云图英语时文速递:强化篇NO.1 版权信息
- ISBN:9787576300123
- 条形码:9787576300123 ; 978-7-5763-0012-3
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
云图英语时文速递:强化篇NO.1 内容简介
本书以新课标为依据, 题目设置紧密契合中考要求。题型丰富, 既有传统的阅读理解题, 也有符合各地区不同需求的完形填空和任务型阅读等题型。本册为强化篇。
云图英语时文速递:强化篇NO.1 目录
Week One 科普科技
001 Monday [完形填空] Brief Introduction of Bitcoin
002 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Life Without Wi-Fi
003 Wednesday [阅读理解B] What Is Space Tourism?
004 Thursday [阅读理解C] 3D Printing: the Future of Food Production?
005 Friday [任务型阅读D] Driverless Cars: a Great or Problematic Invention?
006 Saturday [短文填空] Innovation in Photo Taking and Storing
007 Sunday [拓展阅读] Eating Etiquette in China
Week Two 人物传记
008 Monday [完形填空] Florence Nightingale
009 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Marie Curie
010 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Martin Luther King Jr.
011 Thursday [阅读理解C] Jessica Nabongo
012 Friday [任务型阅读D] A $4.2 Billion Mystery Donor!
013 Saturday [短文填空] Naismith: the Inventor of Basketball
014 Sunday [拓展阅读] May Kitchen God Give a Good Report
Week Three 生活成长、校园生活
015 Monday [完形填空] Student Life
016 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Do Not Lie
017 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Tianjin Teacher Fired for Discriminatory Remarks
018 Thursday [阅读理解C] When Can Schools Reopen?
019 Friday [任务型阅读D] Kindergarten Investigated for Offering Vegetarian-Only Meals to Children
020 Saturday [短文填空] Last Day of College
021 Sunday [拓展阅读] Double Ninth Festival
Week Four 学校教育
022 Monday [完形填空] U.K. May Lengthen School Day, Cut Summer
Holidays in Biggest Reforms Since WWII
023 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Michigan High School Classroom Rocked byStudent's Homemade Bomb
024 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Fraction of Biden's $128B Education Relief Plan Would Go Toward Schools in 2021
025 Thursday [阅读理解C] Debate Rages over Proposal to Cancel English
026 Friday [任务型阅读D] Chicago Teachers Union Agrees on Reopening In-Person Learning
027 Saturday [短文填空] Students Failing More Often During Online Learming
028 Sunday [拓展阅读] How Ancient Chinese Warmed Their Hands
Week Five 明星娱乐
029 Monday [完形填空] Chloe Zhao Wins Golden Globe Awards
030 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Taylor Swift Cancels Tour Due to Pandemic
031 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Matthew MoConaughey Says Running for Governor of Texas Is "a True Consideration"
032 Thursday [阅读理解C] Selena Gomez Hints at Potential Retiremen from Music
033 Friday [任务型阅读D] Why Elizabeth Olsen Considered Using a Different Last Name when She Started Acting
034 Saturday [短文填空] Legendary Hong Kong Actor Ng Dies at 70 Sunday
035 [拓展阅读] How Ancient Chinese Welcomed Youth into Adulthood
Week Six 饮食购物、疾病健康
036 Monday [完形填空] WHO Warns 2.5 Billion Will Have Hearing Problems by 2050
037 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Awe
038 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Chinese Scientists Develop Gene Therapy Delaying Aging
039 Thursday [阅读理解C] Digital Breakfast Service
040 Friday [任务型阅读D] Does Wearing Two Masks Provide MoreProtection?
041 Saturday [短文填空] National Wake-Up Call
042 Sunday [拓展阅读] Dance Show on Tang Dynasty Wins Hearts
001 Monday [完形填空] Brief Introduction of Bitcoin
002 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Life Without Wi-Fi
003 Wednesday [阅读理解B] What Is Space Tourism?
004 Thursday [阅读理解C] 3D Printing: the Future of Food Production?
005 Friday [任务型阅读D] Driverless Cars: a Great or Problematic Invention?
006 Saturday [短文填空] Innovation in Photo Taking and Storing
007 Sunday [拓展阅读] Eating Etiquette in China
Week Two 人物传记
008 Monday [完形填空] Florence Nightingale
009 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Marie Curie
010 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Martin Luther King Jr.
011 Thursday [阅读理解C] Jessica Nabongo
012 Friday [任务型阅读D] A $4.2 Billion Mystery Donor!
013 Saturday [短文填空] Naismith: the Inventor of Basketball
014 Sunday [拓展阅读] May Kitchen God Give a Good Report
Week Three 生活成长、校园生活
015 Monday [完形填空] Student Life
016 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Do Not Lie
017 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Tianjin Teacher Fired for Discriminatory Remarks
018 Thursday [阅读理解C] When Can Schools Reopen?
019 Friday [任务型阅读D] Kindergarten Investigated for Offering Vegetarian-Only Meals to Children
020 Saturday [短文填空] Last Day of College
021 Sunday [拓展阅读] Double Ninth Festival
Week Four 学校教育
022 Monday [完形填空] U.K. May Lengthen School Day, Cut Summer
Holidays in Biggest Reforms Since WWII
023 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Michigan High School Classroom Rocked byStudent's Homemade Bomb
024 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Fraction of Biden's $128B Education Relief Plan Would Go Toward Schools in 2021
025 Thursday [阅读理解C] Debate Rages over Proposal to Cancel English
026 Friday [任务型阅读D] Chicago Teachers Union Agrees on Reopening In-Person Learning
027 Saturday [短文填空] Students Failing More Often During Online Learming
028 Sunday [拓展阅读] How Ancient Chinese Warmed Their Hands
Week Five 明星娱乐
029 Monday [完形填空] Chloe Zhao Wins Golden Globe Awards
030 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Taylor Swift Cancels Tour Due to Pandemic
031 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Matthew MoConaughey Says Running for Governor of Texas Is "a True Consideration"
032 Thursday [阅读理解C] Selena Gomez Hints at Potential Retiremen from Music
033 Friday [任务型阅读D] Why Elizabeth Olsen Considered Using a Different Last Name when She Started Acting
034 Saturday [短文填空] Legendary Hong Kong Actor Ng Dies at 70 Sunday
035 [拓展阅读] How Ancient Chinese Welcomed Youth into Adulthood
Week Six 饮食购物、疾病健康
036 Monday [完形填空] WHO Warns 2.5 Billion Will Have Hearing Problems by 2050
037 Tuesday [阅读理解A] Awe
038 Wednesday [阅读理解B] Chinese Scientists Develop Gene Therapy Delaying Aging
039 Thursday [阅读理解C] Digital Breakfast Service
040 Friday [任务型阅读D] Does Wearing Two Masks Provide MoreProtection?
041 Saturday [短文填空] National Wake-Up Call
042 Sunday [拓展阅读] Dance Show on Tang Dynasty Wins Hearts
云图英语时文速递:强化篇NO.1 作者简介
云图分级阅读研究院,为分级阅读项目专门成立,成员均具有丰富的英语类读物产品研发经验。在英语分级读物领域,为床头灯英语分级读物策划研发过增值产品,还策划研发了《云图英语分级读物》系列丛书。在考研领域,策划审校了一批深受学生欢迎的教辅教材,如:都学课堂的《2021MBA、MEM、MPAcc、MPA管理类联考与经济类联考英语(二)新教材》和刘晓艳的《写作不过如此》等辅导用书已成为考研学子的 用书。
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