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应用化学专业英语(第二版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511464477
  • 条形码:9787511464477 ; 978-7-5114-6447-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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应用化学专业英语(第二版) 本书特色

高等学校理工科本科《大学英语教学大纲》规定,专业英语是大学英语教学中一个不可缺少的组成部分,是继大学英语之后为提高大学生英文文献的读写能力而开设的一门专业必修课,通过本课程的学习,可以增加学生对专业英语词汇、语法和结构的了解与掌握。 本书信息涵盖面大,既包括化学基本知识、基本理论,又重点编排了精细化工、油田化学和石油化学等专业方向的英文科技书籍文献,能够反映石油、石化行业发展趋势,并初步涉及了英文写作方法。内容选自近年来国外原版的教学用书及学术论文,有较强的系统性和完整性,内容编排由浅入深,符合教学规律,能够体现现代科技英语的篇章结构特点和词汇特点。

应用化学专业英语(第二版) 内容简介


应用化学专业英语(第二版) 目录

Unit 1 Foundations of Chemistry ( 1 ) 1.1 The History of Inorganic Chemistry ( 1 ) 1.2 The Structure of an Atom and Distribution of Electrons ( 4 ) 1.3 Ionic Covalent and Polar Bonds ( 8 ) 1.4 Hybridization Theory ( 12 ) 1.5 Acids and Bases ( 16 ) 1.6 Laws of Thermodynamics ( 20 ) 1.7 Coordination Chemistry ( 25 ) 1.8 Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry ( 29 ) Unit 2 Fine Chemistry ( 41 ) 2.1 Introduction of Fine Chemicals ( 41 ) 2.2 Dyes and Pigments ( 45 ) 2.3 Food Additives ( 49 ) 2.4 Equipment and Unit Operation ( 53 ) 2.5 Processes in Fine Chemical Industry ( 57 ) 2.6 The Technologies of Traditional Chemical Synthesis ( 61 ) 2.7 Synthesis of Sulfanilamide from Nitrobenzene ( 65 ) Unit 3 Polymer Chemistry ( 71 ) 3.1 Introduction of Polymers ( 71 ) 3.2 Repeat Units and Degree of Polymerization ( 75 ) 3.3 Free ̄radical Chain Polymerization ( 77 ) 3.4 Absorbable/ Biodegradable Polymers ( 81 ) 3.5 Polyethylene ( 86 ) 3.6 Hydrophobically Associating Acrylamide Polymer ( 90 ) 3.7 Additives in Polymers ( 95 ) 3.8 Dendrimer: a Review (100) Unit 4 Surfactant Chemistry (107) 4.1 History and Applications of Surfactants (107) 4.2 Micelles and Critical Micelle Concentration (111) 4.3 Hydrophile—Lipophile Balance (114) 4.4 Emulsion (118) 4.5 Surfactant Hydrophobic Feedstocks u56256 .? (122) 4.6 Anionic Surfactants (127) 4.7 Cationic Surfactants (131) 4.8 Nonionic Surfactants (134) 4.9 Fluorinated Surfactants (138 ) 4.10 Gemini Surfactants (143) 4.11 Polymeric Surfactants (151) Unit 5 Oilfield Chemistry (157) 5.1 Drilling Muds (157) 5.2 Recovery (160) 5.3 Enhanced Oil Recovery (165) 5.4 Acid Stimulation (170) 5.5 Sand Control (175) 5.6 Crude Oil Emulsions (180) 5.7 Demulsifiers (185) 5.8 Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids (189) 5.9 Drag—Reducing Agents (192) Unit 6 Petroleum Chemistry (198) 6.1 Primary Raw Materials for Petrochemicals (198) 6.2 Composition and Classification of Crude Oils (202) 6.3 Properties of Crude Oils u56256 .? (206) 6.4 Petroleum Refining (209) 6.5 Petroleum Products (215) Unit 7 Modern Organic Synthesis in the Laboratory (223) 7.1 Laboratory Safety Guidelines (223) 7.2 Purification (228) 7.3 Characterization (233) 7.4 Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) (238) 7.5 Ferrocene[Bis(cyclopentadienyl)]Iron (241) Unit 8 Scientific Paper and Literature (245) 8.1 How to Read a Scientific Paper (245) 8.2 Writing a Paper (252) 8.3 Reading Material (256) Appendix Ⅰ Common Chemical Glassware Names (283) 附录1 常见玻璃仪器名称 (283) Appendix Ⅱ Common Chemical Abbreviation (284) 附录2 化学常见缩略语 (284) Appendix Ⅲ Common Chemical Prefix and Suffix (287) 附录3 化学专业英语词汇常用前后缀 (287) References (290)

应用化学专业英语(第二版) 作者简介

  李杰,男,汉族,党员,1970年12月出生,毕业于东北石油大学油气田开发工程专业,获工学博士学位。现任东北石油大学化学化工学院副教授,硕士生导师,应用化学系主任。主要从事新型表面活性剂设计合成及应用研究,油田化学剂的设计合成及现场应用。参加国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,参加省部级课题5项,主持或参加大庆油田横向课题30余项。在Journal of Surfactants and Detergents、RSC Advances、Journal of dispersion science and technology、化工进展等国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,其中被SCI、EI收录10余篇,授权国家发明5项,获省部级及市级各类奖项10余项。是RSC Advances、化工进展、福建师范大学学报等刊物审稿人,指导硕士研究生19人。
