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Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology

Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology

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Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology 版权信息

Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology 内容简介


Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology 目录

1 Introduction
1.1 The Development and Application of Shield Tunneling Technology
1.2 The Severity and Universality of Tool Wear in Shield Engineering in Complex Stratum
1.3 The Key Technology of Restoring Shield Tunneling--Tool Replacement Technology
2 Cutting, Wear and Replacement of Cutting Tools During Shield Tunneling
2.1 Types and Arrangements of Shield Cutterhead and Tool
2.1.1 Shield Cutterhead Type
2.1.2 Type of Shield Cutter
2.1.3 Arrangement of Shield Cutter Head
2.2 Cutting and Wear of Tools
2.2.1 Cutting Mechanism of Shield Tool
2.2.2 Wear Types and Examples of Shield Cutting Tools
2.2.3 Analysis on the Causes of Tool Wear of Shield Machine
2.2.4 Tool Wear Monitoring Method for Shield Machine
2.3 Shield Opening Technology
2.3.1 Brief Introduction of Shield Tunnel Opening
2.3.2 Common Opening Technology of Shield Tunnel
2.3.3 Brief Introduction of Typical Shield Tunnel Opening Examples at Home and Abroad
2.3.4 Summary and Prospect of Shield Opening Technology
2.3.5 Tool Replacement Technology of Shield Machine
3 Conventional Cutterhead and Tool-Changing Under Normal Pressure Technology
3.1 Self-stabilizing Stratum Tool-Changing Technology
3.2 Reinforcement Stratum Tool-Changing Technology
3.2.1 Rotary Jet Reinforcement Technology
3.2.2 Deep Mixing and Reinforcement Technology
3.2.3 Freezing Method Construction Technology
3.2.4 Shaft Reinforcement Technology
3.2.5 Underground Continuous Wall Reinforcement Technology
3.2.6 Comparison of Several Techniques
3.3 Normal Pressure Tool Change Technology
3.3.1 Tool Change Process
3.3.2 Shield Cutter Tool Welding Process
3.3.3 The Contents of the Cutter Repair
3.4 Example of the Yellow River Tunnel in the Middle Route
of the South-To-North Water Transfer Project
3.4.1 Project Overview
3.4.2 Introduction to Downtime
3.4.3 Guarantee the Stability Measures of the Excavation Face
3.4.4 Excavation Support
3.4.5 Cutterhead and Tool Repair
4 Normal Pressure Tool Change Technology Based on Basic Pressure and Changeable Knife Design
4.1 Introduction of Normal Pressure Changer Technology Based on Normal Pressure Replaceable Knife Design
4.1.1 Principle of the Process of Changing the Knife Under Constant Pressure
4.1.2 Features of the Normal Pressure-for-Knife Method
4.2 Normal Pressure Replaceable Cutting Plate Structure Design and Layout
4.3 Removal and Installation of Normal Pressure Replaceable Tools
4.3.1 Safety Points for Tool Replacement
4.3.2 Tool Inspection and Replacement Plan
4.3.3 The Process of Changing the Knife Under Constant Pressure
4.4 Example Swords-Off of Normal Pressure Opening in the Cross-river Section of Wuhan Metro Line
4.4.1 Engineering Overview and Geological Conditions
4.4.2 Shield Basic Parameters and Characteristics
4.4.3 Shutdown Position and Knife Change Plan
4.4.4 Atmospheric Pressure Changing Process and Program
5 Stabilization Technology and Tool Change Technology for Open Face with Pressure Open
5.1 Pressure Opening and Opening Face Stability Technology
5.1.1 Mud Preparation Technology
5.1.2 Mud Film Forming Technology
5.1.3 Stable Excavation Face Technology Based on Mud Membrane Closed Gas
5.2 Pressure-Opening Tool Changer
5.2.1 Diving Operation
5.2.2 With Pressure into the Cabin
5.2.3 Pressure Change Tool Technical Produces
5.3 Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel (Wei 7 Road) Example of Conventional Compressed Air Pressure Opening and Changing
5.3.1 Overview of the Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel Project
5.3.2 Analysis Process of Shield Tunneling and Shutdown of Nanjing Yangtze Tunnel
5.3.3 Control of Stability of Excavation Face when Opening
5.3.4 With Pressure Open Cabin Changer Implementation
5.3.5 O

Shield tunnel cutter replacement technology 作者简介

陈健,教授级高工。中铁十四局集团副总工程师、首席专家,国内知名大盾构专家,主要从事大盾构越江隧道项目技术管理及科研攻关工作。获“中国土木工程詹天佑创新集体”“茅以升铁道工程师”“山东省优秀发明人”“江苏省十大职工操作法”“山东省优秀青年知识分子”等荣誉称号。 闵凡路,博士,河海大学副教授,硕士生导师,香港科技大学访问学者,入选河海大学“大禹学者”计划。主要从事水下盾构隧道、城市地铁等方面的科研与教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金2项、国家973计划项目子课题等纵向课题5项,主持或参与南京长江隧道、南京纬三路过江隧道、扬州瘦西湖隧道、南水北调中线穿黄隧道、武汉过江地铁等10余项大直径水下盾构隧道及城市地铁的科技创新工作;发表论文60余篇,其中SCI/EI论文30篇;出版专著1部;授权发明专利16项;获得省部级科技进步奖一等奖1项。
