宇宙物理基础(英文版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787030708212
- 条形码:9787030708212 ; 978-7-03-070821-2
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
宇宙物理基础(英文版) 内容简介
宇宙物理基础(英文版) 目录
Brief Introduction
Chapter 1 Classical and Relativity Spacetime 1
1.1 Classic Mechanics 1
1.1.1 Newtonian Mechanics 1
Newton’s Laws 1
Galileo Covariance 2
Absolute Space and Inertial Forces 3
1.1.2 Analytical Mechanics 3
Configuration Space 3
Principle of Least Action 4
Two Kinds of Background Space 6
1.1.3 Two Kinds of Physics Laws 7
1.1.4 Flat Background Spacetime and Curved Configuration Space 9
1.1.5 Does Curved Motion Originate from Space Warp? 10
1.1.6 General Covariance of Analytical Mechanics 15
1.2 Relativity 16
1.2.1 Lorentz Space 16
Lorentz Covariance 16
Lorentz Space is Configuration Space 17
Is Classical Spacetime Subverted? 17
1.2.2 Electromagnetic Field 19
1.2.3 If Charge Has Only One Sign 22
Chapter 2 Relativistic Gravity 24
2.1 Field Equation of Gravity in Curved Space 24
2.1.1 Mathematical Scheme 24
2.1.2 Principle of Equivalence and General Covariance 26
2.2 Local Spacetime and Configuration Space in Relativistic Gravity 31
2.2.1 Coordinates of Spacetime and Generalized Coordinates 31
2.2.2 Two Types of Expressions of Dynamics 34
2.2.3 How Riemann Understand Curved Space 36
2.3 Physics and Geometry 38
2.3.1 Two Kinds of Covariance 38
2.3.2 Conservation Law and Symmetry 43
2.4 Field Equation of Gravity in Flat Spacetime 46
2.4.1 Physics Scheme 46
2.4.2 If Repulsive Matter Exists 49
2.4.3 Linearized Einstein’s Field Equation 52
2.4.4 Gravitational Waves 53
Equation of Gravitation Waves in Flat Vacuum 53
Detect Gravitation Waves with Interferometer 54
Can Gravitation Waves be Generated and Transported in Curved Spacetime? 56
2.4.5 Two Field Equations of Gravity 57
2.5 Zhou-Peng’s View of Spacetime 60
2.5.1 Curved Spacetime and Background Spacetime of Motion 60
2.5.2 Precession of Mercury’s Perihelion 61
No Precession in Newtonian Theory 61
No Precession in Curved Spacetime Too 62
Precession only in Flat Spacetime 63
Precession Problem Cannot be Resolved by Curved Spacetime 64
2.5.3 Gravitational Waves in Flat Spacetime 66
Chapter 3 Relativistic Cosmology 68
3.1 Local and Non-Local Physics 68
3.1.1 Locality of Relativistic Gravity 68
3.1.2 Non-Local Universe 69
3.2 The Standard Model of Cosmology 72
Density of Mass-Energy 72
Cosmological Constant 72
R-W Metric 72 rfect Fluid 73
Energy Equation 73
Dynamic Equation 73
Physics Basis of the Standard Model 74
3.3 Difficulties in Relativistic Cosmology 74
3.3.1 Energy Equation is Equivalent to Newton’s Cosmology 74
3.3.2 Two Friedman Equations Contradict Each Other 76
3.3.3 Is Gravity or Pressure Driving the Universe? 77
Gravity Driven 77
Pressure Driven 79
3.3.4 Violation of Energy Conservation 81
Cosmological Constant 81
Energy Equation 82
Dynamic Equation 84
3.3.5 The Cosmological Constant Cannot Accelerate the Expansion 85
3.3.6 The Principle of Equivalence Does Not Hold 86
Chapter 4 Homogeneous, Isotropic and Flat Universe 88
4.1 Absolute Motion and Absolute Spacetime 88
4.2 Difficulties in Newtonian Mechanics and Cosmology 91
4.2.1 Newman-Seeliger’s Paradox and Obers’ Paradox 92
Newman-Seeliger’s Paradox 92
Olbers’ Paradox 92
4.2.2 Singularities 93
Singular Point 93
Infinite Potential Energy 93
4.2.3 Inertial System 94
4.3 The Gravitationally Neutral Universe 95
4.3.1 Philosophers’ Opinions 95
4.3.2 Local and Non-Local Gravity 97
Chapter 5 Thermal Equilibrium Universe 99
5.1 Thermal and Non-Thermal Radiation 99
5.1.1 Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Radiation of Moving Charges 99
5.1.2 Thermal Electromagnetic Radiation of Condensates 99
5.1.3 Non-Thermal Gravitational Radiation of Moving Material Objects 100
5.1.4 Cosmic Thermal Gravitational Radiation 100
5.2 Local and Non-Local Thermal Radiations 101
5.2.1 Blackbody Spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 101
5.2.2 The Universe without Baryons and Photons 103
5.2.3 Thermalization of Gravitation 105
5.3 Gravitational Radiation of the Dark Universe 106
5.3.1 Thermal Equilibrium of the Universe 106
Local Thermal Radiation 106
Non-Local Thermal Radiation 107
Thermal Equilibrium and Time Synchronization 107
5.3.2 Condensed Universe 108
5.3.3 Photons and Gravitational Phonons 110
5.4 Energy Conversion in Expanding Universe 111
5.4.1 Substance and Radiation 111
5.4.2 Energy Conservation 113
5.4.3 Photon-Phonon Thermal Transmission 114
5.5 Puzzles in Thermomass Energy 116
5.5.1 Guo Zeng-Yuan’s Problem 116
5.5.2 Schr¨odinger’s Problem 117
Chapter 6 Cosmic Dynamics 119
6.1 Symmetry of the Cosmic Spacetime 119
6.1.1 Non-Lorentz Invariance of the Cosmic Spacetime 119
6.1.2 Galileo, Lorentz and “General Covariances” 120
宇宙物理基础(英文版) 节选
Chapter 1 Classical and Relativity Spacetime 1.1 Classic Mechanics 1.1.1 Newtonian Mechanics Newton’s Laws The framework of space and time in classical physics is built upon inertial coordinate systems that consisted of uniformly elapsed time t and uniformly scaled Cartesian coordinates x in Euclidean space With respect to inertial frames, there are three Newton’s laws of motion: (i) A free particle moves with constant velocity. (ii) The relation between acceleration of motion of initial mass m and external force F in direction (iii) To every action there is always an equal and contrary reaction. Newton’s law of gravitation expresses the force F of gravitational attraction between two particles with gravitation masses M and m as where r is the distance between the particles, and G is the gravitational constant. Under the condition that the initial mass of a body is equal to its gravitation mass, from (2) and Newton’s laws of motion we can derive the gravitational potential of a point or spherical source with gravitation mass M at a radial distance r and Newtonian gravitational field equation where ρm is the mass density. Galileo Covariance The laws of mechanics should be the same in all inertial frame. Two inertial frames S and S′ are constructed in such a way that the x1-axis coincides with x′1 -axis, and x2 or x3 parallels x′2 or x′3 . If the frame S′ moves with a speed v in direction x1 , the coordinates of the same spacetime point in S′ and S obey the Galilean transformation then the formula of Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation are the same in the two frames, i.e., Newtonian mechanics is incompatible with Galilean relativity, invariant under Galilean transformation. The geometry of a space is specified by the line element. In Cartesian coordinates the distance ds between two points (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and (x1 +dx1 , x2 +dx2 , x3 +dx3 ) is The line element of Euclidean space is defined as where δij is the spatial metric The line element (7) is invariant under Galilean transformation. With the metric (8) the line element (7) determines a Euclidean space being uniform and isotropy. The one-dimensional time coordinate and three-dimensional Euclidean position coordinates can be constructed to be a four-dimensional space, named Galilean spacetime or Galilean space.à Let x0 ≡ t, the Galilean spacetime is denoted by The Galileo spacetime metric is corresponding to a line element The event that a particle at time t is placed at (x1 , x2 , x3 ) can be expressed as a point and its motion trajectory is a “world line” in the four-dimensional space. In the Galilean spacetime time coordinate t is independent with space coordinates x, then like the line element (7) in 3-dimensional space, line element (11) for spacetime is also invariant under Galilean transformation. The Galilean 3-dimensional space metric (8) or 4-dimensional spacetime metric (10) being independent with space and time coordinates indicates that the Galilean space is uniform flat space. The Galileo covariance of the laws of Newtonian mechanics requires its background spacetime being necessary a flat Galilean space. Absolute Space and Inertial Forces Acceleration is an invariant under Galilean transformation. To apply Newton’s second law in a non-inertial frame requires adding an inertial force on it. Classical mechanics needs an absolute space (absolute inertial frame) and absolute motion relative to the absolute space to explain the origin of inertial forces. In “Newton’s rotation bucket experiment” [1], the surface of the water in a rotation bucket becomes concave after the water is spinning together with the bucket, and maintains its concave figure after the bucket stops its rotation while the water still continues. Newton pointed out: the shape of the surface of the water is determined by the spin of the water with respect not to the bucket, but to an absolute space. Although many philosophers and physicists do not like the concept of absolute space, however, physics after more than 300 years of progress, including relativity and quantum mechanics, still cannot deny Newton’s argument about absolute space and absolute motion. 1.1.2 Analytical Mechanics Configuration Space For a mechanical system of N particles, there are 3N coordinates of particle positions x(i) μ (i = 1.N, μ = 1.3). Due to the action of external constraining forces, the positions x and velocities x˙ are limited by l constraint equations If the limitations imposed on the system is a complete geometric constraint, where the constraint equations without explicit velocity (e.g., constraint force keep particles on a surface), the degrees of freedom of the system will be reduced to n = 3N . l, with n independent parameters qk (k = 1, ? ? ? , n)–generalized coordinates, we can determine the position of each particle
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