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履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design

履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design

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履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302584025
  • 条形码:9787302584025 ; 978-7-302-58402-5
  • 装帧:80g纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design 本书特色


履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design 内容简介

这是一本关于履带式水稻联合收割机收获理论、结构模型、设计方法的著作,本著作的内容是作者及其团队近十年来的*新研究成果。本著作共分为九章,第1章主要阐述了收获期水稻的成熟度和力学特性,读者可以通过本章了解到成熟期水稻茎秆、稻叶、籽粒的基本属性。第2章至第5章主要阐述了履带式水稻联合收割机收获中的切割、输送、脱粒、分离、清选、籽粒输送等内容;在该部分读者可以详细了解到履带式水稻联合收割机的收获理论、结构模型、设计方法等。第6章至第8章主要阐述了履带式水稻联合收割机的人机交互平台设计,当履带式水稻联合收割机在进行收获时,整机的动态载荷和振动状态得到了详细的阐述。第9章主要阐述了水稻收获后田间废弃稻草的收获方法及其装备;本著作容纳了大量履带式水稻联合收割机*新研究成果,该内容对于带式水稻联合收割机的设计具有重要的意义。 This book is the result of our scientific research for more than ten years. During the research, this work was supported by a project funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (No. PAPD-2018-87), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51705212),Open Fund of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment and Intelligent High Technology (JN2201912), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20170553) ,Jiangsu Province "Six Talents Peak" High-level Talent Project (GDZB-085), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015M581742),Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Research Fund (1501111B), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu University (14KJB460007),and the Scientific Research Foundation of Jiangsu University (14JDG029) .During the writing process, this book was supported and helped by Professor Li Yaoming, Researcher Xu Lizhang, Assistant Researcher Liang Zhenwei and other scholars. At the same time, my graduate students, such as Li Yu,Wang Meilin, Zhang Hao,Liang Yaquan, Li Pengcheng, et al. ,also gave great help in the writing process of this book. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the scholars and graduate students who helped us in the writing process of this book. Due to the limited level of the author's scientific research, there are inevitably shortcomings in the writing of this book.This book is mainly about our original ideas and methods, but there are still some of the contents that are referenced by the research results of the predecessors. When this book is published, l would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the authors of all reference papers and works. I hope that I can exchange my research results of more than ten years with other scholars by writing this book. At the same time, l also hope that the contents of this book will be helpful to the study and work of enterprise designers in the agricultural engineering industry, technical workers in agricultural production, researchers in scientific research schools, and graduate students and undergraduates in schools.

履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design 目录

Chapter 1Introduction to Rice Harvesting

1.1Introduction for Rice Harvesting

1.1.1Developing of rice harvesting

1.1.2Chinese combine harvester of rice

1.2Field Growth Status of Rice at Maturity

1.3Rice Grain Properties and Modeling

1.3.1Morphological structure of rice grain

1.3.2Mechanical properties of rice grains

1.4Rice Stem Properties and Modeling

1.4.1Morphological structure of rice stem

1.4.2Mechanical properties of rice stems

1.4.3Breaking force distribution and breaking mode

1.5Rice Leaves Properties and Modeling

1.5.1Rice leaves and tensile test property

1.5.2Threepoint stretching of blades

1.5.3Tensile performance at different temperatures

1.5.4Moisture content law at different temperatures

1.5.5Tensile properties of multiple blades

1.6Control Method for Rice Plant Break Property

1.6.1Rice stem breaking force

1.6.2Rice leaves breaking force

1.6.3Changing of rice microstructure

Chapter 2Rice Stem Cutting and Conveying Equipment

2.1Introduction to Cutting and Conveying

2.1.1Structure of front header

2.1.2Structure of pentagon reel

2.1.3Structure of cutting bar

2.1.4Structure of combine auger

2.1.5Structure of assembly of front header

2.2Static Analysis of Front Header

2.2.1ANSYS simulation of front header

2.2.2Experiment mode of front header

2.3Stems Cutting Situation and Property in Field

2.3.1Rice stems cutting property

2.3.2Stems cutting situation in the field

2.4Dynamic Property during Cutting Process

2.4.1Vibration test method of front header

2.4.2Frame vibration of front header

2.4.3Cutting table rack vibration on land

Chapter 3Rice Threshing and Separation Method

3.1Threshing and Separate Model of Rice Grain

3.1.1Grain threshing and separation model

3.1.2Threshing and separation test of model

3.2Rice Stalk Movement during Rice Threshing

3.2.1Numerical model of threshing unit

3.2.2Straw movement speed and trajectory

3.2.3Eccentric load in threshing process

3.3Design and Optimization of Threshing Cylinder

3.3.1Negative pressure spiral feeding device

3.3.2Design of threshing cylinder cover

3.3.3Length optimization of threshing cylinder

3.3.4Design of transverse and longitudinal combined

3.3.5Design of transverse threshing multicylinders

3.4Threshing Results with Different Mature States

3.4.1Different mature states of rice

3.4.2Threshing and separation performance

3.5Parameters Prediction and Control of Rice Threshing

3.5.1Threshing torque and force of drum

3.5.2Methods of optimal parameter prediction

3.5.3Threshing cylinder parameter control

Chapter 4Damage of Rice in Threshing Process

4.1Threshing Force of Cylinder Threshing Bar

4.1.1Threshing force test method of threshing bar

4.1.2Threshing force of cylinder acting on stem

4.2Damage Property of Rice with Threshing Force

4.2.1Possibility of rice stalk damage

4.2.2Breaking property with combined force on stem

4.2.3Breaking property of rice leaves undergoing

4.3Microstructure of Rice Stalk after Threshing

4.4Grain Damage in Threshing Process

4.4.1Grain damage model undergoing threshing

4.4.2Mechanical characteristic parameters of rice grains

4.4.3Damage model of rice internal damage

4.4.4Internal damage of grain by threshing bars

Chapter 5Cleaning Device and Conveying Process

5.1Mixture Property of Rice after Threshing

5.1.1Floating speed test method of cleaning materials

5.1.2Floating speed of cleaning materials

5.2Influence of Air Flow in Cleaning Device

5.2.1Airandscreen cleaning device

5.2.2Air velocity test in the cleaning room

5.2.3Floating distribution state of mixture

5.3Theories of Rice Grain Cleaning Process

5.3.1Vibration screening motion theory

5.3.2Grains group separating theory

5.3.3Cleaning capability of queuing model

5.4Airandscreen Cleaning under Multiparameter

5.4.1CFD simulation of airflow field

5.4.2Fluidsolid coupling in cleaning room

5.4.3Distribution and loss rate of cleaned grain

Chapter 6HumanMachine Interface Chassis Platform

6.1HumanMachine Driving Operation Platform

6.1.1Rice combine harvester cab

6.1.2Cab maneuvering space layout

6.2Crawler Chassis Structure of Combine Harvester

6.2.1Overall structure of crawler chassis

6.2.2Main variable of crawler chassis

6.3Development of Crawler Steering Gearbox in Field

6.3.1Unilateral brake steering gearbox

6.3.2Positive and negative steering gearbox

6.3.3Tracks and trajectory of steering gearbox

6.4Design of Chassis Frame and Threshing Frame

6.4.1Structural design of chassis frame

6.4.2Structural design of threshing frame

6.5Bearing Capacity Analysis for Crawler Chassis

6.5.1Chassis frame structure load and stress state

6.5.2Analysis of carrying capacity of chassis frame

6.5.3Test of carrying capacity of chassis frame

Chapter 7Dynamic Load during Rice harvesting

7.1Integrated Status of Combine Harvester

7.1.1Component of combine harvester

7.1.2Combine harvester integration

7.2Dynamic Load of Rice Harvesting

7.2.1Transmission of combine harvester

7.2.2Dynamic load test method in field

7.2.3Affordability load of rice harvesting

7.3Dynamic Load of Crawler Drive Shaft

7.3.1Structure and stress of drive shaft

7.3.2Dynamic load test method of drive shaft

7.3.3Dynamic load undergoing different condition

7.4Reliability and Fatigue of Chassis Gearbox

7.4.1Structure principles of tracked gearbox

7.4.2Gear strength of tracked gearbox

7.4.3Chassis gearbox fatigue test

Chapter 8Dynamic Response Undergoing Harvesting

8.1Component Vibration of Combine Harvester

8.1.1Frame vibration of front header

8.1.2Unbalanced vibration of threshing cylinder

8.1.3Vibration response of harvester chassis frame

8.2Vibration Modal of Whole Combine Harvester

8.2.1Frame vibration model under multisource excitation

8.2.2Vibration response with field excitation

8.2.3Unbalance vibration modeling of grading chain drive

8.3Mutual Interference and Coupling Response

8.3.1Coframe multicylinder test bench in rice threshing

8.3.2Modal response under multisource excitation

8.4Dynamic Simulation Model of Combine Harvester

8.4.1Multisource excitation forces of rice combine harvester

8.4.2Comparison of simulation results and test results

Chapter 9Rice Straw Harvester in Field

9.1Straw Treatment after Rice Harvesting

9.2Method for Straw Picking and Baling Harvester

9.2.1Conceptual model of picking and baling machine

9.2.2Design method of picking and baling harvester

9.2.3Structural model of picking and baling machine

9.3Vibration Property during Picking and Baling

9.3.1Inertial vibration of crank slider

9.3.2Crank linkage structure dynamics

9.3.3Natural frequency and modal of piston

9.3.4Vibration property during machine running

9.4Straw Picking and Baling after Harvesting in Field

9.4.1Bundling capacity of machine

9.4.2Baling performance in field

9.5Harvesting and Bundling Integrated Harvester

9.5.1Harvesting and bundling combine harvester

9.5.2Straw bundling of integrated combine harvester



履带式水稻联合收割机:理论,模型,设计:theory, modeling, and design 作者简介

