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英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材 版权信息

英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材 本书特色


英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材 内容简介

  《英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材》以中国学生在用英语从事学术论文写作面临的困难和问题为出发点和归宿,关注学术论文写作中的各种细节问题。重点关注英语语言表达,适当兼顾研究方法的说明。  《英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材》以学术论文写作的过程为主线,组织讨论各个阶段的重要话题和难点,强调所讲内容的层次性、相关性和针对性。  《英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材》以促进课堂互动为目标,通过讨论话题探讨英语学术写作的方法和技巧,提高学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。  《英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材》以具有代表性和典型性的正反两方面的**手论文实例诠释英语学术论文写作,突出内容讲解的可操作性和易习得性。

英语学术论文写作实用教程/高等院校研究性学习英语系列教材 目录

Unit 1 Rudiments of English Research Paper Writing
Pre-Class Reading
1.1 Defining research paper writing
1.2 Types of research papers
1.3 Principles of research paper writing
1.4 Styles of research paper writing
1.5 Structure of research papers
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks

Unit 2 Designing Titles
Pre-Class Reading
2.1 Criteria for writing titles
2.2 Forms of titles
2.3 Capitalization in titles
2.4 Parallelism in subtitles
2.5 Typical expressions used in titles
2.6 Chinese students'common problems in designing titles
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 3 Writing Abstracts
Pre-Class Reading
3.1 Move structure of abstracts
3.2 Grammatical features of abstracts
3.3 Typical expressions used in abstracts
3.4 Chinese students'common problems in writing abstracts
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 4 Introducing the Study
Pre-Class Reading
4.1 General functions of Introduction
4.2 Writing effective introductions
4.3 Typical expressions used in Introduction
4.4 Chinese students'common problems in writing Introduction
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 5 Presenting the Significance
Pre-Class Reading
5.1 General functions of the Significance section
5.2 Ways of presenting the significance of the study
5.3 Chinese students'common problems in writing the Significance section
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 6 Highlighting the Global Structure
Pre-Class Reading
6.1 Defining the global structure
6.2 Highlighting the global structure of a thesis
6.3 Highlighting the global structure of a chapter
6.4 Indicating transitions
6.5 Chinese students'common problems in highlighting the global structure
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Prcaect Work

Unit 7 Planning the Literature Renew
Pre-Class Reading
7.1 Defining Literature Review
7.2 Purposes of Literature Review
7.3 Components of Literature Review
7.4 Organizing Literature Review
7.5 Chinese students'common problems in planning Literature Review
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 8 Developing the Literature Renew
Pre-Class Reading
8.1 Features of effective literature reviews
8.2 Steps to develop literature reviews
8.3 Critical responses to existing studies
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 9 Stating the Methodology
Pre-Class Reading
9.1 Selecting the research design
9.2 Describing the research design
9.3 Chinese students'common problems in stating the research design
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Prcaect Work

Unit 10 Conducting Analyses
Pre-Class Reading
10.1 Conducting quantitative analyses
10.2 Conducting qualitative analyses
10.3 Discussing the results
10.4 Chinese students'common problems in conducting analyses
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 11 Making Citations
Pre-Class Reading
11.1 Defining citation
11.2 Principles of citation
11.3 Methods of citation
11.4 Styles of citation
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 12 Drawing SummarIesi
Pre-Class Reading
12.1 General functions of summaries
12.2 Writing effective summaries
12.3 Typical expressions used in summaries
12.4 Chinese students'common problems in writing summades
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work

Unit 13 Discussing Implications and Limitations
Pre-Class Reading
13.1 Implications:Functions and types
13.2 Limitations:Purposes and elements
13.3 Typical expressions for writing Implications and Limitations
13.4 Chinese students'common problems in writing Implications and Limitations
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work.

Unit 14 Com pos ing Acknowledgem ents
Pre-Class Reading
14.1 Acknowledgements in a thesis
14.2 Targets of acknowledgement
14.3 Ways of acknowledgmem
14.4 Typical expressions used in Acknowledgements
14.5 Chinese students'common problems in composing Acknowledgments
In-Class Activities
Post-Class Tasks
Project Work
2.APA and MLA Bibliography
3.Supplementary model sentences