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新编法律英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564581817
  • 条形码:9787564581817 ; 978-7-5645-8181-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新编法律英语 内容简介

本书分为四个部分。**部分为语言篇,介绍法律英语的典型特点,围绕三个方面展开,即法律英语的词汇特点、法律英语句法特点以及特定法律英语句式的翻译。本部分内容中英文对照,便于学生反复阅读和记忆,为后续部分的学习打好基础。第二部分为文化篇,以美国法为主,辅以英国法的相关介绍,分11个单元全面介绍了英美国家基本法律制度。本部分内容涉及美国宪法、刑法和行政法等内容,适合初次接触法律英语,或者希望对英美法律制度有全面了解的读者学习。第三部分为案例篇,围绕英美法案例教学的核心内容展开,首先介绍了理解英美国家案例的方法和案例中常用缩略语,然后精心挑选了12个典型案例,是原汁原味的英文法律文本,以期*大程度展现美国法原貌。这些典型案例大多源于联邦*高法院大法官之手,其判决结果影响到了美国法治的进程,所确定的法律原则也早已成为美国法的核心。本部分内容适合较高层次法律英语学习的需求。第四部分为实践篇,从部门法角度,用法律语言概述了中国特色社会主义法律体系,以及《中华人民共和国民法典》部分内容。 本书可作为高等院校英语专业教材,也可作为法学专业的法律英语和法律翻译专业教材,并可作为法学院西方法律制度课程的双语教材,以及有志于从事涉外工作的人员学习使用。

新编法律英语 目录

Chapter One Language Features
Unit 1 Overview of Legal English Vocabulary
I. Typical Features of Legal English Vocabulary
II. The Common Prefix and Suffix of Legal English
Unit 2 Overview of Legal English Sentence
I. Characterstics of the Syntatic Structure of Legal English
II. Typical Legal English Sentence Translation
Chapter Two Cultural Features
Unit 1 Legal Systems
I. Preview
II. Text: Legal Systems
III. Supplementary Reading: classification of law
Unit 2 Common Law System
I. Preview
II. Text: Common Law System
m. Supplementary Reading:Civil Law System
Unit 3 Legal Education
I. Preview
II. Text: American Legal Education
III. Supplementary Reading:Legal Education in the U.S.
Unit 4 Legal profession
I. Preview
II. Text: American Legal Profession
III. Supplementary Reading: Judges
Unit 5 Constitution I
I. Preview
II. Text:The Contents of American Constitution
III. Supplementary Reading:The Amendments
Unit 6 Constitution II
I. Preview
H. Text :The Theories of American Constitution
hi. Supplementary Reading: British Constitution
Unit 7 Court System
I. Preview
II. Text: American Court System
III. Supplementary Reading:British Court System
Unit 8 Jury System
I. Preview
II. Text: Jury System
HI. Supplementary Reading:the Supreme Court of the United States
Unit 9 Administrative Law
I. Preview
II. Text: American Administrative Law
III. Supplementary Reading: Administrative Law
Unit 10 Civil Law
I. Preview
II. Text: Copyright Law
III. Supplementary Reading:Real Property Law
Unit 11 Criminal Law
I. Preview
II. Text: American Criminal Law
III. Supplementary Reading:American Criminal Procedure Law
Chapter Three Case Studies
Unit 1 How to Understand English Cases
Unit 2 How to Brief a Case
Unit 3 Case Terms Abbreviated
I. Common Abbreviated Latin Terms (Latin Terms)
II. Other Abbreviated terms
Unit 4 Case Studies
I. Classic Cases
II. Supplementary Cases
Chapter Four Practical Features
Unit 1 Overview of China's legal system
Unit 2 China's Civil Code
I. China's Civil Code
II. China's Civil Code (succession)
Appendix: English and Chinese legal dictum