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作者:Cyril J. Weir
开本: 其他 页数: 352
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语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库升级版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521329742
  • 条形码:9787521329742 ; 978-7-5213-2974-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库升级版) 本书特色

适读人群 :学生,教师“当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”(升级版)是主要面向高校英语专业高年级本科生、研究生及英语教师的一套大型、开放的系列丛书。本升级版或保留原有经典图书品种,或继之以经典图书的新版,或引进国外语言学与应用语言学领域的新锐力作以进一步拓展学科领域,希望它能继续对我国语言学教学与研究和外语教学与研究起到积极的推动作用。 《语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法》吸收了效度研究的成果,提出了基于证据的效度验证的理论框架,并列举了大量研究实例,堪称语言测试效度理论与实践的里程碑之作。本书是对语言效度问题感兴趣的读者不可错过的一本好书。

语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库升级版) 内容简介


语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库升级版) 目录

General Editors' Preface xxx
Acknowledgements xxxi
Abbreviations xxxii
Introduction 1
Part 1 Testing as Validity 3
1 Language Testing Past and Present 5
1.1 The Cambridge Proficiency Examination 1913-1945:
'The Garden of Eden', 'the pre-scientific era' 5
1.2 Developments in the 1960s: the move towards a
language-based examination 7
1.3 The 1975 and 1984 revisions: 'The Promised Land? 8
2 The Nature of Test Validity 11
3 Before the Test Event: A Priori Validity Evidence 17
3.1 Theory-based validity 17
3.2 Context validity 19
4 After the Test Event: A Posteriori Validity Evidence 22
4.1 Scoring validity 22
4.2 Criterion-related validity 35
4.3 Consequential validity 37
Part 2 New Frameworks for Developing and Validating
Tests of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing 41
Introduction 43
5 Test Takers 51
5.1 Physical/physiological characteristics:
making accommodations 52
5.2 Psychological characteristics: affective schemata 53
5.3 Experiential characteristics: familiarity 54
6 Context Validity in Action 56
6.1 Task setting 57
6.2 Task demands 68
6.3 Setting and test administration 82
7 Theory-based Validity in Action 85
7.1 Reading 87
7.2 Listening 95
7.3 Speaking 102
7.4 Writing 108
8 Response Formats 119
8.1 Techniques for testing reading comprehension 119
8.2 Techniques for testing listening comprehension 132
8.3 Techniques for testing speaking 143
8.4 Techniques for testing written production 161
9 Scoring Validity in Action 177
9.1 Scoring written production 179
9.2 Scoring speaking tests 191
9.3 Internal reliability of receptive tests 201
9.4 Scores, grading and post-exam validation
procedures 205
10 External Validities in Action 207
10.1 Criterion-related validity 207
10.2 Consequential validity 210
Part 3 Generating Validity Evidence 217
Introduction 219
11 Research Methodologies for Exploring the
Validity of a Test 221
11.1 An introductory note on research 221
11.2 A priori validation: investigating the specification of the construct and the
operationalization of the test 222
11.3 Establishing context validity 224
11.4 Establishing theory-based validity evidence 233
11.5 Establishing scoring validity evidence 247
11.6 Establishing evidence on a posteriori validities 259
Part 4 Further Resources in Language Testing 271
12 Key Sources 273
12.1 Books 273
12.2 Journals 274
12.3 Professional associations 275
12.4 Principal testing conferences 276
12.5 Email lists and bulletin boards 277
12.6 Internet sites 277
12.7 Databases 280
12.8 Statistical packages 280
Postscript 283
References 285
Index 299

语言测试与效度验证:基于证据的研究方法(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库升级版) 作者简介

西里尔·J. 韦尔(Cyril J. Weir):世界知名语言测试专家,曾任教于英国贝德福特大学,并担任英语学习与评估研究中心主任。他还曾在兰卡斯特大学、雷丁大学等大学任教。在上海交通大学任客座教授期间,指导过我国大学英语四、六级考试(CET)和英语专业四、八级考试(TEM)的设计开发和研究工作。
