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新起点大学英语听说教程[ 教师用书 4]

新起点大学英语听说教程[ 教师用书 4]

开本: 16开 页数: 207
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新起点大学英语听说教程[ 教师用书 4] 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562259190
  • 条形码:9787562259190 ; 978-7-5622-5919-0
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新起点大学英语听说教程[ 教师用书 4] 内容简介


新起点大学英语听说教程[ 教师用书 4] 目录

Unit 1 Job Pressure Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations Task Two Long Conversations Conversation 1 The Secret to Be a Successful Office Secrerary Conversation 2 Invitation to Have a Dinner Task Three Short Passages Passage 1 US Unemployment Problem Passage 2 How to Deal with Stress at Work Part Three Speaking Out Part Four Testing Yourself Part Five Enjoying Yourself Song A New Day Has Come Unit 2 The Earth, Our Homeland Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations Task Two Long Conversations Conversation 1 An Interview About a Frightening Earthquake Conversation 2 A Gas Leak Task Three Short Passages Passage 1 What to Do in the Event of an Earthquake? Passage 2 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Part Three Speaking Out Part Four Testing Yourself Part Five Enjoying Yourself Song You Are Not Alone Unit 3 Culture Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations Task Two Long Conversations Conversation 1 An Unpleasant Experience in America Conversation 2 Children's Pocket Money in Britain Task Three Short Passages Passage 1 Differences in Parenting Passage 2 Tipping in the US Part Three Speaking Out Part Four Testing Yourself Part Five Enjoying Yourself Song Seasons in the Sun Unit 4 Advertisement Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations Task Two Long Conversations Conversation 1 A Telephone Call of Renting an Apartment Conversation 2 A Debate on Advertising Task Three Short Passages Passage 1 World No Tobacco Day Passage 2 Advertising Part Three Speaking Out Part Four Testing Yourself Part Five Enjoying Yourself Song I Believe I Can Fly Unit 5 Future Life Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations Task Two Long Conversations Conversation 1 An Undersea City Conversation 2 New Options for Food Service in the Cafeteria Task Three Short Passages Passage 1 Buying Your Car Piece by Piece Passage 2 Space Tourism Part Three Speaking Out Part Four Testing Yourself Part Five Enjoying Yourself Song Welcome to My Life Unit 6 Who Is Your Role Model? Part One Getting into the Topic Part Two Listening Tasks Task One Short Conversations …… Unit 7 What's on TV today? Unit 8 Environmental Protection Unit 9 Media Unit 10 Poverty