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有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 版权信息
- ISBN:9787544789592
- 条形码:9787544789592 ; 978-7-5447-8959-2
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 本书特色
译林“有声双语经典”原版引进英语教育专家特为学生编写的英语名著,精选贴近中国学生英语习得水平的经典作品。丛书甄选优质中文译本,配以导读、作家作品简介和插图,并聘请资深高考听力卷主播朗读英语有声书。有声书播放平台操作便捷,只需扫描书中二维码,即可收听、下载。丛书选目涵盖各国经典文学作品,让孩子在阅读中提高文学鉴赏能力和英语听读能力。著名儿童文学作家黄蓓佳长文导读推荐。 莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,其戏剧在世界范围内影响巨大,是难以逾越的文学高峰。本版除《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》这家喻户晓的“四大喜剧”外,还精选了《无事生非》《暴风雨》《冬天的故事》《终成眷属》四部名篇。它们以爱情、友谊为主题,蕴含着人文主义的美好理想,洋溢着乐观主义的情调。
有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 内容简介
有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 目录
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night
As You Like It
Much Ado About Nothing
The Tempest
The Winter’s Tale
All’s Well That Ends Well
有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 节选
仲夏夜之梦 赫米娅和拉山德是一对恋人,但是赫米娅的父亲希望她嫁给一个叫狄米特律斯的男子。 在他们居住的雅典,有一部糟糕的法律,规定任何拒绝按照父亲的意愿结婚的女孩,都可以被处死。赫米娅的父亲因为赫米娅拒绝按他的意愿行事而非常生气,于是把她带到雅典公爵面前,要求如果她仍然拒绝服从他的命令,就处死她。公爵给她四天时间考虑这个问题,如果继续拒绝嫁给狄米特律斯,她就得死。 当然,拉山德伤心得快要疯了,他认为*好的办法就是赫米娅逃到他姑母家,那里不受那严酷法律的约束。他会去那里找赫米娅并娶她为妻。但在动身之前,赫米娅告诉了朋友海伦娜她要做什么。 早在狄米特律斯和赫米娅谈婚论嫁之前,海伦娜就已经爱上狄米特律斯了。她很傻,像所有被嫉妒蒙蔽了眼睛的人一样,她看不出狄米特律斯希望迎娶赫米娅而不是他的爱恋者海伦娜一事并不能怪可怜的赫米娅。她知道,如果她告诉狄米特律斯赫米娅要到雅典城外的树林去,狄米特律斯就会跟着赫米娅。她心里想:“这样我就可以跟着他,至少我可以看到他。”于是她找到狄米特律斯,泄露了朋友的秘密。 拉山德要去同赫米娅会合的这片树林,也是另外两个人决定跟随他们去的地方,和大多数树林一样,里面到处都是仙子。这天晚上,仙王奥布朗和仙后提泰妮娅就在这片树林里。仙子是非常聪明的,但有时他们也会像人类一样愚蠢。奥布朗和提泰妮娅本可以再幸福不过,却在一场愚蠢的争吵中把快乐全都抛弃了。他们一见面就说不愉快的话,互相咒骂,以至于所有的仙子随从都害怕得爬进橡实壳里藏起来。 于是,仙王和他的侍从在树林的一边活动,仙后和她的侍从则在另一边活动;而不是一起在月光下彻夜跳舞,让宫廷随时充满欢声笑语。引起这一切麻烦的是一个印度小男孩,提泰妮娅安排男孩做她的侍童。奥布朗想要这个男孩跟着他,成为他的一名骑士,但仙后不肯把男孩交出去。 这一天晚上,在月光下长满青苔的林间空地上,仙王和仙后相遇了。 “真不巧在月光下遇见你,骄傲的提泰妮娅。”仙王说。 “什么?善妒的奥布朗!”仙后回答,“你的争吵毁了一切。走吧,仙子们,我们离他远远的。我现在不想和他做朋友了。” “是你引起争吵的。”仙王说。 “把那个印度男孩给我吧,我将再次成为你卑微的仆人和追求者。” “请死心吧,”仙后说,“用你的整个仙国都不能从我这换到那个男孩。走吧,仙子们。” 她和她的侍从们在月光下离去。 “好,去你的吧,”奥布朗说,“但在你离开这片林子之前,我一定会和你算账的。” 然后,奥布朗叫来他*喜欢的小仙迫克。迫克是个淘气鬼。他常常溜进奶牛场,拿走奶油,钻进搅拌机,这样就产不出黄油来;他让啤酒变酸;在漆黑的夜晚,他引人们误入迷途,再嘲笑他们;当人们要坐下时,他把凳子从他们屁股底下抽走让他们摔坐在地上;当人们要喝热麦芽酒时,他把酒打翻在他们的下巴上。 “现在,”奥布朗对这个小仙说,“把那朵‘爱懒花’给我摘来。如果把那紫色小花的汁液滴在睡梦中人的眼皮上,他们便会爱上醒来看见的**样生物。我要把这种花的汁液滴在我的提泰妮娅的眼皮上,等她醒来,她看到的**样东西,无论是狮子、熊、狼、公牛也好,或是好事的猴子、忙碌的猿猴也好,她都会爱上的。” 迫克走后,狄米特律斯穿过林间空地,可怜的海伦娜跟在他身后。海伦娜还在告诉狄米特律斯她是多么爱他,并提醒狄米特律斯许下的所有诺言,而狄米特律斯仍然告诉她,他从不爱她也不可能爱她,他的诺言什么也不是。奥布朗为可怜的海伦娜难过,当迫克带着花回来时,他命令迫克跟着狄米特律斯,并在他的眼皮上滴一些花汁,这样当他醒来看到海伦娜时,就会像海伦娜爱他一样爱海伦娜。于是,迫克出发了,他在树林里游逛,但他找到的不是狄米特律斯,而是拉山德,他把花汁滴在了拉山德的眼皮上。但拉山德醒来时看到的不是他的赫米娅,而是正在树林中寻找狠心的狄米特律斯的海伦娜。他一见到海伦娜就爱上了她,在紫色小花的魔力下,他离开了自己的爱人。 赫米娅醒来后发现拉山德不见了,她在树林里四处寻找。迫克回去告诉了奥布朗他所做的一切,奥布朗很快就发现他弄错了,于是开始寻找狄米特律斯。他找到狄米特律斯后,就把花的汁液滴在他眼皮上。狄米特律斯醒来后看到的**样生物也是海伦娜。狄米特律斯和拉山德都跟着她穿过树林,现在轮到赫米娅像海伦娜从前一样跟着她的情人了。海伦娜和赫米娅开始争吵,狄米特律斯和拉山德也打起来。奥布朗本想帮助这两对恋人,结果好心办坏事,他非常难过。他对迫克说: “这两个年轻人要打起来了。你必须用浓雾遮住夜空,引他们迷路,不要让他们碰到一起。等他们累坏了,就会睡着。再把另一种草汁滴在拉山德的眼皮上。这能让他恢复从前的眼光和爱情。这样,每个男人都会得到爱他的女人,他们都会认为这只是一场仲夏夜之梦。等这事办完,就万事大吉了。” 于是,迫克就照他说的去做,等他们两人没有见面就睡着了,迫克把汁液滴到拉山德的眼皮上,说: 当你醒来时, 会得到真正的快乐, 当看到曾经的爱人的眼睛, 哥儿爱着姐儿, 一切都将正常。 与此同时,奥布朗找到睡在河岸上的提泰妮娅,那里开满了各种花。提泰妮娅夜里经常裹着蛇皮睡在那里。奥布朗弯下身子,把汁液滴在她的眼皮上,说: 为你醒来时所看到的, 付出你的真爱。 …… A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM Hermia and Lysander were lovers; but Hermia’s father wished her to marry another man, named Demetrius. Now, in Athens, where they lived, there was a wicked law, by which any girl who refused to marry according to her father’s wishes, might be put to death. Hermia’s father was so angry with her for refusing to do as he wished, that he actually brought her before the Duke of Athens to ask that she might be killed, if she still refused to obey him. The Duke gave her four days to think about it, and, at the end of that time, if she still refused to marry Demetrius, she would have to die. Lysander of course was nearly mad with grief, and the best thing he thought Hermia should do is to run away to his aunt’s house at a place beyond the reach of that cruel law; and there he would come to her and marry her. But before she started, she told her friend, Helena, what she was going to do. Helena had been Demetrius’ sweetheart long before his marriage with Hermia had been thought of, and being very silly, like all jealous people, she could not see that it was not poor Hermia’s fault that Demetrius wished to marry her instead of his own lady, Helena. She knew that if she told Demetrius that Hermia was going to the wood outside Athens, he would follow her, “and I can follow him, and at least I shall see him,” she said to herself. So she went to him, and betrayed her friend’s secret. Now this wood where Lysander was to meet Hermia, and where the other two had decided to follow them, was full of fairies, as most woods are; in this wood on this night were the King and Queen of the fairies, Oberon and Titania. Fairies are very wise people, but now and then they can be quite as foolish as human beings. Oberon and Titania, who might have been as happy as the days were long, had thrown away all their joy in a foolish quarrel. They never met without saying disagreeable things to each other, and scolded each other so dreadfully that all their little fairy followers, for fear, would creep into acorn cups and hide there. So, instead of keeping one happy Court and dancing all night through in the moonlight, the King with his attendants wandered through one part of the wood, while the Queen with hers in another. And the cause of all this trouble was a little Indian boy whom Titania had taken to be one of her followers. Oberon wanted the child to follow him and be one of his fairy knights; but the Queen would not give him up. On this night, in a mossy moonlit glade, the King and Queen of the fairies met. “Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania,” said the King. “What? jealous, Oberon!” answered the Queen. “You spoil everything with your quarreling. Come, fairies, let us leave him. I am not friends with him now.” “It is you who make up the quarrel,” said the King. “Give me that little Indian boy, and I will again be your humble servant and suitor.” “Set your mind at rest,” said the Queen. “Your whole fairy kingdom cannot buy that boy from me. Come, fairies.” And she and her train rode off down the moonbeams. “Well, go your ways,” said Oberon. “But I’ll be even with you before you leave this wood.” Then Oberon called his favorite fairy, Puck. Puck was the spirit of mischief. He used to slip into the dairies and take the cream away, and get into the churn so that the butter would not come, and turn the beer sour, and lead people out of their way on dark nights and then laugh at them, and tumble people’s stools from under them when they were going to sit down, and upset their hot ale over their chins when they were going to drink. “Now,” said Oberon to this little sprite, “fetch me the flower called Love-in-idleness. The juice of that little purple flower laid on the eyes of those who sleep will make them, when they wake, to love the first thing they see. I will put some of the juice of that flower on my Titania’s eyes, and when she wakes she will love the first thing she sees, were it a lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, or a meddling monkey, or a busy ape.” While Puck was gone, Demetrius passed through the glade followed by poor Helena, and still she told him how she loved him and reminded him of all his promises, and still he told her that he did not and could not love her, and that his promises were nothing. Oberon was sorry for poor Helena, and when Puck returned with the flower, he ordered him to follow Demetrius and put some of the juice on his eyes, so that he might love Helena when he woke and looked on her, as much as she loved him. So Puck set off, and wandering through the wood found, not Demetrius, but Lysander, on whose eyes he put the juice; but when Lysander woke, he saw not his own Hermia, but Helena, who was walking through the wood looking for the cruel Demetrius; and when he saw her, he directly loved her and left his own lady, under the spell of the purple flower. When Hermia woke she found Lysander gone, and wandered about the wood trying to find him. Puck went back and told Oberon what he had done, and Oberon soon found that he had made a mistake, and set about looking for Demetrius, and having found him, put some of the juice on his eyes. And the first thing Demetrius saw when he woke was also Helena. So now Demetrius and Lysander were both following her through the wood, and it was Hermia’s turn to follow her lover as Helena had done before. The end of it was that Helena and Hermia began to quarrel, and Demetrius and Lysander went off to fight. Oberon was very sorry to see his kind scheme to help these lovers turn out so badly. So he said to Puck— “These two young men are going to fight. You must cover the night with drooping fog, and lead them so astray, that one will never find the other. When they are tired out, they will fall asleep. Then drop this other herb on Lysander’s eyes. That will give him his old sight and his old love. Then each man will have the lady who loves him, and they will all think that this has been only a Midsummer Night’s Dream. Then when this is done, all will be well with them.” So Puck went and did as he was told, and when the two had fallen asleep without meeting each other, Puck poured the juice on Lysander’s eyes, and said— “When you wake, You take True delight In the sight Of your former lady’s eye: Jack shall have Jill; Nothing shall go ill.” ……
有声双语经典:莎士比亚喜剧故事 作者简介
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