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纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文

纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文

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纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文 版权信息

纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文 内容简介


纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文 目录

1 Introduction

1.1 Multi-scale geometric structure of textile composites

1.2 Two-dimensional plain laminated composites

1.3 Three-dimensional orthogonal woven composites

1.4 Four-step braided composites

1.5 Design principle and method

2 Multi-scale Geometric Structure and Multi-hierarchy Modeling of Textile Composites

2.1 Fiber composites

2.2 Woven composites

2.3 Three-dimensional textile composites

3 Concept and Design of Composites

3.1 Concept

3.2 Design

4 Laminates

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Stress-strain relationship of laminates

4.3 Thermo-hydro effect of laminates

4.4 Laminate structure, failure criterion and design

5 Three-dimensional Textile Preform

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Classification of textile structural preforms

5.3 Geometric structure of 3D textile preform

6 Structural Design of Woven Composites

6.1 Overview of woven composites

6.2 Design model and method of woven composites

6.3 Introduction of stiffness model

6.4 Triaxial woven composites

6.5 Conclusion

7 Structural Design of Knitted Composites

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Knitted fabrics

7.3 Tensile behavior of knitted composites

7.4 Three-dimensional elastic property analysis

7.5 Tensile strength analysis

7.6 Conclusions

8 Structural Design of Braided Composites

8.1 Mechanical property of braided fabric

8.2 Structural models of braided composites

8.3 Thermoelastic behavior of composites

8.4 Numerical calculation of mechanical properties of 3D braided composites

9 Macro-mechanics of 3D Textile Composites

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Stiffness and strength of three-dimensional textile reinforced composites

9.3 Stiffness and strength properties of braided composites

9.4 Stiffness and strength properties of knitted composites

9.5 Application of macro mechanical analysis in energy absorption design of

sandwich structure of warp knitted fabric

9.6 Application of macro mechanical analysis in energy absorption type three-point bending design

9.7 Conclusions


纺织复合材料设计 Textile Composites Design:英文 作者简介

顾伯洪 教育部长江学者特聘教授。现任东华大学纺织学院院长。致力于纺织科学与工程一级学科教学和研究工作。研究工作主要包括纺织复合材料热力耦合效应、三维纺织复合材料冲击动力学和复合材料工程结构温度/应变率耦合强度,出版《纺织结构复合材料冲击动力学》和《纤维集合体力学》等专著和教材。曾经入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划和上海市曙光学者计划。Email: gubh@dhu.edu.cn 胡美琪 2020年获东华大学纺织材料与纺织品设计专业博士学位,现任东华大学纺织学院讲师。主要研究纺织材料结构与性能、三维编织复合材料制备、纺织结构复合材料冲击强度设计。Email: humq@dhu.edu.cn
