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软件工程专业英语 (第2版)

软件工程专业英语 (第2版)

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软件工程专业英语 (第2版) 版权信息

软件工程专业英语 (第2版) 本书特色

《软件工程专业英语》于2014年12月正式出版以来,经过了几次印刷。许多高校将其作为“软件工程专业英语”课程的教材,深受这些学校师生的钟爱,获得了良好的社会效益。但从另外一个角度来看,作者有责任和义务维护好这本书的质量,已经及时更新本书的内容,做到与时俱进。本书配有教辅资源,包括听与说录音、授课PPT、每个单元各部分内容的翻译,需要的教师可登录清华大学出版社网站www.tup.com.cn下载。 《软件工程专业英语》于2014年12月正式出版以来,经过了几次印刷。许多高校将其作为“软件工程专业英语”课程的教材,深受这些学校师生的钟爱,获得了良好的社会效益。已经及时更新本书的内容,做到与时俱进。本书配有教辅资源,包括听与说录音、授课PPT、每个单元各部分内容的翻译等。

软件工程专业英语 (第2版) 内容简介

本书是按照z新的《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,以一个大学本科二年级学生Kevin与他的同学在一个酒店管理信息系统的实际项目中进行专业实践,直至经过求职面试进入一家IT企业工作为主线,将IT行业中所需的英语“听、说、读、写、译”基本技能与项目从开始到结束的整个流程有机地融合起来。 本书包括10个单元,每个单元都分为听与说、读与译以及模拟写作部分。听与说部分描述了软件开发的技术场景; 读与译部分给出了与软件工程相关的文章; 模拟写作部分则重点介绍如何撰写技术/商务文档和技术报告等。 本书注重听、说、读、写、译能力的全面发展,适用于高等院校软件工程及其相关专业、软件学院、各类职业信息技术学院和专业培训机构等。本书配有教辅资源,包括听与说的录音、为教师提供授课PPT,可登录清华大学出版社网站www.tup.com.cn下载。

软件工程专业英语 (第2版) 目录

Unit 1 Starting a Software Project 软件项目启动
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Starting a Software Project
Listening Comprehension: Software Engineering
Dictation: Mythical Man-Month & No Silver Bullet
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Engineering
Section B: 5 Areas of Software Engineering AI will Transform
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Memo

Unit 2 Capturing the Requirements 需求获取
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Communication with Customers
Listening Comprehension: Software Requirements
Dictation: The Difference between Customer and End-User
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Requirements
Section B: Use Cases & Scenarios
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Requirements Specification

Unit 3 Planning the Project 项目策划
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Software Project Planning
Listening Comprehension: Software Project Planning
Dictation: Four Variables in Projects
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Project Plan
Section B: AI-powered Project Management in the Near Future
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Project Plan

Unit 4 Working in a Team 团队合作
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Team Structure
Listening Comprehension: Project Team
Dictation:Agile Software Development
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Team Structure
Section B: How to Build a Highly Effective Software
Development Team
Part 3 Simulated Writing: PowerPoint Presentation

Unit 5 Designing the System 系统设计
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Software Design
Listening Comprehension: Software Design
Dictation: User Interface Design
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Design
Section B: What is the Difference between UX Design and UI Design
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Software Design Specification

Unit 6 Implementing the System 系统实现
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Creating High-Quality Code
Listening Comprehension: Writing the Code
Dictation: Concentrate on the Vital Few, Not the Trivial Many
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Computer Programming
Section B: Good-Enough Software
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Progress Report

Unit 7 Testing the System 系统测试
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Software Testing
Listening Comprehension: Software Testing
Dictation: Smoke Test
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Testing
Section B: Testers and Programmers Working Together
Part 3 Simulated Writing:Software Test Specification

Unit 8 Delivering the System 系统交付
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Software Deployment
Listening Comprehension: Software Delivery
Dictation: Bug and Debugging
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Software Maintenance
Section B: Why Software Delivery Management Matters
Part 3 Simulated Writing: User Guide

Unit 9 Taking an Interview 参加面试
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Interview
Listening Comprehension: Expansion Company
Dictation: Software Configuration Management
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: Building Software Products vs Platforms
Section B: Secure Software Development Life Cycle
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Resume

Unit 10 Beginning Your Work 开始工作
Part 1 Listening & Speaking
Dialogue: Beginning Your Work
Listening Comprehension: The Organizational Structure of a Company
Dictation: Open Source Movement
Part 2 Reading & Translating
Section A: The Organizational Structure of a Company
Section B: Why We Need to Address Ethical Issues in Software Engineering
Part 3 Simulated Writing: Business E-mail
Glossary (词汇表)
Abbreviation (缩略语表)
Answers (练习答案)


软件工程专业英语 (第2版) 作者简介

