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眼科学=Ophthalmology 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564575137
  • 条形码:9787564575137 ; 978-7-5645-7513-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

眼科学=Ophthalmology 内容简介


眼科学=Ophthalmology 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The scope and status of ophthalmology in medicine
1.2 A brief history of the deve].opment of ophthalmology
I.3 The importance of the study of ophthalmology

Chapter 2 The basis of ophthalmology
2.1 Histology and anatomy of the eye
2.2 Embryonic development of the eye
2.3 Biochemistry and metabolism
2.4 Ophthalmic genetics
2.5 Ocular therapeutics
2.6 Ophthalmic epidemiology

Chapter 3 Ophthalmologic examinations
3.1 Ocular history and common ocular symptoms
3.2 Visual function test
3.3 Ocular examination

Chapter 4 Eye lids diseases
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Eyelid inflammation
4.3 Eyelid tumor
4.4 Abnormalities of eyelid position and function
4.5 Epicanthus
4.6 Congenital blepharophimosis syndrome
4.7 Distichiasis
4.8 Madarosis

Chapter 5 Lacrimal apparatus diseases
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Disorders of the secretory system
5.3 Disorders of the drainage system

Chapter 6 Ocular surface disease
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Ocular surface disease
6.3 Dry eye disease
6.4 Meibomian gland dysfunction

Chapter 7 Conjunctival disease
7.1 Overview
7.2 Clinical features of conjunctivitis
7.3 Bacterial conjunctivitis
7.4 Viral conjunctivitis
7.5 Chlamydial conjunctivitis
7.6 Immunologic conjunctivitis
7.7 Conjunctival neoplasms
7.8 Other conjunctival diseases

Chapter 8 Corneal diseases
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Corneal inflammation
8.3 Corneal degeneratiorr and dystrophies
8.4 Keratomalacia
8.5 Congenital anomalies of the cornea
8.6 Corneal tumor
8.7 Contact lens caused complications

Chapter 9 Scleral disease
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Inflammations of the sclera
9.3 Blue sclera
9.4 Staphyloma

Chapter 10 Lens
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Cataract
10.3 Ectopia lentis
10.4 Congenital anomalies of the lens

Chapter 11 Glaucoma
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Primary glaucoma
11.3 Ocular hypertension
11.4 Secondary glaucoma
11.5 Congenital glaucoma or developmental glaucoma

Chapter 12 Diseases of the uveal tract
12.1 Uveitis
12.2 Common uveitis entities
12.3 Cysts and tumors of the uveal tract
12.4 Congenital abnormalities of the uveal tract

Chapter 13 The disease of vitreous body
13.1 Anatomy and physiology of vitreous body
13.2 Age-related changes in vitreous body
13.3 Vitreous hemorrhage
13.4 Other vitreous disease
13.5 Vitreous surgery

Chapter 14 Retinal diseases
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Retinal vascular disease
14.3 Macular disease
14.4 Retinal detachment
14.5 Retinitis pigrnentosa
14.6 Retinoblastoma

Chapter 15 Neuro-ophthalmology
15.1 Optic nerve anatomy
15.2 Optic neuritis
15.3 Ischemie optic neuropathy
15.4 Other optic neuropathy (Hereditary & nutritional & toxic & compressive optic neuropathy)
15.5 Papilledema and idiopathic intraeranial hypertension
15.6 Optic nerve tumors
15.7 Congenital disc anomaly
15.8 Optic chiasmal disorders
15.9 Retrochiasmal visual pathway disorders
15.10 Other brain disorders
15.11 Non organic (functional) visual loss
15.12 Ocular motility disorders (Paralytic strabismus)
15.13 Pupil abnormalities

Chapter 16 Refractive errors
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Optics and the eye
16.3 Refractive errors
16.4 Refraction testing
16.5 The correction of refractive error

Chapter 17 Strabismus and amblyopia
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Extraoeular muscles and ocular movement
17.3 Binocular vision and pathophysiologieal changes of strabismus
17.4 Clinical examinations of strabismus
17.5 Principles of therapy of strabismus
17.6 Strabismus systematics
17.7 Amblyopia
17.8 Nystagmus

Chapter 18 Orbital diseases
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Orbital inflammatory disorders
18.3 Orbital tumors
18.4 Cystic lesion involving the orbit

Chapter 19 Ocular trauma
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Ocular blunt trauma
19.3 Penetrating ocular injury
19.4 Ocular foreign body injury
19.5 Trauma of ocular adnexa and opticnerve
19.6 Acid-base chemical injury
19.7 Other types of ocular trauma

Chapter 20 The ocular disease in systemic disease
20.1 Overview
20.2 Internal diseases with eye change
20.3 Ocular signs of surgical disorders
20.4 Ophthalmic manifestations of pediatric diseases
20.5 Ophthalmic manifestations of neurological and psychiatric diseases
20.6 Ophthalmic manifestations of pregnancy induced hypertension
20.7 Ophthalmic manifestations of stomatological disease
20.8 Eye manifestations of otolaryngologic diseases
20.9 Ocular manifestations of skin and sexually transmitted diseases
20.10 Ocular manifestations of inherited metabolic disorders
20.11 Autoimmune disorders with ocular manifestations
20.12 Drug-induced ocular disorders

Chapter 21 Prevention and treatment of blindness
21.1 Criteria for blindness and visual impairment
21.2 The world' s prevention and treatment of blindness
21.3 History and current status of prevention and treatment of blindness in China
21.4 Rehabilitation of blindness and low vision