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英语学术论文写作与文献选读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560771694
  • 条形码:9787560771694 ; 978-7-5607-7169-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

英语学术论文写作与文献选读 内容简介


英语学术论文写作与文献选读 目录

Part I Basic Information about the Academic Writing Leaning Objectives General Description of Academic Writing Types of Academic Writing Style Features of Academic Writing Description of Writing Process Principles of Revision Unit Summary Part Ⅱ General Structure of Academic Writing Unit One Title Leaning Objectives General Description of the Title Types of Titles Ways of Writing an Effective Title Unit Summary Unit Two Abstract Leaning Objectives General Description of the Abstract Types of Abstracts The Content of the Abstract The Procedure for Writing an Abstract Unit Summary Unit Three Introduction Leaning Objectives General Description of the Introduction The Importance of the Introduction The Differences Between an Abstract and an Introduction The Model of the Introduction The Procedure for Writing an Introduction Unit Summary Unit Four Literature Review Leaning Objectives General Description of the Literature Review Types of Literature Reviews Notes on the Literature Review The Structure of the Literature Review The Procedure for Writing the Literature Review Unit Summary Unit Five Research Methods and Methodology Leaning Objectives General Description of the Methodology What Type of Research Did You Conduct How Did You Collect Your Data How Did You Analyze and Interpret Your Data Unit Summary Unit Six Results and Discussion Leaning Objectives General Description of the Results and the Discussion The Differences Between the Results and the Discussion The Procedure for Writing the Results The Procedure for Writing thie Discussion Unit Summary Unit Seven Conclusion Leaning Objectives General Description of the Conclusion The Content of the Conclusion The Structure of the Conclusion The Differences Between the Abstract and the Conclusion The Procedure for Writing the Conclusion Unit Summary Unit Eight References and Acknowledgements Learning Objectives General Description of the References Major Reference Styles General Description of the Acknowledgements The Procedure for Writing the Acknowledgements Unit Summary Part Ⅲ Selected Readings for Academic Writing Unit One Selected Reading of Commentary Research Papers Learning Objectives General Description of Commentary Research Papers Selected Reading Academic Reading Skills Unit Summary Unit Two Selected Reading of Informative Research Papers Learning Objectives General Description of Informative Research Papers Selected Reading Academic Reading Skills Unit Summary Unit Three Selected Reading of Comparative Research Papers Learning Objectives General Description of Comparative Research Papers Selected Reading Academic Reading Skills Unit Summary Unit Four Selected Reading of Critical Research Papers Learning Objectives General Description of Critical Research Papers Selected Reading Academic Reading Skills Unit Summary Credits Bibiography