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漫画图解 4周轻松学英语

开本: 32开 页数: 240


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漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 版权信息

漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 本书特色


漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 内容简介

本书从观察对方状态开始,到找对话题、把对话交给对方、找到共同爱好,通过这四步法则,教你快速开口说英语。 书中收录日常生活中常用的地道美式口语,朗朗上口,方便记忆。所有对话都以漫画形式呈现,生动有趣,带你快速进入漫画语境,轻松学会英语会话。 每一个场景对话后都会附带实用语法小贴士,教你举一反三,过目不忘。

漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 目录

第1周 观察对方 5-64
Episode 01 I think we are waiting for the same bus / 7
Episode 02 Could you press that, please? / 12
Episode 03 Looks a little bit messy, right? / 18
Episode 04 Are you the staff of the repair shop? / 24
Episode 05 The baby is so cute / 30
Episode 06 Can I have a question? / 36
Episode 07 Isn't she a Hollywood actress? / 42
Episode 08 What's going on? / 48
Episode 09 Are you OK? / 54
Episode 10 Do you need some tissues? / 60
第2周 找到符合当前状况的问题 65-122
Episode 01 Could I ask something? / 70
Episode 02 Did you draw these? / 76
Episode 03 The sunglasses look good on you / 81
Episode 04 May I sit by you? / 87
Episode 05 Would you mind opening the window? / 95
Episode 06 The rain doesn't seem to stop / 99
Episode 07 You are from another country / 105
Episode 08 You look so bored / 113
Episode 09 It's a beautiful day / 117·第3周 与对方进一步聊天 123-178
Episode 01 Did you hear the announcement? / 126
Episode 02 You play really good basketball / 132
Episode 03 You know how to listen to music / 138
Episode 04 Have a seat / 144
Episode 05 My seat is particularly small / 150
Episode 06 I can guess your menu for dinner / 156
Episode 07 You come here often, don't you? / 162
Episode 08 Your backpack looks so heavy / 168
Episode 09 What are you reading? / 174
第4周 发现共同的兴趣点 179-240
Episode 01 The guy is so cute, isn't he? / 182
Episode 02 Eric Clapton is the best musician ever / 188
Episode 03 The coffee tastes really good / 194
Episode 04 It is so loud in here / 200
Episode 05 You look sleepy / 208
Episode 06 Have we met somewhere? / 216
Episode 07 I enjoyed your song / 222
Episode 08 How is the beer here? / 228
Episode 09 Your bicycle looks cool / 234


漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 节选

Excuse me, are you waiting for the bus too? Oh,yes, I think we are waiting for the same bus. Well, sometimes it doesn't come on time. Right,everything goes so slow in this country. I 打扰了,你也是在等公交车吗? V 是的,我觉得我们是在等同一辆车。 I 嗯,有时候不能准时到来。 V 在这个国家,好像什么都是慢节奏的。 I agree. Oh,I will go ask the staff. Excuse me,do you know why the bus is not coming on time? The bus got a flat tire on the way here. I 对啊。哦,我去问一下工作人员。 I 请问公交车为什么没准时来呢? Y 公交车在来的路上爆胎了。 So there is no other bus? Right now, no. But it will come soon. Please wait about 30 minutes.Our bus broke down. Oh my God. Don't say the bus is not coming. I 那没有其他的公交车吗? Y 现在没有。车马上来了,请等30分钟。 I 他说我们要坐的公交车出故障了。 V 天啊!那不会没有车了吧? No no, the bus will come. But he said we will have to wait about 30 minutes. It's burning hot. I'm dying to get on the bus and take a rest under the air conditioner. I 不是,公交车会来。但是他说我们要等30分钟。 V 热死了。我想赶紧上车,在空调下休息休息。Before you put your backpack in the cabinet, take a long sleeve jacket out. Why? It's so hot. In my experience, it's freezing cold sleeping in the air-conditioned bus for 10 hours. You seem to know a lot about traveling. Are you traveling alone? Yes, and you? Good. I'm alone too. Let's sit together. I 以我的经验,在空调车里睡10个小时,会很冷的。 V 你看上去好像对旅行了解很多。你是一个人在旅行吗? I 是的,你呢? V 我也是一个人。真好,让我们上车坐一起吧。 I 你把背包放进柜子里之前,拿一件长袖的衣服出来吧。 V 这么热,为什么?

漫画图解 4周轻松学英语 作者简介

【韩】宣珍浩 韩国《和EBS一起打好英语基础》及《EBS冷门英语特讲》的主讲人,曾任YBM语言学院英语会话讲师,2006和2007年报名参加他的英语会话课程的人数位居韩国第一。著有《英语是重复简单句型》《英语长句的秘诀》《英语会话表现Ranking1-530》《英语式思考训练》等书。 章婷婷 资深韩文译者,翻译作品以书籍为主,曾翻译韩文著作10余部。
