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道路桥梁与交通工程专业英语 版权信息

道路桥梁与交通工程专业英语 内容简介

本书编写时充分吸收了**的科技成果,使用了大量的专业词汇,内容充实,编排合理。全书分五大部分,第1部分重点介绍土木工程(包括道路桥梁和建筑工程)和交通工程专业基础知识;第2部分介绍现代道路和桥梁工程专业知识;第3部分介绍交通工程专业方面的内容;第4部分介绍结构工程方面的内容;第5部分介绍专业英语的翻译技巧以及英文摘要和致谢词写作的基本知识;附录部分列举了道路桥梁工程和交通工程中常用的专业词汇。  本书可作为土木工程(包括交通工程和建筑工程方向)及交通工程专业英语教材,面向高等院校土木工程、道路桥梁与渡河工程专业、交通工程专业以及相近专业学生选用,也可供有关专业技术人员学习参考。

道路桥梁与交通工程专业英语 目录

前言 Part Ⅰ General Knowledge for Civil Engineering and Traffic Engineering Lesson 1 Soils and Its Properties Reading Material The Soil Mechanical Tests Lesson 2 Measuring Technology Reading Material Angle Measuring and Equipments Lesson 3 Engineering Geology Reading Material Hydrology and Hydraulics Lesson 4 Structural Materials Reading Material Concrete Lesson 5 Construction Contracts and Bid Process Reading Material Types of Construction Contracts and Bonds Lesson 6 The Highway Concept Reading Material Basic Conception of Subgrade and Pavement Lesson 7 Introduction of Structural Design Reading Material Structural Analysis Lesson 8 Traffic Engineering Basic Reading Material Highway Capacity Part Ⅱ Highway and Bridge Engineering Lesson 9 Highway Location Reading Material Highway Cross Section Lesson 10 Design of the Alignment Reading Material Computer Application in Highway Design Lesson 11 Freeways Reading Material Highway Subgrade Lesson 12 Pavement Structure Reading Material Pavement Design Lesson 13 Bituminous Surface Courses Reading Material Pavement Maintenance and Strengthening Lesson 14 Drainage for Roads and Airports Reading Material Surface Drainage and Computer Models Lesson 15 Road Construction Reading Material Subgrade and Pavement Construction Lesson 16 Bridge History and Types Reading Material Grade Separations and Interchanges Lesson 17 Girder Bridge Reading Material Construction Techniques Lesson 18 Arch Bridge Reading Material Structure of Arch Bridge Lesson 19 Suspension Bridge Reading Material Construction Key Point of Suspension Bridge Lesson 20 Cable- stayed Bridge Reading Material Hangzhou Bay Bridge Lesson 21 Substructure Reading Material Protection from Scour and Erosion Part Ⅲ Traffic Engineering Lesson 22 Traffic Engineering Reading Material The Evolution of Transport Lesson 23 Theoretical Relationship among Speed, Flow and Density Reading Material Evidence for Speed Flow Relationships Lesson 24 Capacity and Levels of Services Reading Material Capacity of Highway and Signalized Intersections Lesson 25 Traffic Survey Reading Material Transportation Movement Studies Lesson 26 Origin - Destination Studies Reading Material Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Lesson 27 Traffic and Land Use Reading Material Transportation and Land- Use Policy in the United States Lesson 28 Four-Step Planning Method Reading Material Transportation Planning Studies Lesson 29 Trip Distribution Reading Material Trip Generation Lesson 30 Traffic Assignment Reading Material Equilibrium Assignment Lesson 31 Traffic Management Reading Material Road Traffic Management Lesson 32 Public Transport Priority Reading Material Geometric Design Controls and Criteria Lesson 33 0ne--Way Street Reading Material Planning for One--Way Streets Lesson 34 Highway Safety Reading Material International Traffic Safety()rganizations and Safety Management Part 1V Structural Engineering(Expanding Study) Lesson 35 Philosophy of Structural Design Reading Material Structural Reliability Lesson 36 Concrete Placement Reading Material Concrete Formwork Lesson 37 High--Rise Buildings Reading Material Structural Type of High--Rise Buildings Lesson 38 Reinforced Concrete Structures Reading Material Reinforced Concrete Beams Lesson 39 Structural Steel Behavior Reading Material Development and Economical Design of Steel Structures Lesson 40 Steel Members Reading Material Sections of Steel Members Lesson 41 Loads on Building Structures Reading Material Earthquake Loads Lesson 42 Retaining Wall Reading Material Design and Types of Water Works Lesson 43 Foundation Construction Reading Material Solid and Partition Walling Lesson 44 Masonry Structures Reading Material Solid Floors and Timber Floors Part V 专业英语(EST)的翻译技巧 **节 绪论 第二节 专业英语翻译的基本方法 第三节 句子的翻译 …… 附录Ⅰ 课文注释 附录Ⅱ 道路桥梁与交通工程专业词汇 参考文献