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新书--形而上学(英文):西方哲学经典影印 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787540365769
  • 条形码:9787540365769 ; 978-7-5403-6576-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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新书--形而上学(英文):西方哲学经典影印 内容简介


新书--形而上学(英文):西方哲学经典影印 目录

CH.A. 1.The advance from sensation through memory,experience,and art,to theoretical knowledge. 2.Characteristics of 'wisdom' (philosophy). 3.The successive recognition by earlier philosophers of the material, efflcient and nal causes. 4.Inadequacy of the treatment of these causes. 5.The Pythagorean and Eleatic schools;the former recognizes vaguely the formal cause. 6.The Platonic philosophy;it uses only the material and formal causes. 7.The relation of the various systems to the four causes. 8.Criticism of the pre-Platonic philosophers. 9.Criticism of the doctrine of Ideas. 10.The history of philosophy reveals no causes other than the four. a I.General considerations about the study of philosophy. 2.There cannot be an infinite series,nor an infinite variety of kinds of causes. 3.Different methods are appropriate to different studies. B. 1.Sketch of the main problems of philosophy. 2.Fuller statement of the problems:-- (i) Can one science treat of all the four causes? (ii) Are the primary axioms treated of by the science of substance, and if not,by what science? (iii) Can one science treat of all substances? (iv) Does the science of substance treat also of its attributes? (v) Are there any non-sensible substances,and if so,of how many kinds? 3.(vi) Are the genera,or the constituent parts,of things their first principles? (vii) If the genera,is it the highest genera or the lowest? 4.(viii) Is there anything apart from individual things? (ix) Is each of the first principles one in kind,orin number? (x) Are the principles of perishable and of imperishable things the same? (xi) Are being and unity substances or attributes? 5.(xii) Are the objects of mathematics substances? 6.(xiii) Do Ideas exist,as well as sensible things and the objects of mathematics? (xiv) Do the first principles exist potentially or actually? (xv) Are the first principles universal or individual? □(特殊字体) 1.Our object is the study of being as such. 2.We must therefore study primary being (viz.substance) unity and plurality,and the derivative contraries,and the attributes of being and of substance. 3.We must study also the primary axioms,and especially the law of contradiction. 4.Fatal difficulties involved in the denial of this law. 5.The connexion of such denial with Protagoras'doctrine of relativity the doctrine refuted. 6.Further refutation of Protagoras. 7.The law of excluded middle defended. 8.All judgements are not true,nor are all false;all things are not at rest,nor are all in motion. …… □(特殊字体) E. z. H. □(特殊字体) I. K. □(特殊字体) M. N.

新书--形而上学(英文):西方哲学经典影印 作者简介

罗斯(William David Ross,1877—1971):世界公认的亚里士多德研究专家,牛津英文版《亚里士多德全集》的主编,翻译了亚里士多德《形而上学》《尼各马可伦理学》这两部重要的著作,并为“牛津古典文本”编校了亚里士多德的《修辞学》《物理学》《论灵魂》《政治学》等古希腊语著作。
