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土木工程专业英语 版权信息

土木工程专业英语 内容简介

本书选材涉及土木工程概况、土木工程类别、土木工程材料、工程荷载以及作用、结构构件类别、地下工程、桥梁工程、道路工程、工程抗震设计、隔震技术、建筑加固技术等方面, 分为13个单元, 每个单元均由课文、生词组成。涉及工程材料、材料力学、理论力学、混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构设计原理、道路工程、结构抗震设计、建筑加固理论、土力学、基础工程等相关学科知识。

土木工程专业英语 目录

Chapter 1 Overview of Civil Engineering 1.1 Introduction of Civil Engineering Section A The Origin of Civil Engineering Section B What Is a Civil Engineer 1.2 The Importance of Civil Engineering Section A The Role of Civil Engineering in Society Section B Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks References Chapter 2 Types of Civil Engineering 2.1 Structural Engineering Section A Introduction of Structural Engineering Section B Basic Types of Structures 2.2 Bridge Engineering 2.3 Underground Engineering Section A Introduction of Metropolitan Railway Section B Introduction of Tunnel Engineering 2.4 Road Engineering Section A Introduction of Road Engineering Section B Maintenance of Road Engineering References Chapter 3 Materials of Civil Engineering 3.1 Concrete Section A Introduction of Concrete Section B Properties of Concrete 3.2 Steel 3.3 Masonry References Chapter 4 Loads and Actions in Civil Engineering 4.1 Dead Load and Live Load 4.2 Wind Load and Wind Damage Section A Introduction of Wind Load Section B Classification of Wind Load Section C Horizontal Wind Loads and Roof Wind Loads on Structural Frames Section D Wind for Components and Wind Damage 4.3 Earthquake Action and Damage Section A Earthquake Action Section B Earthquake Damage 4.4 Tsunami Damage to the Structure of Civil Engineering Section A Tsunami Damage Section B Tsunami Damage to Buildings Section C Resistance of Tsunamis for Structures References Chapter 5 Members of Civil Engineering 5.1 Horizontal Forced Structural Members Section A Introduction of Beam Section B Forces within a Beam Section C Shear Strength and Parameters Section D Coupling Beams Section E Flat Plates Section F Behavior of Concrete Slabs Section G Floor Framing Systems 5.2 Vertical Forced Structural Members Section A Introduction of Column Section B Increasing Compressive Strength Section C High-strength Steel in Concrete Columns Section D Confinement in Reinforced Concrete Columns Section E Introduction of Concrete Structural Wall Section F Behavior of Structural Wall Section G Steel Plate Shear Walls 5.3 Arch Section A Introduction of Arches Section B Development of Arch Bridges 5.4 Truss Section A Introduction of Truss Section B Analysis of Internal Force Section C Production and Installation of a Truss References Chapter 6 Basic Types of Engineering Structure 6.1 Reinforced Concrete Structures Section A Application of Reinforced Concrete Structures Section B Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures 6.2 Steel Structure Section A Introduction of Steel Structures Section B Incheon International Airport 6.3 Classification of Steel Concrete Composite Structure Section A Steel Concrete Composite Structure Section B Concrete-filled Steel Tube Column 6.4 The Modern Complex High-rise Building Structure Section A Performance-based Seismic Design Section B Performance Objectives of PBSD References Chapter 7 Bridge Engineering 7.1 Introduction of Bridge Engineering Section A History of Bridge Section B London Millennium Footbridge 7.2 Classification of Bridge Section A Rigid Beam and Cantilever Section B Suspension and Arch 7.3 Design of Bridge Section A Design of Bridge Structure Section B Numerical Analysis of Bridge Structures References Chapter 8 Underground Engineering 8.1 Introduction of Underground Engineering Section A Exploitation of Underground Space Section B The Underground Strategy 8.2 Underground Tunnel Engineering Section A Tunneling Risk Section B A New Requirement of Tunneling 8.3 Development of Underground Space Structure Section A Web-based Shield Tunnel Construction Information System Section B Urban Underground Space Planning References Chapter 9 Road Engineering 9.1 Urban Road Section A Introduction of Urban Road Section B Development of Road Engineering 9.2 Freeway Engineering Section A Design of Freeway Section B Development of Freeway References Chapter 10 Foundation Engineering 10.1 Introduction of Foundation Section A A Shallow Foundation Section B Types of Pile Foundation 10.2 The Principles of Foundation Design Section A What Is Foundation Design Section B Causes of Settlement References Chapter 11 Performance-based Seismic Design 11.1 Introduction of Performance-based Seismic Design Section A The Origin of Performance-based Seismic Design Section B Development of Performance-based Seismic Design 11.2 Structural Seismic Demand and Seismic Capacity Section A Structural Seismic Demand Section B Structural Seismic Capacity 11.3 Loss Evaluation in Earthquake Events Section A Methodologies of Earthquake Economic Loss Estimate Section B Earthquake Disaster References Chapter 12 Isolation and Energy Dissipation Damper Technology 12.1 Seismic Isolation Technology Section A Introduction of Seismic Isolation Technology Section B Functions of Seismic Isolation Technology 12.2 Energy Dissipation System Section A Introduction of Energy Dissipation System Section B Classification of Dampers References Chapter 13 Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening 13.1 Outline of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening Section A Origin of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening Section B The Importance of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening Section C Problems of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening 13.2 Types of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening Section A Classification of Retrofitting Techniques for Seismic Strengthening Section B Introduction of Fibre Reinforced Polymer 13.3 Applications of Materials in Seismic Strengthening Section A Applications of Composite Materials Section B Steel Plates in Seismic Strengthening References

土木工程专业英语 作者简介

吴轶,博士,广州大学教授。2004年获华南理工大学结构工程专业工学博士学位,2005年晋升副教授,2010年晋升教授。长期从事高层建筑结构抗震、结构减震控制及城市防灾减灾方面的教学、科研工作。主持与主要参加10余项国家自然科学基金、省部级及厅局级项目。在Engineering struchures、《工程力学》、《计算力学学报》、《土木工程学报》等刊物上发表40余篇学术论文,出版教材2部,参编教材3部。
