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气墨灵象艺术论 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510337406
  • 条形码:9787510337406 ; 978-7-5103-3740-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

气墨灵象艺术论 本书特色

语言,像散文一样优美;逻辑,如哲学一般智慧 节律,若音乐一样曼妙;审美,似灵境一般幻化 原创、独辟、体系、前瞻、深邃、高远,构建《“气墨灵象”艺术论》之理论特质与学术品格。 融抽象于具象,寓未来于历史,示隐蔽于显现,蕴超验于经验,矗“正象”于“乱象”,彰显《“气墨灵象”艺术论》之审美理想与逻辑境界。 提升精神维次,通达高远境界 慧悟超验审美,润滋灵魂仪貌 邂逅“气墨灵象”,缘起生命“灵化”

气墨灵象艺术论 内容简介

《“气墨灵象”艺术论》直面现实文艺乱象,于时空隧道中,拜谒艺术初心,察视审美演变,眺瞻美的远方与善的灵明。 本论探研美学、艺术、审美、境界、纯粹之本质意涵,在竭力攀缘、极目眺瞻的高维坐标中,畅遐思想、放逸精神、沐浴灵慧。本论既是艺术创作论,又是审美境界论;既涉哲学美学,又及艺术文化;既论艺术之创作,也谈受众之审美,构成相互作用、“推挽”致远、循环“超越”的整一体系。核心概念:灵象,气墨,气墨灵象。主要命题:“灵象”是象的远方;“气墨”是墨的未来;“气墨”“灵象”形质一体、且互为形式内容;“艺法灵象”揭示艺术终极性规律;“气墨灵象”是高维之美;高学大德方入“气墨灵象”之境;作者、受众相互推挽方筑文艺高峰;精神维次决定审美境界;超验审美统摄艺术未来。

气墨灵象艺术论 目录

总序·科学探微 艺术润灵 Science Explores Truth,Art Enriches Spirit 序·“灵缠”是艺术力 “Spiritual Entanglement”is the Primary Force of Art 概览·眺瞻未来之美 A Glimpse of the Beauty of Future 眺瞻·立论篇 Looking into the Future, Establishment of the Art Theory 逸形入灵 大艺立象 Spirit and Form of Great Art 如气化墨 载灵承象 Ink Carries Spirit and Form Brings Vital Energy 气墨绘画 灵象艺术 Qimo Painting, Lingxiang Art 艺法灵象 至美审美 Artistic Lingxiang Represents Ultimate Aesthetics 气墨灵象 高学大德 Qimolingxiang Reflect Profound Knowledge and Lofty Morality 润灵乐境 “推挽”筑峰 Spiritual Joy Peaks through“Push-Pull” 创新艺术 超验境界 Innovative Art,Transcendent Realm 美是“气墨灵象” Aesthetic Beauty is the Essential Nature of“Qimolingxiang” 纵横·寻踪篇 Across the Board, Tracing the Origin “灵象”是“象”的远方 Lingxiang Represents the Tomorrow of “Form” “气墨”是“笔墨”的未来 Qimo Displays the Future of“Ink” “气墨”“灵象”互为形式内容 Qimo and Lingxiang Demonstrate the Content and Form of Each Other “艺法灵象”揭示艺术本质规律 “Artistic Lingxiang”Reveals the Essential Law of Art “高学大德”方入至美审美 “Great Knowledge and Lofty Morality”Showcase Ultimate Aesthetics “润灵乐境”推挽文艺高峰 “Spiritual Joy”Push-Pull the Summit of Art “精神实现”皈依超验审美 “Spiritual Realization”Converts to Transcendental Aesthetics 察变·慧灵篇 Sensing the Variations,Enlightenment 语言,终究还是语言 Language Innovation is the Ultimate Mission of Artistic Creation 经典,感性美与思想美不可或缺 Classic, Can't Do Without Perceptual Beauty and Thought Beauty 创作,用性灵开启“笔墨” Creation, UsesSpirit to Activate“Ink” 立象,拒绝现实物象 Creating Image, Not to Create Image of Reality 构建,美在“意想不到” Construction of Art, its Beauty Lies in“Unexpected” 去蔽,“呈现”美的无限 Aletheia, Uncovers Infinite of Beauty 超越,向艺方生、向术即亡 Transcendence, Survives to Art, Dies to Imitate 抽象表现,超越中敞开美的澄明 Abstract Expression, the Insight into Brilliance of Beauty 审美,无力不达“彼岸” Aesthetic, the Power to Reach the“Other Shore” 艺术流变,从“完美”到“自由” Artistic Evolution, from“Perfection”to“Freedom” 书之入“象”方致审美远方 Calligraphy with Artistic Images:An Aesthetic Height to Reach “书象”之美在“通象” A Calligrapher's Good Works Come from His Comprehensive Quality 观象·超越篇 Observation,Transcendence 作“大”难,作“厚”更难 Being“Profound”is More Difficult than Being“Big” 至简难,至繁更难 Complexity is More Difficult than Simplicity 感性难,理性更难 Reason is More Difficult than Sensibility 师“外”难,师“内”更难 Learning from Oneself is More Difficult than Learning from Others 求变难,求恒更难 Keeping Unchanged is More Difficult than Changing 意象难,抽象更难 Abstraction is More Difficult than Image 追典难,离典更难 Leaving Canon is More Difficult than Following It 融合难,无界更难 Being Unbounded is More Difficult than Fusion “境”美难,“神”美更难 Soul Beauty is More Difficult than State Beauty 立象难,立念更难 Creating Thought is More Difficult than Creating Image 跋·更为重要的问题 Questions of Greater Importance

气墨灵象艺术论 作者简介

吕国英,艺术批评家、文化学者,解放军报社原文化部主任、“长征副刊”主编、高级编辑,创立“气墨灵象论”,建构“书象说”,撰写“中国牛文化千字文”,著述出版专著多部、重要艺术新论多篇,逾数百万字。荣立二等功一次、三等功五次,多篇(部)作品获国家、军队重要奖项。 主要著述:《“气墨灵象”艺术论》《大艺立三极》(中英双语出版)《未来艺术之路》《CHINA奇人》《陶艺狂人》《神雕》《奋斗致远·牛文化》《新闻“内幕”》《“书象”简论》等。《陶艺狂人》《神雕》等多次再版。 主要艺术评论:《美的“自由”与自由的“美”》《“贾氏山水”密码》《自成高格入妙境》《“色彩狂人”的非常之道》《“张继书象”简论》《艺术,心狂方成大家》《天才,晚成方可大成》《“花”到极致方成“魁”》《心至“艺境”尽通达》《三千年的等待》《湛然寂静漾心歌》《丝路文化的“水墨乐章”》等。
