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刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787559841032
  • 条形码:9787559841032 ; 978-7-5598-4103-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 本书特色

收录歌舞剧《刘三姐》全剧本、近百首脍炙人口的刘三姐山歌、刘三姐经典歌谣乐谱及英文译配 纪伯伦诗歌、吉狄马加作品集、《sheng经》翻译者全新译作 澳大利亚著名作家马克.特雷迪尼克作序并润色译文 突破性地以可读、可唱为标准翻译刘三姐歌谣 全书汉英对照,对页排版,文字清楚,方便阅读

刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 内容简介

被壮乡人民奉为歌仙的刘三姐,一直都是能歌擅唱、鄙视权贵、崇尚自由、反抗不义的化身。20世纪50年代末以来,基于对原生态民间传说的整理改编,历经戏剧、电影、小说、诗歌等不同形式的塑造,刘三姐早已声名远播,成为广西亮丽的文化名片和重要的非物质文化遗产。 本书作者从众多文学和影视作品中精心挑选,将刘三姐歌舞剧剧本及其他脍炙人口的刘三姐歌谣抢先发售按照可读、可唱的标准译成现代英语。本书旨在提供一个文学性、表演性兼备,能被英语读者认可的翻译文本,为刘三姐的歌谣和传说走出中国、走向世界提供可靠的演唱基础。 In the karst mountains in southern China, Liu Sanjie, a legendary folk song singer, has been venerated for many generations by the Zhuang people. For them, Liu Sanjie was and remains a saint, a symbol of the integrity, sensuality and resilience of their mountain culture. For what makes Liu Sanjie and her modern adaptations in various forms unique is her music, "Mountain Songs", are sung on hilly terrain and open spaces by the Zhuang people, remote and sequestered from the moralistic monarchies and stuffy Confucian scholar-bureaucrats in the interior China in ancient times. Young singers would often engage in singing duels where they would pit their wits against each other using riddles and word play and choose spouses mostly on that account. There is a mix of the earthiness, the sensuality, the play, and the tenderness that easily elude the uninitiated in the mainstream culture. This fresh rendering of Liu Sanjie’s songs is addressed to the general readers of English speaking world with two aims topmost in the mind of the translator: readable and singable, the first of its kind since Liu Sanjie debuted in the Liuzhou Caidiao Opera in 1959.

刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 目录

**部分 歌舞剧《刘三姐》剧本

第二部分 彩调剧中的刘三姐歌谣

第三部分 刘三姐歌谣唱曲译配

后 记


刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 节选

第二部分 彩调剧中的刘三姐歌谣 Part Two Liu Sanjie Mountain Songs in Liuzhou Caidiao Opera 1 序歌: 柳州有个鱼峰山, 山下有个小龙潭, 终年四季歌不断, 歌仙美名天下传。 Prelude: In the vicinity of the Liuzhou city, there are two famed retreats, Fish Peak Hill and Little Dragon Pond which draw droves of visitors. Each year to pay homage to a Goddess of Singing, Held in the highest esteem and deepest veneration. 2 刘三姐: 柳江河水浪滔滔, 三姐坐藤水上漂, 急水滩头唱一句, 风平浪静姐逍遥。 Third Sister: Waves tumble and swirl, Third Sister drifts along on a makeshift raft of vines, On occasion I sing out to steer clear of some rapids, To calm down while savoring the scenic beauty on both banks. 3 老渔翁: 金鸡听见金鸡叫, 凤凰听见凤凰啼, 哪个歌声这样美, 唱哑我这老画眉。 Old Fisherman: Golden cock crow far and wide, Phoenixes are calling out presaging the arrival of a rare guest from afar. A veteran singer, I am totally bewitched, By what I have heard on the river. 4 刘三姐: 风平浪静姐逍遥, 河里鱼虾都来朝, 树上鸟儿都来拜, 都来要姐把歌教。 Third Sister: Barely recovered from my fright, I find waters less turbulent, Whence fish and prawn swarm up to pay their respects, Birds flock circling overhead saluting me with eyes, So that they could take some music lessons with me. 5 刘三姐: 财主越怕我越唱, 口口声声唱不停, 唱尽人间不平事, 唱到黑夜太阳明。 Third Sister: The more the wicked become apprehensive of my songs, The more I will keep singing them out. I can’t bear to see so much grief and human suffering around; Such is my tender but modest complaint. 6 刘三姐: 有缘有缘真有缘, 漂江遇着打鱼船; 老渔翁: 接得三姐我家住, 龙潭村边把歌传。 Third Sister: Karma turns up that I have at last encountered a fishing boat, Whereupon there must be strangers willing to bail me out. Old Fisherman: I am only too willing to entertain an angel, Accommodating her so that she will teach us some songs. 7 兰芬: 小龙潭水清悠悠, 成群鱼儿水中游, 妹摆衣裳鱼摆尾, 妹唱山歌鱼抬头。 Lanfen: Crystal clear is the Little Dragon Pool, Wherein fish swarm and swim leisurely, Keeping company while I am washing clothes, Fish thrilling and nodding in glee. 8 李小牛: 今天打鱼闯着鬼, 打得一只癞头龟, 送给财主当鱼税, 养在灶脚好扒灰。 Li Xiaoniu: No sooner have I cast my net than I have drawn in a turtle! Bad omen indeed! There is a better purpose served, a good idea entertained, That I will give it out to the local tyrant, So that he would be a cuckold. 9 李小牛: 屙屎下塘气死狗, 青草烧灰气死牛, 河里打鱼潭里放, 气得老猫眼泪流。 Li Xiaoniu: Dogs fume as the pond becomes somebody’s urinal; Cattle herd have been enraged because his favorite grass is burned into ashes; Fish caught with so much ado is set alive. Such senseless acts even make old cats exasperate. 10 李小牛: 打铁不怕火星飙, 唱歌不怕杀人刀, 三姐唱倒阎王殿, 我敢唱断奈何桥。 Li Xiaoniu: Blacksmith strikes iron despite sparks flying in the air; Singers are not deterred by a ban lifted on music. Sanjie’s singing echoes across the upper and lower regions, While all the persecutors and villains are destined for oblivion. 11 刘三姐: 柳江河水弯又长, 不是莫家养鱼塘, 河里鱼虾众人有, 强收鱼税太荒唐。 Third Sister: Long and bountiful flows the Liujiang River; Heaven frowns upon any attempt to seize it for private end. Fish and prawn are common prey up for the catching; A tax levied upon harvesting is out of the question. 12 刘三姐: 大路不平旁人踩, 情理不合众人抬, 扁担不直用刀砍, 眼见不平口就开。 Third Sister: When a road is rough, we tread it. We reason with somebody who defies reasoning. A crooked carrying pole must be pared to size. Popular grievances make perfect themes for singing. 13 刘三姐: 上山有棍打得蛇, 下河有网捉得鳖; 有理敢把皇帝骂, 管你老爷不老爷! Third Sister: Slay a serpent with a staff, Catch a turtle when you have a net to cast. Curse the Emperor as he misrules the country. Justice we trust and fight for, come what may. 14 刘三姐: 覃家财主要我死, 河里鱼虾要我活, 河里鱼虾把我救, 要我四海去传歌。 Third Sister: The vicious lord means me the ultimate harm, While fish and prawns come to my rescue. I owe my life to these good-hearted creatures, So that I can spread songs to the end of the world. 15 老渔翁: 不怕风卷千层浪, 我敢撑船漂大洋, 千层恶浪我不怕, 留下三姐又何妨! Old Fisherman: Stormy rivers and mighty torrents occur in my career, An experienced boatman readily sets out ocean-going. Surviving so many shipwrecks, braving so many rough currents, I will harbor this special fugitive with utmost honor. 16 李小牛: 龙潭村边树木多, 树高引得凤凰落, 留得三姐村中住, 鱼也多来歌也多。 Li Xiaoniu: Dragon Pool Village abounds in woods. Tall trees exert a pull on phoenixes to alight. Sanjie should be well accommodated with care utmost, So that the well-being of all the villagers be ensured. 17 众: 年年中秋是歌节, 木叶歌声满山间, 木叶吹得山也笑, 歌声唱得月更圆。 Crowd: Each year, Singing Festival falls on Mid-Autumn, Filling every nook and cranny of the village with sweet melodies, Amid reed flute being played to the merriment of hills, And the full moon beams up in the starry sky. 18 兰芬: 相思树上画眉叫, 等哥不到妹心焦, 眼中流出相思泪, 汗巾抹烂好几条。 Lanfen: A wood thrush is warbling from the branch. You have kept me waiting for so long, my lad, In tears and ever-heightened anxiety, That I have run out of handkerchiefs for a better view. 19 亚木: 石崖顶上兰花开, 半夜想妹半夜来, 老虎走先我走后, 脚踩南蛇当草鞋。 Yamu: Orchid blooms at the peak top. I will meet my girl even in the dead of night, At a rendezvous haunted by tigers and snakes, With hardly any human trace, super good for lovers hating being spied on. 20 李小牛: 引妹唱, 清潭起浪引鱼来, 花开引得蝴蝶到, 哪个敢上唱歌台? Li Xiaoniu: I will take the lead. Fish swarm into a rippling pond; Butterflies flock to the flowers in blossom. Let me introduce Sanjie to the audience.

刘三姐歌谣英译与演唱(汉英对照) 作者简介

