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中国科学技术指标2018(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787518983353
  • 条形码:9787518983353 ; 978-7-5189-8335-3
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国科学技术指标2018(英文) 本书特色


中国科学技术指标2018(英文) 内容简介


中国科学技术指标2018(英文) 目录


Overview 1

Chapter 1 Human Resources in Science and Technology 15

Section 1 Overview of Human Resources in Science and Technology 15

Section 2 R&D Personnel 16

Section 3 Cultivation of Human Resources in Science and Technology 21

Chapter 2 Research and Development Expenditure 27

Section 1 Overview of R&D Expenditure 27

Section 2 Structure of R&D Expenditure 31

Section 3 Sources and Destinations of R&D Funds 35

Section 4 Government Science and Technology Expenditure 37

Chapter 3 Output of Science and Technology Activity 40

Section 1 S&T Papers 40

Section 2 Patents 50

Section 3 Domestic Technology Transfer 59

Chapter 4 Research and Development Activity and Innovation of Enterprises 64

Section 1 R&D Activity of Enterprises 64

Section 2 R&D Activity of Industrial Enterprises 68

Section 3 R&D Collaboration and Technology Acquisition of Industrial Enterprises 78

Chapter 5 Science and Technology Activity of Higher Education Institutions 84

Section 1 Overview of Higher Education Institutions 84

Section 2 R&D Organizations and Personnel in Higher Education Institutions 87

Section 3 R&D Expenditure of Higher Education Institutions 90

Section 4 Higher Education R&D Output and Transformation 95

Chapter 6 Science and Technology Activity of Government Research Institutes 100

Section 1 Overview of Government Research Institutes 100

Section 2 R&D Personnel 102

Section 3 R&D Expenditure of Research Institutes 105

Section 4 Output and Achievement Transfer of S&T Activity 112

Chapter 7 Development of High-technology Industry 118

Section 1 High-technology Industry 118

Section 2 High-technology Products 124

Section 3 National High-technology Industrial Development Zones 127

Section 4 Venture Capital 132

Chapter 8 Regional Science and Technology Indicators 137

Annex Tables 148

Annex Table 1-1 Overview of China’s HRST stock (2006-2017) 148

Annex Table 1-2 R&D personnel of selected countries (regions) 150

Annex Table 1-3  R&D personnel of selected countries (regions) by sector of

        performance 151

Annex Table 1-4 Number of undergraduate and postgraduate students (2005-2017) 152

Annex Table 1-5 Number of Chinese students studying abroad and returning home

        from overseas (1990-2017) 153

Annex Table 2-1 R&D expenditure (2000-2017) 154

Annex Table 2-2 Distribution of R&D expenditure by type of activity and sector

        of performance (2000-2017) 155

Annex Table 2-3 Structure of R&D expenditure by sector of performance (2017) 156

Annex Table 2-4 Central and local government S&T expenditures and their proportions

        (2000-2017) 157

Annex Table 2-5 R&D expenditure of selected countries (regions) (2005-2017) 158

Annex Table 2-6 R&D intensity of selected countries (regions) (2005-2017) 159

Annex Table 2-7 R&D expenditure of selected countries (regions) by source of funding

        and sector of performance (2017) 161

Annex Table 2-8 R&D expenditure of selected countries (regions) by type of R&D

        activity 162

Annex Table 2-9 R&D expenditure of selected countries by type of expenditure 163

Annex Table 3-1 Number of SCI-indexed Chinese papers (2005-2017) 164

Annex Table 3-2 Number of Chinese SCI papers by discipline and type of institution

        (2005-2017) 165

Annex Table 3-3 China’s efficiency of R&D expenditure and R&D personnel by

        output of SCI papers (2000-2015) 165

Annex Table 3-4 Number of resident and non-resident patent applications and grants by

        type (2005-2017) 166

Annex Table 3-5 Number of non-resident invention patent applications by country

        (2005-2017) 168

Annex Table 3-6 Number of non-resident invention patent grants by country

        (2005-2017) 169

Annex Table 3-7 Resident service and non-service invention patent grants (2005-2017) 170

Annex Table 3-8 Number of resident and non-resident patents in force by type

        (2006-2017) 170

Annex Table 3-9 Number of PCT applications by country (2005-2017) 172

Annex Table 3-10 Number of triadic patent families by country (2005-2016) 173

Annex Table 3-11 Turnover of national technology market contracts (2007-2017) 174

Annex Table 3-12 National technology market contracts (2017) 175

Annex Table 4-1 Enterprise R&D personnel and R&D expenditure (2000-2017) 176

Annex Table 4-2 Sources and composition of enterprise R&D expenditure

        (2010-2017) 177

Annex Table 4-3 Enterprise intramural R&D expenditure (2004-2017) 178

Annex Table 4-4 R&D intensity of industrial enterprises (2004-2017) 178

Annex Table 4-5 Experimental development expenditure of industrial enterprises and as

        a percentage of R&D expenditure (2004-2017) 179

Annex Table 4-6 Industrial enterprise intramural R&D expenditure by industry (2017) 179

Annex Table 4-7 Extramural R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises by industry

        (2017) 181

Annex Table 4-8 Collaborative R&D projects of industrial enterprises by partner type

        (2017) 183

Annex Table 4-9 Expenditure on technology acquisition of industrial enterprises

        (2000-2017) 183

Annex Table 5-1 R&D activity of regular HEIs (2005-2017) 184

Annex Table 5-2 Higher education R&D expenditure of selected countries (2017) 185

Annex Table 5-3 Ratio of higher education R&D expenditure to GDP of selected

        countries (2005-2017) 186

Annex Table 5-4 Higher education papers, patents and technology market contracts

        (2005-2017) 186

Annex Table 6-1 Number of research institutes (2005-2017) 187

Annex Table 6-2 Personnel of research institutes (2005-2017) 188
