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高中英语思辨阅读与写作1 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787572010590
  • 条形码:9787572010590 ; 978-7-5720-1059-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

高中英语思辨阅读与写作1 本书特色

适读人群 :高中一年级至三年级学生聚焦英语非虚构类文本 聚焦思辨阅读和议论文写作 提升核心学术语言能力 提升议论文写作能力

高中英语思辨阅读与写作1 内容简介

《高中英语思辨阅读与写作 1》聚焦非虚构类英语语篇的思辨阅读和英语议论文写作。本书共有8个单元,涉及8个与学生生活学习相关的,与新课标主题语境相符的话题。每个单元的阅读板块精选话题抽象、论证严谨、语言精练的外刊非虚构类语篇,并依据“核**术语言能力”具象化为四个维度的阅读理解能力,即词句理解能力、语篇理解能力、内容理解能力和元语言能力来设计阅读练习。写作板块围绕“思辨—写作”设计多样的思维及语言训练活动,在读写互动中培养学生的语言能力和思辨能力,发展学生的英语学科核心素养。

高中英语思辨阅读与写作1 目录

Unit 1 Can roommates influence your grades? Section 1: Reading comprehension Roommates and school grades Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 1: Finding a topic Writing step 2: Thinking about purposes and audiences Section 3: Essay writing Unit 2 is gender difference real? Section 1: Reading comprehension Gender, brain function, and STEM performance Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 3: Developing a thesis Section 3: Essay writing Unit 3 Do you remember? Section 1: Reading comprehension What your oldest memories reveal about you Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 4: Organizing your ideas Section 3: Essay writing Unit 4 Will smartphones ruin your friendship? Section 1: Reading comprehension Smartphones and the relationships between young adults Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 5: Collecting evidence Section 3: Essay writing Unit 5 How to end a relationship? Section I: Reading comprehension Is "ghosting" a good way to end a relationship? Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 6: Anticipating objections Section 3: Essay writing Unit 6 Should you help? Section 1: Reading comprehension Babies' signs of altruism Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 7: Writing an introduction Section 3: Essay writing Unit 7 How to spend the recess time? Section 1: Reading comprehension Boys who sit still have a harder time learning to read Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 8: Revising your draft Section 3: Essay writing Unit 8 How to handle changes? Section 1 : Reading comprehension Meet the new boss Section 2: Critical thinking and writing Writing step 9: Proofreading Section 3: Essay writing 答案解析

高中英语思辨阅读与写作1 作者简介

秦文娟,哈佛大学教育学博士,复旦大学外文学院助理教授,硕士生导师,英文系副主任。主要研究方向为教育语言学、儿童语言发展、语言能力测试等。2019年入选上海市浦江人才计划,主持教育部人文社科青年基金项目《青少年学术语言核心能力理论框架及其测评体系研究》。研究成果发表在Journal of Second Language Writing、Journal of Pragmatics、Reading and Writing、《外语界》等国内外权威学术期刊。致力于将自己的理论研究成果应用于提升国内学校语言教学的实践之中,并受邀担任上海教育出版社“英语学科核心素养发展丛书” 编委会(高中学段)编委。
