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Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材

Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材

开本: 16开 页数: 124
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Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787112264148
  • 条形码:9787112264148 ; 978-7-112-26414-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材 内容简介

随着中国留学生教育的快速发展,土木工程专业招收留学生人数日益增多,工程测量是土木工程专业的一门必修课程。国外现成的英文教材依照国外规范,难以在中国应用。国内类似书籍较少,且大多针对中国学生双语教学编写,并不适合留学生的基础水平,且对中国文化宣扬不够。本书针对留学生情况,立足中国文化,介绍测量的基础知识和土木工领域的应用,可作为土木工程专业留学生教材,也可作为相关专业教材。第1章绪论,第2章水准测量,第3章角度测量,第4章距离测量与直线定向,第5章测量误差基本知识,第6章小地区控制测量,第7章 地形测量,第8章线路工程测量,第9章变形观测及竣工测量。

Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材 目录

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Surveying 1.1 Definition of surveying and its classification 1.2 Basic concepts of measurements 1.3 Basic work and principles of surveying 1.4 Conversion of sexagesimal units and radiants units 1.5 Exercises Chapter 2 Level Surveying 2.1 Concept of MSL 2.2 Theory of level surveying 2.3 Level instrument and its tools 2.4 The using of level instrument 2.5 Field level surveying 2.6 Data processing of leveling surveying 2.7 Error sources of level surveying 2.8 Tacheometry 2.9 Elevation control surveying 2.10 Exercises Chapter 3 Angle Surveying 3.1 Principle of angle surveying 3.2 Theodolite 3.3 Reading systems 3.4 Theodolite operation 3.5 Horizontal angle surveying 3.6 Vertical angle surveying 3.7 Error sources of angle surveying 3.8 Exercises Chapter 4 Distance Surveying and Line Orientation 4.1 Distance surveying 4.2 Error sources of distance surveying 4.3 Total station and its operation 4.4 Line orientation 4.5 Plane rectangular coordinates 4.6 Exercises Chapter 5 Traverse Surveying 5.1 Traverse 5.2 Types of traverse 5.3 Reconnaissance 5.4 Computation of polygonal traverse 5.5 Link traverse adjustment 5.6 Exercises Chapter 6 Error Theory and Accuracy Evaluation 6.1 Basic concept of errors 6.2 Indicators of measure accuracy 6.3 Determination of weight 6.4 Combination of errors 6.5 Most probable value and accuracy evaluation 6.6 Exercises Chapter 7 Setting Out 7.1 Setting out of horizontal distance, horizontal angle and elevation 7.2 A method for determining the plane position of a point

Engineering Surveying工程测量/高等学校土建类专业英文系列教材 作者简介

