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大学英语岭南文化思政教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302581765
  • 条形码:9787302581765 ; 978-7-302-58176-5
  • 装帧:70g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语岭南文化思政教程 本书特色

(1)省级一流课程配套教材 (2)大学英语特色思政教材 (3)视、听、读、练有机结合、科学编排 (4)融入多种教学任务的驱动设置,充分体现了布鲁姆教育目标分类理论,在基于教材内容设计的教学活动中突出思辨性教学

大学英语岭南文化思政教程 内容简介

岭南文化蕴含丰富的思政教育资源。《大学英语岭南文化思政教程》遵循“知识、技能与情感目标三个目标有机融合”的编写理念,主题涵盖岭南建筑、岭南精神、岭南民间艺术、岭南画派、岭南武术,非物质文化遗产、粤菜、岭南名人等,以立德树人为核心,挖掘蕴含在岭南文化中的精神内核:开放、包容、进取、务实、坚韧、多元、创新。教材中融入多种教学任务的驱动设置,充分体现了布鲁姆教育目标分类理论,在基于教材内容设计的教学活动中突出思辨性教学。 读者对象:大学生、外国留学生及对岭南文化对外传播感兴趣的人士。

大学英语岭南文化思政教程 目录

Unit 1 Overview of Lingnan
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Lingnan Culture in History
Text B Guangzhou, a Major International Metropolis and Innovative City
Supplementary Reading Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A About Guangdong
Video Clip B Rural Revitalization in Guangdong
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 2 Architecture
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Liang Sicheng and Heritage Conservation
Text B Chen Clan Academy
Supplementary Reading Kaiping Diaolou and Villages
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A Inside the Round Tulou Houses You Saw in Mulan
Video Clip B Diaolou
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 3 Culinary Culture
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A The Art of the Cantonese Soup
Text B Yum Cha
Supplementary Reading Clear Your Place
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A Freshness
Video Clip B Tanyuan
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 4 Cultural Relics and Historic Sites
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Guangji Bridge
Text B The Nanhai No. 1
Supplementary Reading The Former Site of the Whampoa Military Academy
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A The Ancient Whampoa Port
Video Clip B The Tomb of the Nanyue King of the Western Hart Dynasty
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 5 Traditional Arts and Crafts
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Cantonese Opera
Text B Lingnan School of Painting
Supplementary Reading Foshan Woodcarving: Devotion and Persistence Make a Master
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A Guangcai
Video Clip B Teochew Opera
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 6 Martial Arts
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A A Foreigner's Search for Kungfu
Text B Taichi Quan: A Form of Moving Meditation
Supplementary Reading Wing Chun
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A Wushu: A Global Sport
Video Clip B Values of Chinese Martial Arts: Harmony
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 7 Lingnan Celebrities
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Sun Yat-sen
Text B Master Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch
Supplementary Reading Liang Qichao
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A Zhong Nanshan
Video Clip B Lady Xian-A Kind Mother of Lingnan
Part Foot Unit Project
Part Five Assessment
Unit 8 Intangible Cultural Heritage
Part One Motivating
Part Two Reading
Text A Lion Dance
Text B Dragon Boat Festival
Supplementary Reading Herbal Tea
Part Three Watching, Listening and Speaking
Video Clip A South Chinas Folk Art Appeals to Students
Video Clip B More Teachers Needed for Intangible Cultural Heritage Courses
Part Four Unit Project
Part Five Assessment


大学英语岭南文化思政教程 作者简介

