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创业学——成功创建新企业(英文版·第6版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300296241
  • 条形码:9787300296241 ; 978-7-300-29624-1
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

创业学——成功创建新企业(英文版·第6版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 内容简介

本书是英文影印编版图书,原著Entrepreneurship:Successfully Launching New Ventures是一部很好很好的创业学著作。全书以机会的开发和利用为主线,按创业流程展开论述,从决定成为创业者、开发成功的商业创意,到将创意转化为创业型企业,再到创业型企业的管理和发展。

创业学——成功创建新企业(英文版·第6版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 目录

PART 1 Decision to Become an Entrepreneur
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
PART 2 Developing Successful Business Ideas
CHAPTER 2 Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas
CHAPTER 3 Feasibility Analysis
CHAPTER 4 Developing an Effective Business Model
CHAPTER 5 Industry and Competitor Analysis
CHAPTER 6 Writing a Business Plan
PART 3 Moving from an Idea to an Entrepreneurial Firm
CHAPTER 7 Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation
CHAPTER 8 Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability
CHAPTER 9 Building a New-Venture Team
CHAPTER 10 Getting Financing or Funding
PART 4 Managing and Growing an Entrepreneurial Firm
CHAPTER 11 Unique Marketing Issues
CHAPTER 12 The Importance of Intellectual Property
CHAPTER 13 Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth
CHAPTER 14 Strategies for Firm Growth
CHAPTER 15 Franchising

创业学——成功创建新企业(英文版·第6版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 节选

This sixth edition is a thorough revision of our book. Each chapter has been revised for the purpose of presenting you, our readers, with a foundational understanding of entrepreneurship as well as with current examples of actions being taken by entrepreneurs and by entrepreneurial firms. We use insights from the academic literature and the experiences of practicing entrepreneurs to inform our explanation of entrepreneurship. To present you with specific examples of entrepreneurs’ actions and the actions taken by entrepreneurial firms, we again useinsights from entrepreneurs as well as from business people. These insights from practicing entrepreneurs and their firms and from business people were drawn from many sources including podcasts, blogs, newspapers, companies’ websites, and popular business publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Fortune magazine among many others. As we’ll explain later in greater detail, we also draw from the academic literature to make certain that we are presenting you with accurate and current descriptions of what researchers have learned about successful entrepreneurs and effective entrepreneurial firms.

创业学——成功创建新企业(英文版·第6版)(工商管理经典丛书·核心课系列;高等学校经济管理类双语教学课程用书) 作者简介

布鲁斯??巴林杰(Bruce R. Barringer) 俄克拉何马州立大学创业学院院长、教授,先后获得密苏里大学博士学位、美国艾奥瓦州立大学工商管理硕士学位。研究兴趣包括可行性分析、企业成长、企业家精神、组织间关系对商业组织的影响等。独撰以及与他人合作出版著作5部,在Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Management,Journal of Business Venturing,Journal of Small Business Management,Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship等期刊发表论文多篇。杜安??爱尔兰(R. Duane Ireland) 得克萨斯州农工大学梅斯商学院执行院长、杰出教授,曾执教于里士满大学、贝勒大学和俄克拉何马州立大学。研究兴趣包括战略型创业、非正式组织创业、企业家精神和组织资源的有效管理等。在Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Management Review,Academy of Management Executive,Academy of Management Perspectives,Academy of Management Annals等期刊发表论文多篇。
