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中国数字市场背景下中西方知名企业的社交媒体营销表现 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550451223
  • 条形码:9787550451223 ; 978-7-5504-5122-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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中国数字市场背景下中西方知名企业的社交媒体营销表现 本书特色


中国数字市场背景下中西方知名企业的社交媒体营销表现 内容简介


中国数字市场背景下中西方知名企业的社交媒体营销表现 目录

1 INTRODUCTION / 1 1. 1 Motivation and the context of the investigation / 1 1. 2 Research questions and objectives / 2 1. 2. 1 Research questions / 2 1. 2. 2 Objectives / 4 1. 3 Structure of the book / 5 2 SELECTION OF RESEARCH OBJECTS / 7 2. 1 Selection of Chinese social media platforms / 7 2. 1. 1 Chinese social media's historical roots / 7 2. 1. 2 Main social media platforms in China / 8 2. 1. 3 The selected social media platforms in this research / 9 2. 2 Selection of research companies / 14 2. 2. 1 High reputation Western companies / 16 2. 2. 2 High reputation Chinese companies / 24 3 STATE OF THE ART AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK / 32 3. 1 Context of Chinese social media marketing / 35 3. 1. 1 Chinese digital consumers / 35 3. 1. 2 Usage of Chinese social media marketing / 38 3. 1. 3 Challenges / 41 3. 2 Characteristics of Sina Weibo and Sina Weibo marketing / 43 3. 2. 1 Characteristics of Sina Weibo / 44 3. 2. 2 Sina Weibo marketing / 45 3. 3 Characteristics of WeChat and WeChat marketing / 47 3. 3. 1 Characteristics of WeChat / 47 3. 3. 2 WeChat marketing / 49 3. 4 Related theoretical framework in the context of social media / 51 3. 4. 1 Evolution of consumption behavior model from AIDMA, AISAS to ISMAS/51 3. 4. 2 O2O models / 53 3. 4. 3 Electronic word?of?mouth (eWOM) / 54 3. 4. 4 Relationship marketing / 55 4 METHODOLOGY / 57 4. 1 Case study / 58 4. 1. 1 Definition of case study / 58 4. 1. 2 Design of case study / 59 4. 1. 3 Data collection, analysis, and interpretation in case study / 59 4. 1. 4 Procedure of case study / 61 4. 1. 5 Implementation of case study in this research / 62 4. 2 Expert analysis / 71 4. 2. 1 Grounded theory / 71 4. 2. 2 KPIs concept / 74 4. 2. 3 Information architecture / 84 4. 3 Content analysis / 87 4. 3. 1 Definition of content analysis / 87 4. 3. 2 Application fields of content analysis / 88 4. 3. 3 Implementation of content analysis in this research / 89 4. 4 Statistical method / 91 4. 4. 1 Descriptive statistical method / 91 4. 4. 2 Inferential statistical method / 91 4. 4. 3 Statistical analysis tool / 92 4. 4. 4 Implementation of statistical method in this research / 93 5 SINA WEIBO CASE STUDY AND RESULTS / 95 5. 1 Exploring social relationship among all companies / 95 5. 2 The history of usage of Sina Weibo from 2009 to 2014 / 101 5. 2. 1 The first usage of Sina Weibo / 101 5. 2. 2 Evolution of “No. of original posts vs. No. of retweets” for Western companies / 105 5. 2. 3 Evolution of “No. of original posts vs. No. of retweets” for Chinese companies / 117 5. 3 Establishment of the systematic measurement and classification framework/127 5. 3. 1 KPIs Data collection, processing & database creation / 128 5. 3. 2 Comparison of key indicators between companies / 149 5. 3. 3 Content features of top?one posts / 150 5. 3. 4 The results of cluster analysis / 155 6 WECHAT CASE STUDY AND RESULTS / 178 6. 1 Interface & menu analysis of WeChat official accounts / 182 6. 1. 1 Observation criteria and data collection / 184 6. 1. 2 Labeling process / 184 6. 1. 3 Database creation / 187 6. 1. 4 The results of interface & menu analysis / 194 6. 2 Analysis of push notification marketing / 209 6. 2. 1 KPIs data collection, processing & database creation / 209 6. 2. 2 The results of descriptive statistical analysis of key indicators / 217 6. 2. 3 The results of cluster analysis / 225 7 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS / 246 7. 1 Discussion / 246 7. 1. 1 Identification of the most successful representatives / 246 7. 1. 2 Exploration of key factor for social media success on both platforms / 251 7. 2 Conclusions / 259 7. 3 Innovation points / 266 7. 4 Further work / 267 References / 269

中国数字市场背景下中西方知名企业的社交媒体营销表现 作者简介

何霞 重庆工商大学文学与新闻学院教师,传播学博士,毕业于西班牙庞培法布拉大学。具有多年的广告策划工作经历,主要从事广告策划与创意、新媒体与网络、社交媒体的商业应用,社交媒体广告、社交媒体的效果评估,社交媒体策略,旅游产业的社交媒体应用,自媒体与传播等研究与教学。 发表新媒体相关方向中英文论文5篇。多次参与新闻传播学国际学术交流,参与西班牙国家项目“iTourist”的研究。
