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小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2

小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2

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小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787571326197
  • 条形码:9787571326197 ; 978-7-5713-2619-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 本书特色

1.话题丰富,内容有趣 从基本的日常对话开始,社会、历史、地理、科学、艺术……无所不谈。话题轻松、简单,还能了解国外的生活方式及文化。 2.掌握口语技巧,学习事半功倍 解密日常交流技巧,先听后说,提高英语听力和会话水平。每课后的强化练习让小学生轻松应对各类考试,学以致用。 3.彩图搭配,趣味助学 日常口语中出现的高频单词都附带特殊标记,配有相关图片,培养阅读兴趣。从单词、句子再到问题回答,逐步学口语。 4.附赠练习册,随学随练 本书附赠一本随堂练习册,便于小学生随时学、随时练,及时复习巩固。 5.外教朗读音频,学地道口语 由专业外教录制的标准美音音频,教小学生说一口流利口语。

小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 内容简介

本书选材广泛有趣,包括日期、节日、地点、乐器等主题。海量趣味插图助学,提高小学生的专注力,让孩子爱上学英语。全书共分为10天的课程学习,每天的课程板块由“Let''''s Listen”“Let''''s Read”“Listening Check up 1”“Listening Check up 2”“Let''''s Speak”及“Test”构成。每一板块都配备音频,小学生可以边听录音、边练口语、边做练习。同时,书中练习题型丰富新颖。 本书附赠一本练习册,随学随练,学习效果加倍。

小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 目录

Day 01 What day is it? ?? 1
Day 02 What's your favorite holiday? ?? 9
Day 03 Where are you? ?? 17
Day 04 Where is the school? ?? 25
Day 05 Where do plants live? ?? 33
Day 06 Plants are amazing. ?? 41
Day 07 Where do fish live? ?? 49
Day 08 How do frogs grow? ?? 57
Day 09 Are they the same or different? ?? 65
Day 10 We are a family. ?? 73
Word List ?? 81
Answers and Scripts ?? 90


小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 节选

Day 01 What day is it? Let's Listen A Listen and write the correct words in the blanks. Days of the Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday B Listen and speak. What day is it? 1 It's Monday. 2 It's Tuesday. When is your birthday? 3 It's this Thursday. 4 It's this Friday. 5 It's this Saturday. Let's Read A Listen and read the story. Dear Sue, This Saturday is my birthday. I will have a party. Can you come to my party? Jane will come to my party. Mina will come to my party. Sam will come to my party, too. We will have fun. B Listen and say the sentences. This is for you. This card is for you. This doll is for you. This robot is for you. C Listen and choose the best responses. 1 Can you come to my party? ?? ?? Of course. 2 How about coming to the party? ?? ?? I'm sorry, but I can't. 3 Why don't you come to the party? ?? ?? Sure, I'll go. Listening Check up 1 A Listen and choose the best description for the picture. B Listen and check the correct pictures. C Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct answers. 1. What day is the boy's birthday? a. b. c. 2. What day is the party? a. Sunday. b. Saturday. c. Monday. Listening Check up 2 A Listen and choose the correct answers. 1. Is the boy coming to the party? a. Yes, he is. b. No, he isn't. 2. Is the girl coming to the party? a. Yes, she is. b. No, she isn't. B Listen and check the correct pictures. 1. What is the present? 2. What is the present? C Listen to the story and answer. 1. How many people will come to the party? a. Two. b. Three. c. Four. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. This Sunday ______ my birthday. I ______ have a party. Mina will ______ to my party. Ann will come to my party. Tom will come to my party, too. We will ______.

小学英语晨读晚诵 每天15分钟速学口语2 作者简介

【美】普特莱克 毕业于美国塔夫茨大学,获得英语文学学士和历史学硕士学位。他撰写的多部英语学习类畅销书被众多学子鼎力推荐。 韩国逸创文化 编著ESL和EFL考试辅导资料的专业机构。 易人外语教研组 由国内外语言专家、学者组成的专业团队,“会说话”的图解外语学习法,以有趣的图文形式来让读者能够轻松学外语。“易人外语”致力打造国内非教辅类外语学习品牌。其研究领域涵盖英语、日语和韩语等,策划编写了一系列深获读者好评的语言学习畅销书。 张芳 毕业于鲁东大学英语系,英语专业八级。多次获得“优秀教师”荣誉称号。一直致力于英语教育以及青少年刊物的翻译研究工作。有着多年英语教学经验以及刊物翻译经验。
