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中国科学院生物标本馆 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030686886
  • 条形码:9787030686886 ; 978-7-03-068688-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国科学院生物标本馆 内容简介


中国科学院生物标本馆 目录


1 引言 2
2 经典分类与生物标本馆 4
2.1 现代生命科学中的经典分类 4
2.2 生物标本和标本馆 6
2.3 中国生物标本馆的发展历程 10
2.4 中国科学院生物标本馆的贡献 12
3 中国科学院生物标本馆现状 18
3.1 中国科学院生物标本馆概况 18
3.2 中国科学院生物标本收藏 18
3.3 中国科学院生物标本馆介绍 24
4 近年来工作进展和成果 124
4.1 战略生物资源收集和保藏 124
4.2 科研支撑 144
4.3 服务国家需求 192
4.4 科学教育 210
4.5 新技术的应用 234
5 生物标本馆的未来发展趋势 240
5.1 持续开展生物标本资源收集和国际合作,增加馆藏数量和范围 242
5.2 推进标本信息数字化,深入挖掘资源价值 242
5.3 加强对已有资源的整合,统一管理 242
5.4 生物标本馆运行模式的改变 244
主要参考文献 246
1 Introduction 2
2 Classical taxonomy and biological collections 4
2.1 Classical taxonomy in modern life science 5
2.2 Biological specimen and collections 7
2.3 The development course of Chinese biological collections 11
2.4 The contribution of the biological collections of CAS 13
3 Current situation of Biological Collections of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 18
3.1 A survey of CAS biological collections 23
3.2 Biological specimen collection of Chinese Academy of Sciences 23
3.3 Introduction to the CAS biological collections 25
4 Progress and achievements in recent years 124
4.1 Collection and preservation of strategic biological resources 125
4.2 Scientific research supports 145
4.3 Serving national needs 193
4.4 Science education 209
4.5 Application of new technology 233
5 Future development trend of biological collections 240
5.1 Continue to collect biological specimen resources and international cooperation to increase the number and scope of the collections 241
5.2 Promote the digitization of specimen information and dig the value of resources 241
5.3 Strengthen the integration and unified management of existing resources 243
5.4 The change of operation mode of biological collections 243
References 246

中国科学院生物标本馆 节选

1 引言 Introduction 生物标本是自然界各种生物的*真实、*直接的表现形式和实物记录,是生物学研究领域的重要素材,在分类学、系统学、生态学等各个分支学科中都有着十分重要的地位。同时,生物标本在许多领域都为社会带来利益,包括生物安全、药物研发、公共卫生和安全、环境变化监测以及传统分类学和系统学研究等。 生物标本馆则是长久妥善保存这些记录的场馆,其建立的目的就是让生物标本的收藏范围不断扩大、保存时间不断延长,从而为科研提供多种多样的研究材料,为社会大众展示千姿百态的自然生命,为国民经济建设和国家生物安全提供资源保障。 中国的生物标本收藏与生物标本馆孕育于19世纪,起步于20世纪初,发展于中华人民共和国成立之后。其中*重要、保藏标本数量*多的是隶属于中国科学院系统的标本馆。 中国科学院生物标本馆是国家动物、植物、菌物、化石等标本保藏、研究和科学教育的重要实体,是全国生物标本集中保藏的*主要场所,在国家生物资源的保护与可持续利用中具有不可替代的重要作用。截至2019年底,中国科学院共有20个生物标本馆(博物馆),隶属于19个研究所,保藏各类生物标本共计2141.5万号,其中定名标本占一半以上,近一半标本完成了数字化工作。 自2014年以来,中国科学院生物标本馆取得了一系列可喜的成绩:在战略生物资源收集与保藏方面,配合国家重大研究计划,各馆开展针对性考察和采集,共组织国内或国际合作考察1400余次,采集标本317.3万号;在服务国家战略方面,标本馆参与国家重大战略、重大研究计划和国门生物安全建设,“十三五”以来各馆主持或者支撑的院内外项目共计491项,经费达5.7亿元,对科研工作发挥了巨大的支撑作用;在经典分类及生物物种资源研究方面,共鉴定标本103万余号,显著提升了馆藏水平,还支撑了5600余篇论文和230余部专著的发表,对中国生物物种资源研究发挥了重要作用;在公众教育与科普服务方面,共举办2000余场各类科普活动,受众达446万余人次,提供社会咨询服务1.8万余人次,发表科普著作80余部、科普文章700余篇,得到了社会各界的高度认可。 但与发达国家相比,我国在标本收藏、管理及可持续利用方面还有差距。未来将在中国科学院的领导下,建立中国科学院生物标本馆分类管理体系;依托国家科技资源共享服务平台,建设集生物标本收集、保藏、研究、支撑与科普为一体的国家生物标本资源共享服务平台;依托“国家动物标本资源库”和“国家植物标本资源库”,以标本收集、保存、鉴定、研究为主要内容,继续服务国家重大项目;针对“一带一路”国家、全球生物多样性热点地区,开展联合考察与研究、资源共享、人才培养等国际合作;加强标本馆自身能力建设,提升支撑科技创新能力,构建合理的人才队伍,确保体系的可持续发展。 The biological specimen is the most real and direct manifestation and physical record of all kinds of creatures in nature. It is an important material in the field of biological research, and plays an important role in taxonomy, systematics, ecology and other branches. At the same time, biological specimens bring benefits to society in many fields, including biosafety, drug research and development, public health and safety, environmental change monitoring and traditional taxonomic and systematic research. The biological collection is a long-term and proper venue for keeping these records. The purposes of its establishment are to make the collection of biological specimens continue to expand and the preservation time continue to extend, so as to provide a variety of research materials for scientific research, show a variety of natural lives for the public, and provide resource guarantee for national economic construction and national biosafety. China’s biological specimens and collections were conceived in the 19th century, started in the early 20th century, and developed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Among them, the most important and the largest number of specimens are the collections affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As an important entity of national animal, plant, fungus, fossil and other specimen preservation, research and scientific education, the biological collections of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are the most important place for centralized preservation of national biological specimens, which plays an irreplaceable role in the protection and sustainable utilization of national biological resources. By the end of 2019, there are 20 biological collections / museums under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, belonging to 19 institutes, and a total of 21.415 million biological specimens were preserved, more than half of which had been identified and nearly half of which had been digitized. Since 2014, the biological collections of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a series of gratifying achievements: In terms of strategic biological resources collection and preservation, in cooperation with the national major research plan, each collection has carried out targeted investigation and collection, organized more than 1,400 domestic and international cooperative investigations, collected 3.173 million specimens. In terms of serving the national strategy, the collections have participated in the major national strategy and research plan, and national biosafety construction, and since the 13th Five-Year Plan, there have been 491 internal and external projects presided over or supported by collections / museums, with a total funding of 570 million yuan, which has played a huge supporting role in scientific research. In terms of classical taxonomy and biological species resource research, more than 1.03 million specimens have been identified, which has significantly improved the collection level, supported more than 5,600 papers and more than 230 monographs and played an important role in China’s biological species resources research. In terms of public education and popular science services, more than 2,000 various popular science activities have been held, with an audience of more than 4.46 million people, providing social advisory services for more than 18,000 people, and more than 80 popular science works and 700 popular science articles were published, which have been highly recognized by the society. However, compared with developed countries, there is still a gap in specimen collection, management and sustainable utilization in China. In the future, under the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the classification management system will be established.
