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包邮 节水灌溉理论与技术=Water-savingIrrigationTheoryandTechnology

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节水灌溉理论与技术=Water-savingIrrigationTheoryandTechnology 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568415811
  • 条形码:9787568415811 ; 978-7-5684-1581-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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节水灌溉理论与技术=Water-savingIrrigationTheoryandTechnology 内容简介


节水灌溉理论与技术=Water-savingIrrigationTheoryandTechnology 目录

CHAPTER 1 Introduction ◎1.1 The Implications ofWater—saving Irrigation ◎1.2 Importance ofDeveloping Water.saving Irrigation ◎l.3 Overview and Prospects of Water—saving Irrigation Engineering Technology 1.3.1 Present situation in China 1.3.2 Present situation in foreign countries 1.3.3 Developmental trend of water..saving irrigation technology CHAPTER 2 Basic Theory of Water—saving Irrigation ◎2.1 Crop Water Demand 2.1.1 The method of direct water demand calculation 2.1.2 A method of calculating actual crop water demand by calculatirrg referenced crop water demand ◎2.2 Crop Water Production Function ◎2.3 Irrigation Water Use Efficiency ◎2.4 Crop Irrigation System ◎2.5 Soil Water Model CHAPTER 3 Sprinkler Irrigation Technology ◎3.1 Classification of Sprinkler Irrigation System ◎3.2 Components of Sprinkler Irrigation System 3.2.1 Sprinkler 3.2.2 Pump 3.2.3 Pipeline 3.2.4 Accessory equipment ◎3.3 Technical Parameters of Sprinkler Irrigation 3.3.1 Application rate of sprinkler irrigation 3.3.2 Water distribution characteristics 3.3.3 Uniformity of sprinkler irrigation 3.3.4 Droplet intensity CHAPTER 4 Micro—irrigation Technology ◎4.1 Micro—irrigation System 4.1.1 Composition of micro--irrigation system 4.1.2 Types of micro-irrigation systems 4.1.3 Composition of a drip irrigation system 4.1.4 Function of the various components 4.1.5 Equipment for drip irrigation system ◎4.2 Micro Sprinkler Irrigation 4.2.1 Types of sprinkler systems 4.2.2 Design of sprinkler system ◎4.3 Micro—irrigation Technical Parameters 4.3.1 Factors considered in irrigation designing 4.3.2 Design of water consumption 4.3.3 Percentage of wetted soil area 4.3.4 Uniformity of irrigation water application 4.3.5 Irrigation water efficiency 4.3.6 Working pressure of dripper design CHAPTER 5 Low.pressure Pipe Irrigation Technology ◎5.l Types and Composition of Low.pressure Pipeline Water Conveyance Irrigation System 5.l.1 Types of low—pressure pipeline water convevance irrigation system 5.1.2 Composition of 10w.pressure Dipeline water conveyance irrigation system ◎5.2 Basic Requirements for Planning and LayOut 0f Water Distribution Pipeline Network ◎5.3 Advantages of Low—pressure Pipeline Water Conveyance Irrigation Engineering Technology 5.3.1 Water and energy saving 5.3.2 Save land and reduce labor 5.3.3 Expand the irrigation area 5.3.4 Prompt irrigation to increaseplloduction andincome 5.3.5 Strong adaptability and easy to manage ◎5.4 Layout of Pipe Network System 5.4.1 Ring pipe network 5.4.2 Dendritic pipe network 5.4.3 Mixed pipe network ◎5.5 Hydraulic Calculation of Low.pressureline 5.5.1 Design flow of irrigation svstem 5.5.2 Design ofwater head 5.5.3 The primary selection of pipe diameter and the hydraulic calculation of the pipe CHAPTER 6 Surface Irrigation Technology ◎6.1 Introducfion of Surface Irrigation 6.1.1 Design principle of basin irrigation 6.1.2 Design principle of border irrigation 6.1.3 Design principle of~rrow irrigation 6.1.4 Water supply and management ◎6.2 Structural Elements 6.2.1 Diversion structures 6.2.2 Conveyance and management structures 6.2.3 Field distribution systems CHAPTER 7 Channel Irrigation Technonlogy ◎7.1 Channel Irrigation System 7.1.1 Irrigation canal head works 7.1.2 Water conveyance and distribution system 7.1.3 Field irrigation system 7.1.4 Drainage channels 7.1.5 Venting area ◎7.2 Channel Seepage Prevention Technology 7.2.1 The significance and role of channel seepag-prevention 7.2.2 Type of channel seepage prevention 7.2.3 The section form of channel seepage prevention 7.2.4 Parameter selection and calculation of channe seepage prevention projects CHAPTER 8 Numerical Simulation Technology of CFD for Irrigation Equipment ◎8.1 Introduction of CFD Simulation Technology 8.1.1 Basic characteristics of fluid flow 8.1.2 Governing equation ◎8.2 CFD Simulation Case ofInternal How Field ofIrrigation Equipment 8.2.1 Case 1--complete fluidic sprinkler 8.2.2 Case 2一variable—rate sprinkler/1l CHAPTER 9 Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)Measurement Techno.10 gy and Hydraulic Performance Test ◎9.1 PⅣMeasurement Technology 9.1.1 Experimental setup of PIV 9.1.2 Test case ◎9.2 Hydraulic Performance Test Technology 9.2.1 Sprinkler test setup 9.2.2 Sprinkler test and methods 9.2.3 Test design and report CHAPTER 10 Water-saving Irrigation Automatic Control Technology ◎10.1 The Concept of Precision Irrigation ◎10.2 Automatic Control Mode for Water-saving Irrigation ◎10.3 Optimal Allocation of Water 10.3.1 The concept of optimal allocation of water 10.3.2 The optimum irrigation program for water—saving irrigation 10.3.3 Optimal allocation of irrigation water among vaous crops ◎10.4 Variable Irrigation Technology 10.4.1 The significance of variable irrigation 10.4.2 Variable rate irrigation 10.4.3 Control mechanism of variable pressure water supply 10.4.4 Variable spray nozzle combination calculation CHAPTER 11 Integration Irrigation of Water and Fertilizer ◎11.1 Introduction of Water and Fertilizer Integration 11.1.1 Basic concepts and characteristics of fertigation 11.1.2 Development, overview and significance of fertigation 11.1.3 Development direction of fertigation 11.1.4 The fertilization equipment ◎11.2 Micro—irrigation Fertilization Technology 11.2.1 Micro—irrigation fertilization features 11.2.2 Micro—irrigation fertilization method 11.2.3 Fertilizer selection 11.2.4 Nitrogen distribution under drip irrigation 11.2.5 Nitrogen distribution under micro sprinkler irrigation REFERENCES