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先进的托卡马克稳定性理论(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560394336
  • 条形码:9787560394336 ; 978-7-5603-9433-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

先进的托卡马克稳定性理论(英文) 内容简介


先进的托卡马克稳定性理论(英文) 目录

Preface Acknowledgments Author biography 1 Tokamak MHD equilibrium 1.1 The Grad-Shafranov equation 1.2 Toroidal flux coordinates 1.3 The tokamak force balance: the hoop force Bibliography 2 Ideal MHD instabilities 2.1 The global MHD spectrum 2.2 Internal and external global MHD modes 2.3 Radially localized modes: the Mercier criterion 2.4 The ballooning modes and ballooning representation 2.5 The peeling and free boundary ballooning modes 2.6 The toroidal Alfven eigenmodes 2.7 The kinetically driven MHD modes 2.8 Discussion Bibliography 3 Resistive MHD instabilities 3.1 The resistive MHD theory of Glasser, Greene and Johnson 3.2 The resistive MHD ballooning modes 3.3 The tearing mode and its coupling to interchange-type modes 3.4 Discussion: neoclassical tearing modes, etc Bibliography 4 Gyrokinetie theory 4.1 The general gyrokinetic formalism and equilibrium 4.2 The electrostatic gyrokinetic equation 4.3 Electrostatic drift waves 4.3.1 The slab-like branch 4.3.2 The toroidal branch 4.4 The electromagnetic gyrokinetic equation 4.5 FLR effects on the interchange modes 4.6 The kinetic ballooning mode theory 4.7 Discussion Bibliography 5 Physical interpretations of experimental observations 5.1 The tokamak confinement modes 5.2 Enhanced electron transport 5.3 Transport barriers 5.4 Nonlocal transport 5.5 The edge localized modes 5.6 Blob transport 5.7 Edge harmonic oscillations Bibliography 6 Concluding remarks Bibliography Appendix A Derivation of the gyrokinetics equations A. 1 The first harmonic solution of the gyrokinetic equation A.2 The gyrophase-averaged gyrokinetic equation A.3 The gyrokinetic vorticity equation 编辑手记

先进的托卡马克稳定性理论(英文) 作者简介

  Linjin Zheng, a theoretical physicist in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion plasmas. He received his MSc degree from The University of Science and Technology of China and his PhD from the Institute of Physics, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He currently works at Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin. He has published more than a hundred scientific papers, for example in Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters, Nuclear Fusion, Physics of Plasmas and major conferences. His research covers tokamak equilibrium and stability theories in ideal/resistive magnetohydrodynamics. two fluids and kinetics. His major contributions with colleagues include the reformulation of gyrokinetic theory, the development of the theoretical interpretation For the so-called edge localized modes, the invention of the free boundary ballooning representation, the discoveries of the second toroidal Alfven eigenmodes and current interchange tearing modes, etc. He has also developed the AEGIS and AEGIS-K codes.
