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初心之源 中国共产党的传统文化基因 英文版

初心之源 中国共产党的传统文化基因 英文版

开本: 16开 页数: 354
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初心之源 中国共产党的传统文化基因 英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302544135
  • 条形码:9787302544135 ; 978-7-302-54413-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:

初心之源 中国共产党的传统文化基因 英文版 内容简介


初心之源 中国共产党的传统文化基因 英文版 目录

Chapter Ⅰ Advocate Benevolence: Put the People aboveEverything Else
Section Ⅰ Concept of Benevolence in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Benevolence Thought of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Put the People Above Everything Else
Chapter Ⅱ Stress People-centered Development: the People Are the Supreme Arbitrators and Final Judges
Section Ⅰ A View of People-centered Development in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The CPC's People-centered Development Thought
Section Ⅲ The People Are the Supreme Arbitrators and the Final Judges
Chapter Ⅲ Keep the Faith: the Chinese People's Gene of Valuing Goodwill, Responsibility and Faith
Section Ⅰ The Concept of Faith in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Faith Thought of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Promote the Social Credit System Construction
Chapter Ⅳ Stress Inheritance: Good Inheritance Means
Good Innovation
Section Ⅰ The Concept of Inheritance in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Ecological Civilization Thought of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Good Inheritance Leads to Good Innovation
Chapter Ⅴ Stress Self-cultivation: Self-cultivation Is the Beginning of Everything
Section Ⅰ The Concept of Self-cultivation in the Traditional Culture
Section Ⅱ The Self-cultivation Concept of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Self-cultivation Is the First Step
Chapter Ⅵ Know the Change for Long-term and Stable Development
Section Ⅰ Concept of Change in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Thought of Change of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Change for Long-term and Stable Development
Chapter Ⅶ Uphold Justice, the Strongest Force
Section Ⅰ The View of Justice in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Justice Concept of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Justice Is the Strongest Force
Chapter Ⅷ Uphold Harmony: Harmony Is the Historical Gene of the Chinese Nation
Section Ⅰ Harmony in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Harmony Concept of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Unswervingly Follow the Path of Peaceful Develop ment
Chapter Ⅸ Value Ecology: Respect, Adapt to and Protect Nature
Section Ⅰ Nature Followed by the Divine Law and Unity of Man with Heaven in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Ecological Civilization Thought of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Respect, Accommodate to and Protect Nature
Chapter Ⅹ Seek Great Harmony: Advance Common Interestsof All
Section Ⅰ The Concept of Great Harmony in the Traditional Chinese Culture
Section Ⅱ The Highest Ideal of the Communist Party of China
Section Ⅲ Seek Great Harmony: Advance Common Interests of All