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开本: 26cm 页数: 216页
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世纪应用英语视听说教程:Ⅰ:基础篇 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568528269
  • 条形码:9787568528269 ; 978-7-5685-2826-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

世纪应用英语视听说教程:Ⅰ:基础篇 内容简介


世纪应用英语视听说教程:Ⅰ:基础篇 目录

Unit l How is your college life?
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 2 Family and friends are everything.
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 3 The greatest wealth is health.
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 4 Chinese culture steps out to the world!
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 5 Everyone is an artist!
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 6 Can doing sports make you smarter?
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 7 Technology has changed our lives!
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 8 Traveling broadens my mind.
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 9 It’s time to save the world!
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project
Unit 10 How to plan your career?
Part Ⅰ Warm—up
Part Ⅱ Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅲ Viewing and Speaking
Part Ⅳ Speaking More
Part Ⅴ Intercultural Communication
Part Ⅵ Unit Project