全球碳中和之路(共2册)(英文版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787519860172
- 条形码:9787519860172 ; 978-7-5198-6017-2
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
全球碳中和之路(共2册)(英文版) 本书特色
全球碳中和之路(共2册)(英文版) 内容简介
本报告是《优选碳中和之路》的英文版。 本报告聚焦优选碳中和之路研究,从战略全局认识和把握优选碳中和目标,结合自身在优选能源转型、清洁发展、电力规划、气候环境领域的研究成果,对优选碳达峰碳中和问题的重大意义、形势任务、思路目标、重点举措、综合路径、行业判断、区域特征等进行了深入研究,编制形成《优选碳中和之路》。
全球碳中和之路(共2册)(英文版) 目录
Volume I
1 Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality
1.1 Global Climate Change Dynamics
1.1.1 Causes of Climate Change
1.1.2 Impacts of Climate Change
1.1.3 Climate and Environmental Crisis
1.2 Effectiveness of Global Actions
1.2.1 Global Climate Governance Actions
1.2.2 Progress of National Mitigation
1.2.3 Efforts of International Institutions
1.3 Significance of Carbon Neutrality
1.3.1 Resolving the Climate and Environment Crisis
1.3.2 Advancing High-quality Economic Development
1.3.3 Realizing Global Sustainable Development
1.3.4 Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
1.4 Challenges for Carbon Neutrality
1.4.1 Large Gap to Reach the Mitigation Target
1.4.2 Strong Path-dependence on the Traditional Development Model
1.4.3 Lack of Systematic Schemes
1.4.4 Multifacet Challenges in Global Cooperation
1.5 Summary
2 The Essential Path for Global Carbon Neutrality
2.1 Mitigation Mechanism
2.1.1 Impact Factors
2.1.2 Directions of Carbon Reduction
2.2 GEI Theory
2.2.1 Development Idea
2.2.2 Development Direction
2.2.3 System Components
2.2.4 Well-equipped Conditions
2.3 Development Trends
2.3.1 Clean Development Trends
2.3.2 Energy Interconnection Trends
2.3.3 Pivotal Roles of UHV
2.4 Comprehensive Solution
2.5 Summary
3 GEI Carbon Neutrality Pathway
3.1 Overall Model Approach
3.1.1 Research Methodology
3.1.2 Analysis Model
3.2 Global Development Projection
3.2.1 Economy and Industry
3.2.2 Population and Society
3.2.3 Energy and Emissions
3.3 Global Pathway towards Net Zero Emissions
3.3.1 Overall Pathway towards Net Zero Emissions
3.3.2 Pathway towards Net Zero Emissions by Sector
3.4 Energy Transition Pattern
3.4.1 Clean and Zero-carbon Energy Supply
3.4.2 Electric-centric Energy Consumption
3.4.3 Wide-area Interconnection and Allocation of Energy
3.4.4 Intelligent and Flexible Operation of Energy
3.5 Comprehensive Comparison
3.5.1 Core Features
3.5.2 Technical Advantages
3.5.3 Economic Advantages
3.5.4 Effectiveness of Emission Reduction
3.5.5 Values of Energy Interconnection
3.6 Summary
4 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for Energy Sector
5 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for Industries
6 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for Transportation Sector
7 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for Building Sector
8 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap for AFOLU Sector and Non-CO2 GHGs
Volume II
全球碳中和之路(共2册)(英文版) 作者简介
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