Hai(156)Origin and Early Dispersal of Foxtail Millet and Broomcorn Millet Deng Zhenhua(172)Development of the Tianshanbeilu Cemetery and Its Cultural Interflow with Gan-Qing Region of Northwestern China Ma Jian Tong Jianyi(215)A Preliminary Understanding of the Layout and Development of the Erlitou Site Sun Hua(234)Anyang Mold-Making and Decorated Model Robert Bagley translated by Wang Haicheng(269)Review of Salt Production Archaeology along the Southern Coast of Bohai Gulf: Progress, Trends and Reflections Yan Shengdong Zhang Xiaoman(307)Lu, the Temporary Building in Shang and Zhou Period Cao Dazhi Zhang Jianwei(323)A Brief Discussion of the Criterions for Recognizing Yin Remains during the Western Zhou Period Lei Xingshan Wang Yang Chong Jianrong(359)Study of Bronzes with Peculiar Horn Animal Patterns and Animal-Head Decorations in Shang and Early Zhou period——with A Discussion of You Vessels With Extravagant Handle Su Rongyu(369)Objects and People in the Study of the Material Culture of Ancient China: A Case Study of Willow-Leaf-Shaped Bronze Swords of the Western Zhou Period Sun Yan(417)ⅡThe Essential Form and Characteristics of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Jiao Nanfeng(435)Two Restoration Research Cases of High-Platform Architecture in Han-Wei Luoyang City Site Qian Guoxiang(460)Vajrasan, Buddha Footprints, Bodhi Statues: Archaeological Discovery and Research on the Heritage of Xuanzang in Tang Dynasty Huo Wei(472)“The Jiangxin Mirror”: Forgery in Batu Hitam He Yiyun Shen Ruiwen(489)Preliminary Investigation on Architectural Relics in Front of Cave Temple Peng Minghao(503)Formation and Stratigraphy of Porcelain Kiln Sites Qin Dashu(534)Reducing of Production Space? —— Rethinking the Ceramic Production in Jingdezhen of Yuan Dynasty Ding Yu(559)Archaeological Science at PKU over the Past One Hundred Years Wu Xiaohong(571)Insights and Research on Archaeological Science Yuan Jing(579)Applications and Interpretations: Progress and Prospects of Plant Archaeolgenetics Qin Ling(592)Overview of Xylonarchaeology: Written on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Peking University Archaeology Wang Shuzhi(620)Review on the Early Iron Age Products and Localization of Iron Technology in Northeast Asia Chen Jianli Zhang Yuanyang(656)From Barbecue to Stew:a Comparative Study on the Production Technology and Use Patterns of Potteries from Different Times Unearthed in Xinglonggou Site Cui Jianfeng Xiao Hongyan Liu Guoxiang(683)Preliminary Investigation into the Iron Production Technologies in the Guanzhong Plain during