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百年科技梦(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119129112
  • 条形码:9787119129112 ; 978-7-119-12911-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

百年科技梦(英文) 内容简介


百年科技梦(英文) 目录

Part Ⅰ The Saviors of the Nation
1.1 China's Science and Technology Dream
1.2 Awakening: The Evolution of China's Science and Technology Policies
1.3 Manufacturing and Modernization
1.4 Centennial Eulogy of Engineering
1.5 Science and Technology: The Engine of Rapid Development
1.6 Science Education
1.7 Intelligent Automation in the 21st Century

Part Ⅱ Sharing the Same Boat
2.1 Save the Planet
2.2 Protect the Oceans
2.3 Through Hardship Together-A Review of the CCICED
2.4 A Bonanza for China
2.5 Reverence for and Harmony with Nature

Part Ⅲ Population Dynanucs
3.1 Coexistence in the Only World
3-2 China's Population Transition in the 20th Century
3.3 Some Developments in Mathematical Demography
3.4 Spectral Properties of Population Operator and Asymptotic Behaviour of Population Semi-group
3.5 Spectral Properties of Population Evolution and Controllability of Population System
3.6 Population Control
3.7 Double-Edged Limit of Replacement Level of Fertility
3.8 Age Distribution of a Zero-Growth Population

Part Ⅳ On the Ancient Chronology of China
4.1 Dismissing Doubts and Clearing Away Confusion
4.2 Saluting the Initial Achievements of the Project for Ancient Chinese Chronology
4.3 The Extended Chronology of Xia-Shang-Zhou Dynasties

Part Ⅴ Towards the Outside World
5.1 Astronautics and Light Barrier
5.2 Dr. Qian Xuesen-A National Hero
5.3 Remote Fates and China-Israel Relations
5.4 Quasi and Proven Truth

百年科技梦(英文) 作者简介

  Dr. Song Jian, born on December 29, 1931 in Shandong Province, is a distinguished scientist in the fields of control theory, systems engineering, and aerospace technology. He received a Candidate of Sciences degree in 1960 from the Moscow National Technical University and was granted a Doctor of Sciences degree in 1990 by the Higher Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers. His previous positions include Vice Minister and Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Astronautics, Chairman of the State Science and Technology Commission, State Councilor of the Central Government, Chairman of the National Environmental Protection Committee, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), and Vice Chairman of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Now he is a lifelong Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of CAE.  Dr. Song's academic titles include Academician of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CAE; Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering; Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Yugoslav Academy of Engineering; and Member of the International Astronautic Academy.  Dr. Song initiated and successfully carried out the "China Spark Program" for poverty alleviation and rural development nationwide. He initiated and guided the implementation of the "Torch Program", which has spearheaded the development of high-tech science-parks across China. He organized and implemented the "863 Program" (high-tech research) and "Climbing Program" (basic science research). The "Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project", which he initiated in 1996, succeeded in moving the chronology of China's ancient history back by -500 years. He proposed the establishment of the National Strategy of Revitalizing China through Science and Education.  Dr. Song was granted the highest National Award for Scientific and Technological Progress and received the Albert Einstein Award in 1987, the highest honor from the International Association for Mathematical Modeling. Other honors he has received include the special HLHL (Hong Kong) Award in 1998 for his lifetime achievements in science and technology.  On October 8, 2014, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) gave its approval for asteroid 210210, discovered by the Purple Mountain Observatory of CAS, to be eternally named in his honor as "Songjian".
